Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Not your business, no, and yes. Your interest in my private sex life is queer though; more queer than the assertion that a smile emoton is an invitation to queer sex.

I have not asked you for details on your sex life. I have merely referenced those details you offered without solicitation from me. In contrast, you have solicited the information that you use to attack and insult others. Then you engage in pusillanimous whining when you get the same treatment.

You deny that you are sexually queer? It has been shown that your aversion to oral is not shared by an overwhelming majority. You are sexually abnormal or queer.

Didn't you claim to object to homosexuals lying about the fact that they are abnormal? Why is it okay for you to lie and deny your own queerness?

Frankly, I find no fault in your queer sexual behavior. But it is time for you to come out of the closet and own that label. Otherwise, your demand that homosexuals accept the label makes you a dishonest hypocrite and a queer.
Screw off, queer. I don't recall asking you for details on your sex life. If I have then you could show us where and I would bet it was only in response to you asking others for details.
You made the accusation, little man. It's not up to me to prove your punk ass wrong. :D
You made the accusation, little man. It's not up to me to prove your punk ass wrong. :D

No, you did. You made the claim that I am lying or that I asked you for details. You can't prove that claim so instead you display your stupidity by attempting to demand that I disprove your claim.

But, there's a Search button at the top. You can use it to find my posts. If you find something let us know and I will acknowledge my error. Otherwise, consider it my proof.
There are too many wannabe men on this board who are totally classless. They are nothing but pigs.

I love you too, Socster. Practically everything about you is perfect, but you see with SM, he's married, so I won't be blowing him.

I know that probably is a let down to you since you brought it up here and all. I do hate to let you down. No really. I do.

I promise I won't interfere with you. Heck Socster! You can blow whomever you like. I prefer to show my support with words. While I think your method is a tad bit odd, I say what ever blows your hat up, eh?

I guess being married doesn't bother you.
No, you did. You made the claim that I am lying or that I asked you for details. You can't prove that claim so instead you display your stupidity by attempting to demand that I disprove your claim.

But, there's a Search button at the top. You can use it to find my posts. If you find something let us know and I will acknowledge my error. Otherwise, consider it my proof.
Wrong, punk. You made an accusation and I called you on it. :pke:
I didn't threaten you. I just said your wife needs a good orgasm and I could give it to her.
I see you're using your moderator status to give yourself rep points when I take them away. Along with being a pansie and ass licker, you're also a cheater. :lol:
It looks like we have a new poster with a strange name. Perhaps another Topspin self-loathing troll? :)

But punk-ass RStringfield still fails to provide evidence in support of his baseless allegation about The Southern Man. :D
I didn't threaten you. I just said Nancy needs a good orgasm and I could give it to her.

Knock yourself out, pal. :palm:

But punk-ass RStringfield still fails to provide evidence in support of his baseless allegation about The Queer Boy. :D

Again, of what did I accuse you? I stated that I had not solicited you for details. You accused me of lying and like a child, refuse to offer any evidence in support of that accusation. I have accused you of nothing.

Go on claiming you are a victim of what, who knows.
Wow, another new poster with a strange name. Topspin must be busy today. :)

But punk-ass RStringfield still fails to provide evidence in support of his baseless allegation about The Southern Man. :D
Is it me, or does it seem that Southern Queer has a severe crucifixion complex? He is so quick to claim that he has been wronged he does not even bother to point out how anymore.
Who is this poster that you are talking to, RStrinfield ?

I've PMd you and Damo with my concern for you outing yourself. One can never be too careful. :palm:
Who is this poster that you are talking to, RStrinfield ?

I've PMd you and Damo with my concern for you outing yourself. One can never be too careful. :palm:

I have noted that I don't feel the need to hide behind some anonymous screen name. I do not appreciate your unwanted attention or the implied threat that any reasonable person would see in sharing that you have accessed my personal information.

I don't care to know any detail about you, and have not attempted to gather any information concerning you, without your consent. I have only referred to information you made available on this board. I would appreciate the same respect.

You are a hypocrite. You attack the family members of others and claim that yours are off limits. You throw around the word queer as an insult to others and in phrases like "queer enabler" then go off the deep end because someone points out that you are queer.

But, I will back off my claim that your wife is queer. All I have is your word for that and I have found little reason to accept that as truthful. I assume you would not lie about yourself and you are free to claim that you are sexually normal at anytime. Until then, I will assume that you have accurately described yourself as a queer.

I have noted that I don't feel the need to hide behind some anonymous screen name. I do not appreciate your unwanted attention or the implied threat that any reasonable person would see in sharing that you have accessed my personal information.

I don't care to know any detail about you, and have not attempted to gather any information concerning you, without your consent. I have only referred to information you made available on this board. I would appreciate the same respect.

You are a hypocrite. You attack the family members of others and claim that yours are off limits. You throw around the word queer as an insult to others and in phrases like "queer enabler" then go off the deep end because someone points out that you are queer.

But, I will back off my claim that your wife is queer. All I have is your word for that and I have found little reason to accept that as truthful. I assume you would not lie about yourself and you are free to claim that you are sexually normal at anytime. Until then, I will assume that you have accurately described yourself as a queer.


You're free to assume all you want, but I just think it's stupid to expose yourself like this. I didn't threaten you at all, all I did was tell you that you exposed yourself, and the only person I shared the information with is Damo, so he could see my genuine concern.

If you're going to call me names and attack my family for expressing my views that you don't agree with and besting you at debate, you're obviously going to do that to someone else at some point if you already haven't, and that person might take the offense more seriously.

So either grow up or change your screen name to something anonymous; take my advice or not.