Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Those are your words, correct?

THOSE stats...still waiting...and thanks for the neg rep and petty namecalling.

Calling me a dick for continuing to ask for proof is AWESOME and a SURE way for you to win this debate!

Is it just me, or are you particularily shrill today Zappatootie?

If'n I didn't know better, I would come right out and saying you're having a gen-u-ine meltdown right here before God and Country!

You're especially touchy today...

SM, you never cease to amuse me. You have spent most of this thread taking shots at people and responding to the most innocuous posts.

I see you ignored Soc's very relevant posts in favor of verbally slapping Zappa.


You've missed SM these last several hours, huh Solitary?

Now you will be all over him like a wet overcoat won'tcha?
Is it just me, or are you particularily shrill today Zappatootie?

If'n I didn't know better, I would come right out and saying you're having a gen-u-ine meltdown right here before God and Country!

You're especially touchy today...


Is it me or do you just drop into this thread occasionally to insult people? Nothing to do with the topic, just insults.

I guess you just helped Zappa win the debate.
You've missed SM these last several hours, huh Solitary?

Now you will be all over him like a wet overcoat won'tcha?

Aww, does it bother you that your hero has been abused in this thread?

You tried to insult me yesterday, but you didn't clarify what you meant.

Now you try again? Keep going and maybe I'll care sooner or later.
... 40 percent have had anal sex with a female....

First of all, 40% ain't "most".

Looking at Table 7 from your link, we see some trends that support my contention that perverts push shit:

40% more "formally married" then "currently married".
51-59% more whites than Hispanics/ Latina or blacks (These minorities tend to be more religious)

We see a similar, if not more pronounced, tendency with queer sex.
126% more "formally married" then "currently married".
94% more whites than Hispanics/ Latina

But most importantly this data reflects life-long experience, not current or usual practice. Many folk do perverted shit at one point in their lives only to realize later and correct themselves.
While hetero, children are having sex and creating progeny without the benefit of a "normal" lifestyle, which you seem to define by a marriage specifically between a man and a woman, (of course, this is becoming the norm and the oddity are the family that actually stays together nowadays.)

If they are heterosexual but otherwise unattached should they be allowed to procreate willy-nilly or should we make laws based on your dogma? Maybe subject them to testing and licensing?

Where do you draw the line? Should parents be allowed to divorce without cause? What cause would be good enough to take from the child that "normal" lifestyle you say they should have?

When it becomes "normal" to have children raised by different and random men who come into the life of the mother rather than what you call "normal" now, do you say we should outlaw heterosexual marriage immediately because it isn't "normal" any longer?

Don't be silly Damo. We're talking about adoption policy. Surely your not advocating that unmarried teenagers who fuck each other in cars because they live at their parent's homes should be able to adopt children. :palm:
I watch you insult all day. Are you claiming some kind of moral highground here Solitary?

I am not claiming anything. If I insult, it is part of the debate and trying to prod someone to respond. You just fly in and only insult.

Nice to know you watch me all day though. ;)
Don't be silly Damo. We're talking about adoption policy. Surely your not advocating that unmarried teenagers who fuck each other in cars because they live at their parent's homes should be able to adopt children. :palm:
My questions are more general. Do you think they should be allowed to have children? Maybe we should force them to give them up for adoption, if you want it to relate to adoption. The reality is what is "normal" is changing, however much you may dislike it.
My questions are more general. Do you think they should be allowed to have children? Maybe we should force them to give them up for adoption, if you want it to relate to adoption. The reality is what is "normal" is changing, however much you may dislike it.
Its not up to society to allow them to have sex, and sex is what creates children. You're just being silly.
I brought it up as part of my comment about how unimportant the sexual practices of the couple are where the parenting is concerned.
If your going to use your personal experience to defend your position in a discussion related to societal norms, then you should expect for someone to ask for details, ie: your proclivity for anal sex and the normality of your children.

I recall a picture Solitary and his children taken in a parking lot. They didn't look normal to me.
First of all, 40% ain't "most".

Looking at Table 7 from your link, we see some trends that support my contention that perverts push shit:

40% more "formally married" then "currently married".
51-59% more whites than Hispanics/ Latina or blacks (These minorities tend to be more religious)

We see a similar, if not more pronounced, tendency with queer sex.
126% more "formally married" then "currently married".
94% more whites than Hispanics/ Latina

But most importantly this data reflects life-long experience, not current or usual practice. Many folk do perverted shit at one point in their lives only to realize later and correct themselves.

In Table B on the same link, it shows the number of sexual partners in the last 12 months, for same sex only it is only 0.9, while for opposite sex only it is 17.6 for the all males ages 15-44. In other words, the straights were far more promiscuous.

Also, was there a section that showed oral or anal sex in the last 12 months as opposed to ever in their life?

Or is the "Many folk do perverted shit at one point in their lives only to realize later and correct themselves" just wishful thinking on your part?
In Table B on the same link, it shows the number of sexual partners in the last 12 months, for same sex only it is only 0.9, while for opposite sex only it is 17.6 for the all males ages 15-44. In other words, the straights were far more promiscuous...
No, it means that less than 1% are queer. :palm:
If your going to use your personal experience to defend your position in a discussion related to societal norms, then you should expect for someone to ask for details, ie: your proclivity for anal sex and the normality of your children.

I recall a picture Solitary and his children taken in a parking lot. They didn't look normal to me.

If I claim to have an active sex life, that is all the detail you should need. Your obsession with details of other people's sex lives is perverse.

You are the one making the claim that an intact family is better for the children. I am not making a claim that straights or gays are better.

I am making the claim that children should never be exposed to their parent's sexual activities, regardless of sexual orientation.

Are you making the claim that children should see their parents having sex?
You're falling off the ladder grabbing at straws now. Wow.

Was there a place in the linked article that showed whether they asked if oral or anal sex had been had in the last 12 months and over a lifetime?

I didn't see it, but I did not study the article.

Since you are acting as though I asked a stupid question, you must have seen data to support your theory?