Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

You are saying that it is wrong if you do it at all because it is abnormal but define abnormality not on whether one does it at all, but based on the frequency.....
I've never said anything was wrong because it was abnormal. This shit is wrong because its unhealthy and unnatural, as well as sodomy, which is a sin. And licking assholes is what dogs do, and even they only do that to themselves, and to clean themselves, not for some sick fetish.
This is cool. Now I got him obsessed with analingus, I bet he would flip if he found out my wife does that to me also. Ooooops! Cats outta the bag now!
I've never said anything was wrong because it was abnormal. This shit is wrong because its unhealthy and unnatural, as well as sodomy, which is a sin. And licking assholes is what dogs do, and even they only do that to themselves, and to clean themselves, not for some sick fetish.

Do what? You certainly have been arguing that normalcy is an issue. You have several times before listed abnormal along with unhealthy, unnatural and immoral/sin as your reasons for objecting to homosexuality. You have been arguing just your point on normalcy for several hundred posts now. To claim otherwise is nothing but a lie.

Oral sex has been documented in several species of animals including primates. So much for unnatural.

It has already been pointed that there is no significant danger in anal sex. The small amount of injuries that do occur are primarily due to it being done wrong. So much for unhealthy.

All you have is your Bible. You should have some anal with it.
Oral Is Normal The normalization of oral sex.


Every day, thousands of parents sit down with their children to talk about the facts of life. They want their kids to know how babies are made, how serious sex is, and how they can protect themselves. For most of us, the topic is awkward enough without getting into advanced stuff. That's why the coverage of President Clinton's blow jobs felt like such a cultural assault. We just want to stick to the basics.

Well, you can kiss that era of innocence goodbye. I'm not talking about your kids' innocence. I'm talking about yours. For your information, Mom and Dad, oral sex is now more basic than vaginal sex. That may not be part of God's or nature's plan. But according to survey data, it's a fact of life.

The latest evidence comes from "Noncoital Sexual Activities Among Adolescents," a study published in the July issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health. The study analyzed the U.S. government's first survey of such practices, conducted in 2002 and released three years later. When the data first came out, I chided the media for ignoring the findings of widespread anal sex. Don't worry: I'll spare you that topic today. What's interesting in the new analysis is the correlation between oral and vaginal sex. If your kid is doing one, he or she is almost certainly doing the other.

The raw numbers indicate that 50 percent of teenagers aged 15 to 19 have had vaginal sex. Fifty-five percent have had heterosexual oral sex. Are kids substituting oral for vaginal? Nope. Among technical virgins—teens who have never had vaginal sex—23 percent have had oral sex. That number sounds high until you notice that among nonvirgins, the oral-sex figure is 87 percent. If your teenager has had "basic" sex without somebody's mouth being involved, congratulations. You're probably the only such household on your block.

The data on timing underscore this connection. Among teens whose first vaginal sex happened less than six months before the survey, 82 percent admit to oral sex. That figure barely increases for teens who began vaginal sex three years before the survey. In other words, teens lost their oral virginity at around the same time they lost their vaginal virginity. If you think your daughter is going to learn the basics now and the advanced stuff later, you've got another thing coming.

Look at the data for older adults, and you'll see similar patterns. At ages 20 to 24, the percentage who admit to oral sex trails the percentage who admit to vaginal sex by around five points. (A study of Georgia college students, published last year, produced similar numbers: 96 percent of those who had lost their vaginal virginity had also lost their oral virginity.) At ages 25 to 44, the gap is around eight points. If anything, these numbers understate the prevalence of oral sex, since they're based on self-reporting. The discomfort most of us feel around this topic surely affects some survey responses, even with guaranteed anonymity.

The near-disappearance of lifetime oral virginity makes sodomy laws fairly ridiculous. The percentage of Americans aged 25 to 44 who deny ever having had oral sex now barely exceeds the percentage who admit to same-sex activity. By empirical standards, if gay sex is deviant, so is chastity of the mouth. Indeed, there's some evidence that what's vanishing isn't oral abstinence—which perhaps never really existed—but stigma. That's the implication of a decadelong Australian college study, published three years ago, which showed a significant increase in female, but not male, admission of oral activity.

Every day, thousands of parents sit down with their children to talk about the facts of life. They want their kids to know how babies are made, how serious sex is, and how they can protect themselves. For most of us, the topic is awkward enough without getting into advanced stuff. That's why the coverage of President Clinton's blow jobs felt like such a cultural assault. We just want to stick to the basics.

Well, you can kiss that era of innocence goodbye. I'm not talking about your kids' innocence. I'm talking about yours. For your information, Mom and Dad, oral sex is now more basic than vaginal sex. That may not be part of God's or nature's plan. But according to survey data, it's a fact of life.

The latest evidence comes from "Noncoital Sexual Activities Among Adolescents," a study published in the July issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health. The study analyzed the U.S. government's first survey of such practices, conducted in 2002 and released three years later. When the data first came out, I chided the media for ignoring the findings of widespread anal sex. Don't worry: I'll spare you that topic today. What's interesting in the new analysis is the correlation between oral and vaginal sex. If your kid is doing one, he or she is almost certainly doing the other.

