Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Since my posts are not aimed to insult, these personal attacks on me can only mean I have soundly proven my points and the people who disagree have no real debate points left.

My work here is done. lol

Don't let the door hit'cha' where the dear lord went an' splitcha'.....!

Oh and.....

Eastwood's characters tend to be the loner who takes on the powerful and corrupt when lesser men look the other way. In spite of seemingly long odds he triumphs, but the outcome was never in doubt. He wins the admiration of fine women. :)
Eastwood's characters tend to be the loner who takes on the powerful and corrupt when lesser men look the other way. In spite of seemingly long odds he triumphs, but the outcome was never in doubt. He wins the admiration of fine women. :)

And you are one the guys protecting the powerful and corrupt as tradition.
Awww, she picked up SM's favorite hobby. Isn't that sweet.

Pssst, just a piece of friendly info, SM hates oral sex. ;) :cof1:

That last statement has no merit.
He has never said he hates it or even if he's tried it.
He's just said he's against it.

I can probably say and am probably correct, that he's never tried the Venus Butterfly method.
That last statement has no merit.
He has never said he hates it or even if he's tried it.
He's just said he's against it.

I can probably say and am probably correct, that he's never tried the Venus Butterfly method.

I stand corrected.
That was nasty, even for you. You should apologize to her. :pke:

She seems to be overly fond of you, so I thought I should warn her. Besides, I was shown to be inaccurate in what I said and admitted as much.

And considering the number of times you have told your opponents in these debates to get a room or something similar, I cannot see you taking any moral high ground.
Chivalry is dead, apparently, at least with queer enablers. Again, lack of morality shows unintended consequences. *shrug*
Chivalry is dead, apparently, at least with queer enablers. Again, lack of morality shows unintended consequences. *shrug*

Oh, so your comment that Soc and I should get a room was moral, and my comment that you dislike oral sex was not?

Again your standards defy logic.
I don't know why they changed it. But it is clear that the science does not support the idea that it is a disorder.

The factors that determined the decision of the APA to delete homosexuality from DSM-II were summarized as follows:

1. Gay activists had a profound influence on psychiatric thinking.
2. A sincere belief was held by liberal-minded and compassionate psychiatrists that listing homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder supported and reinforced prejudice against homosexuals. Removal of the term from the diagnostic manual was viewed as a humane, progressive act.
3. There was an acceptance of new criteria to define psychiatric conditions. Only those disorders that caused a patient to suffer or that resulted in adjustment problems were thought to be appropriate for inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

*preps for Solitary's attack on NARTH*