Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

queer audio (kwîr) KEY

American Heritage Dictionary

queer·er, queer·est

1. Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.
2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric. See Synonyms at strange.
3. Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious.
4. Slang Fake; counterfeit.
5. Feeling slightly ill; queasy.
6. Offensive Slang Homosexual.
7. Usage Problem Of or relating to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgendered people.

Using number one, you sir are queer.

You and your wife are both shit-lickers. :good4u:
You and your wife are both shit-lickers. :good4u:
No, here in New Mexico we have running water, soap and indoor plumbing, we stay pretty clean, I don't tongue her ass RIGHT AFTER she shits. But nice to see you are still obsessed with it. I bet you wife would go crazy if I tongued her ass, be the first time someone had a tongue that close to her her twat.
Great video!!!

I am waiting for the answers to those question too. But then, I am still waiting for an answer to a question I asked a page or two ago.

Don't hold your breath; because he backpedaled away from this so fast, that it melted the tire on his unicycle and he dropped the balls he was juggling.
and you can't stop blowing SM.

I love you too, Socster. Practically everything about you is perfect, but you see with SM, he's married, so I won't be blowing him.

I know that probably is a let down to you since you brought it up here and all. I do hate to let you down. No really. I do.

I promise I won't interfere with you. Heck Socster! You can blow whomever you like. I prefer to show my support with words. While I think your method is a tad bit odd, I say what ever blows your hat up, eh?

I guess being married doesn't bother you.
...I bet you[sic] wife would go crazy if I tongued her ass, be the first time someone had a tongue that close to her her[sic] twat.

My wife would be as disgusted at your grammar and speech as she would be with your disgusting sexual practices. I'll ask you nicely never to mention her in this context again, as I haven't introduced her into this conversation, so neither should you. :pke:

Why stop at ass licking yours? Why not go on to skat? Surely you can be more imaginative.
My wife would be as disgusted at your grammar and speech as she would be with your disgusting sexual practices. I'll ask you nicely never to mention her in this context again, as I haven't introduced her into this conversation, so neither should you. :pke:

Why stop at ass licking yours? Why not go on to skat? Surely you can be more imaginative.
I'll mention her whenever the fuck I want. You have no problem talking about other peoples wives etc. I bet your wife would LOVE me to lick her clit while I stuck one or two fingers in her ass. I bet she would go off like a fucking stick of dynomite. :blowup: What bothers you most is you think I might be right.
I'll mention her whenever the fuck I want. You have no problem talking about other peoples wives etc. I bet your wife would LOVE me to lick her clit while I stuck one or two fingers in her ass. I bet she would go off like a fucking stick of dynomite. What bothers you most is you think I might be right.
I mention your wife because you introduced her into the conversation, letting us all know that she licks your bung-hole.

You shall never mention my wife in any sexual context again. :pke:
I mention your wife because you introduced her into the conversation, letting us all know that she licks your bung-hole.

You shall never mention my wife in any sexual context again. :pke:
Maybe your WIFE would like to be in a 69 while I tongue her. She could play with my balls while blows me.
You have no balls, since you'd never say that to my face. :D
where down by the fuckin crick? You gonna put some directions under a bridge? Fight me down by the river? If you don't like it, come to Las Cruces NM. Get a hotel room tell me where you are at and I will give you simple easy to read directions and I will say it to your face. You are the one with the insulted honor? Come get satisfaction. Otherwise, STFU you Eastwood wanna be.

This is me ------->:1up:<-------SM's wife.
where down by the fuckin crick? You gonna put some directions under a bridge? Fight me down by the river? If you don't like it, come to Las Cruces NM. Get a hotel room tell me where you are at and I will give you simple easy to read directions and I will say it to your face. You are the one with the insulted honor? Come get satisfaction. Otherwise, STFU you Eastwood wanna be.

You pussy. You don't have the balls to say that shit to me in person, so you expect me to meet you in a hotel room in Shithole, New Mexico?

You're just like that pussy Topspin, thinking he can diss my family then expect me to fly down to see him about it.

Not only are you a shit-licking child abandoner, immature as all hell thinking that you can gross me out by describing disgusting sex acts on your own wife, but you don't have the balls to back up your attacks on mine.

You pussy. You don't have the balls to say that shit to me in person, so you expect me to meet you in a hotel room in Shithole, New Mexico?

You're just like that pussy Topspin, thinking he can diss my family then expect me to fly down to see him about it.

Not only are you a shit-licking child abandoner, immature as all hell thinking that you can gross me out by describing disgusting sex acts on your own wife, but you don't have the balls to back up your attacks on mine.

Like I said, you are the one with the offended honor. It is up to you to avenge that honor. You know where I am. I have not been offended, therefore I am not traveling to Cousinfuckerville North Carolina. Bring your second, I chose fists. Until then, shut the fuck up and quit trying to be the internet toughguy.

From the Urban Dictionary.

the internet tough guy is a commonly a individual on the internet who tends to post agressive and threatening posts a marked tendancy towards right wing opnions on pretty much everything. anyone who disagrees with his or on occasion her will usually face a incorherant terade of homosexual referances and direct threats of physical voilence. (despite the sheer implausability of them tracking someone down) irrational hatred of anyone differant or vaguegly left/humane/intelligent or willing to critisise them. Also staunch supposters of anything voilent or aggressive and anyone who isnt is a 'PUSSY LIBERAL FAG'.