The raw numbers indicate that 50 percent of teenagers aged 15 to 19 have had vaginal sex. Fifty-five percent have had heterosexual oral sex. Are kids substituting oral for vaginal? Nope. Among technical virgins—teens who have never had vaginal sex—23 percent have had oral sex. That number sounds high until you notice that among nonvirgins, the oral-sex figure is 87 percent. If your teenager has had "basic" sex without somebody's mouth being involved, congratulations. You're probably the only such household on your block.

The data on timing underscore this connection. Among teens whose first vaginal sex happened less than six months before the survey, 82 percent admit to oral sex. That figure barely increases for teens who began vaginal sex three years before the survey. In other words, teens lost their oral virginity at around the same time they lost their vaginal virginity. If you think your daughter is going to learn the basics now and the advanced stuff later, you've got another thing coming.

Look at the data for older adults, and you'll see similar patterns. At ages 20 to 24, the percentage who admit to oral sex trails the percentage who admit to vaginal sex by around five points. (A study of Georgia college students, published last year, produced similar numbers: 96 percent of those who had lost their vaginal virginity had also lost their oral virginity.) At ages 25 to 44, the gap is around eight points. If anything, these numbers understate the prevalence of oral sex, since they're based on self-reporting. The discomfort most of us feel around this topic surely affects some survey responses, even with guaranteed anonymity.

The near-disappearance of lifetime oral virginity makes sodomy laws fairly ridiculous. The percentage of Americans aged 25 to 44 who deny ever having had oral sex now barely exceeds the percentage who admit to same-sex activity. By empirical standards, if gay sex is deviant, so is chastity of the mouth. Indeed, there's some evidence that what's vanishing isn't oral abstinence—which perhaps never really existed—but stigma. That's the implication of a decadelong Australian college study, published three years ago, which showed a significant increase in female, but not male, admission of oral activity.

Post 691 second sentence. LOL
Because queers lie about it, and call themselves normal, which they ain't.

We've established that you are sexually queer. What of it? If it is not relevant to arguments of whether we should deny you rights then whether you lie about it or admit you are a queer is not relevant either.
Anal is wrong if you do it at all. Abnormal is defined by statistics, a common term to describe a data set past two standard deviations. Again, those folks in the survey don't necessarily make a routine out of it like Soc does, so the data does not support your position. I can see that you don't want to admit that but I'll remind you of it anyway.

Statistics also show that driving a vehicle on a public road at 125 MPH is against the law and punishable; therefore you are a danger to the public.
This thread is awesome. It's like arguing with 6 year olds in Bizzaro World.

'We fuck each other up the ass. Heck we even lick assholes like dogs do and you don't so your abnormal. You sick freak'. :good4u:

"...lick assholes like dogs do..."

I don't remember his saying anything about him licking his own ass!! :palm:
This is cool. Now I got him obsessed with analingus, I bet he would flip if he found out my wife does that to me also. Ooooops! Cats outta the bag now!

I can see the headlines now.

Man dies while trying to use a melon baller on his own brain.
Just before dying he was overheard to have said: "I have to get these thoughts and images out of my head".
Do what? You certainly have been arguing that normalcy is an issue. You have several times before listed abnormal along with unhealthy, unnatural and immoral/sin as your reasons for objecting to homosexuality. You have been arguing just your point on normalcy for several hundred posts now. To claim otherwise is nothing but a lie.

Oral sex has been documented in several species of animals including primates. So much for unnatural.

It has already been pointed that there is no significant danger in anal sex. The small amount of injuries that do occur are primarily due to it being done wrong. So much for unhealthy.

All you have is your Bible. You should have some anal with it.

Vaginal damage can occur, if penetration is done incorrectly also.
We've established that you are sexually queer. What of it? If it is not relevant to arguments of whether we should deny you rights then whether you lie about it or admit you are a queer is not relevant either.
Queer means homosexual, so no, not quite. You're obviously insane.
Queer means homosexual, so no, not quite. You're obviously insane.

queer audio (kwîr) KEY

American Heritage Dictionary

queer·er, queer·est

1. Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.
2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric. See Synonyms at strange.
3. Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious.
4. Slang Fake; counterfeit.
5. Feeling slightly ill; queasy.
6. Offensive Slang Homosexual.
7. Usage Problem Of or relating to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgendered people.

Using number one, you sir are queer.
I've never said anything was wrong because it was abnormal. This shit is wrong because its unhealthy and unnatural, as well as sodomy, which is a sin. And licking assholes is what dogs do, and even they only do that to themselves, and to clean themselves, not for some sick fetish.

Since you're talking about sodomy being a sin, which you have said comes from the Bible, then you should have no problem in explaining the ponts brought up in this video.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvQqhkd--a0"]YouTube- West Wing- Dr Jenna Jacobs[/ame]
I wanna know the answers to those burning questions myself. Since Southernman is the expert on sin and such perhaps he could answer those questions that the Fictional Dr, based on Dr. Laura could not. Since he is a fan of the abomination of homosexuality perhaps he too is an expert on the answers asked there.
I wanna know the answers to those burning questions myself. Since Southernman is the expert on sin and such perhaps he could answer those questions that the Fictional Dr, based on Dr. Laura could not. Since he is a fan of the abomination of homosexuality perhaps he too is an expert on the answers asked there.

I've know a couple of people that I would like to punish, using Biblical Law.
Thsi could be a really cool start, to something helpful.