You hate the Constitution, treat it like a joke, ignore it when you can and want to dump it in the trash heap.
This is the biggest bullshit statement made by a righty in a long time on this board. Lets talk about the left and right view of the constitution.
The left hates the second amendment, they pretend it was only intended to be a collective right even though they cannot EVER tell me the difference between the "people" in the second and the fourth amendments. They also have far to broad a view of the necessary and proper clause.
The right, on the other hand has screamed for years about the 4th amendment. They call it a technicality, they say that just because the police violated it does not mean that the evidence should excluded, even though there is no other remedy for an illegal search.
The right has until just recently fought like hell to do away with miranda, which ensures that a defendant KNOWS he has a right not to speak with the police.
The right also hates the 9th amendment, they hate the fact that it says that even though there are rights not enumerated in the constitution, we the people still have other rights, including privacy, which are constitutionally protected.
The right in this country has worked hard to limit free speech rights, it was the right that tried to prosecute someone for wearing a patch that said fuck the draft, the right that thinks sexual imagery is not protected expression and the right that has tried over and over again to limit freedom of expression ONLY to actually speech.
The right believes that freedom of religion applies to only the majority religions and it has been the right that has fought tirelessly to limit Jehova's Witnesses rights to NOT say the pledge of alliegence, to require that non-believers be subject to prayers at graduations, in class, and during state funded school sports activities. The right sees no problem with requiring non-believers to sit quietly while the rest of you use state funded bully pulpits to pray to your god only.
The ACLU, a liberal organization has been the ONLY organization to work overtime to insure that civil liberties are enjoyed by the minorities as well as the majority, hell it was ONLY the ACLU that fought for the American Nazi party's right to assemble and give their hate filled speeches.
Finally, it was conservatives that worked so hard to keep schools segregated. Don't go off on the fact that it was democrats in the south that were behind that because democrats in the south in the 40's and 50's that WERE the most conservative. It was the right wing hero Strom Thurmond that fought for segregation and ran for president on that platform. For most of the 20th century it was conservatives that fought civil liberties and civil rights at every turn.