Why God created Woman

I am a Christian. But I am also educated enough to be able to see that the bible we have today was translated and carefully edited to provide control over women and over the masses.

I suppose you can follow the bible and take it as a infallible and a literal "Word of God", but then you would have to believe that the world was flooded completely, the earth stopped rotating (and gravity didn't change), that a single man defeated an army with a scavenged bone, and that there was a physical place called Eden.

I believe God. It is the meddling of power-hungry men that I do not accept.
God created woman because we have diploid, not haploid chromosome pairs that come from female/male pairings. This is, of course, if you assume this God creature, like any intelligent creator would, used evolution to create man.
I am a Christian. But I am also educated enough to be able to see that the bible we have today was translated and carefully edited to provide control over women and over the masses.

I suppose you can follow the bible and take it as a infallible and a literal "Word of God", but then you would have to believe that the world was flooded completely, the earth stopped rotating (and gravity didn't change), that a single man defeated an army with a scavenged bone, and that there was a physical place called Eden.

I believe God. It is the meddling of power-hungry men that I do not accept.
Wouldn't it be more concise to just make the simple observation that conservative has shit for brains?
I am a Christian. But I am also educated enough to be able to see that the bible we have today was translated and carefully edited to provide control over women and over the masses.

I suppose you can follow the bible and take it as a infallible and a literal "Word of God", but then you would have to believe that the world was flooded completely, the earth stopped rotating (and gravity didn't change), that a single man defeated an army with a scavenged bone, and that there was a physical place called Eden.

I believe God. It is the meddling of power-hungry men that I do not accept.

it's the meddling of power-hungry men that have given you your very own understanding of god. It's all a farce. Join the revolution, free yourself from religious tyranny.
it's the meddling of power-hungry men that have given you your very own understanding of god. It's all a farce. Join the revolution, free yourself from religious tyranny.

I've been an agnostic, an atheist, a pagan, and a christian. I like where I am. Although I do miss the "skyclad" bonfires the pagans had.
God created woman because we have diploid, not haploid chromosome pairs that come from female/male pairings. This is, of course, if you assume this God creature, like any intelligent creator would, used evolution to create man.
Well you'll have to explain to me how ploidism is responsible for gender and how it is evidence of God having created women?
There is no 'why', and there is no 'plan'. Women exist because sexual reproduction was beneficial to the ancestor that first evolved this trait, and to all of the species that later branched off, including ours.
Well you'll have to explain to me how ploidism is responsible for gender and how it is evidence of God having created women?

Ploidism isn't responsible itself for gender, however the part about male/female pairs is. Basically, you can jack off, but your haploid sperm ain't creating people with the the other half of the diploid pair, which is in the ovoid. This gives the best possible chance to spread genomes without deadly results in mutations and is why all complex species, and even some rather non-complex species, have evolved to have this same diploid pairing.
Ploidism isn't responsible itself for gender, however the part about male/female pairs is. Basically, you can jack off, but your haploid sperm ain't creating people with the the other half of the diploid pair, which is in the ovoid. This gives the best possible chance to spread genomes without deadly results in mutations and is why all complex species, and even some rather non-complex species, have evolved to have this same diploid pairing.

God originally intended humanity to be cloned in labs by scientists.....but since the scientists stubbornly insisted on looking for life to spontaneously occur in ponds of organic chemicals, he had to create women instead........
God created Women to give us men heartburn, spend our money, and generally drive us either crazy, or broke. Sometimes BOTH!!!!

Btw, just joined, I enjoy a good debate....lets see how this goes.
Hey, this is perfectly reasonable, you liberal idiots just don't realize it. EVERYONE has their ROLE in GOD'S plan! The purpose of men, it just so happens, is to lead people, pursue the line of work they want, and to head the household. The purpose of women, on the other hand, is to do everything the man says, all the trivial shit he doesn't want to do, screw him any time he wants, and other menial tasks that involve minimal brainpower. Perhaps they get to be recorded in the history books if they contribute to a great man by doing this stuff, but otherwise, no, their job is to make babies, do busywork, and otherwise get out of the way while the men are talking. You see, it all evens out, doesn't it?
Ploidism isn't responsible itself for gender, however the part about male/female pairs is. Basically, you can jack off, but your haploid sperm ain't creating people with the the other half of the diploid pair, which is in the ovoid. This gives the best possible chance to spread genomes without deadly results in mutations and is why all complex species, and even some rather non-complex species, have evolved to have this same diploid pairing.
Actually the exact opposite is true. The recombination of haploid gametes into diploid zygotes assures that genetic variance (mutation) does occur and it also fulfills the second law of biological evolution. The law of variance/variation. In fact the best way to contribute genomes with out mutations is via a haploid reproductive process (though that risks other serious problems). Also you should keep in mind that though the meitic process of creating a diploid/polyploid number of chromsomes does assure a greater degree of variation and mutation within "a species" it is not universal. There are quite a few complex organisms who's chromosomal make up is haploid. So that comment is not factually correct. Not "all" complex species reproductive processes result in diploid/polyploid zygotes. Though most do.

This also beggars the question. What does any of this have to do with either gender or God?
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I am a Christian. But I am also educated enough to be able to see that the bible we have today was translated and carefully edited to provide control over women and over the masses.

I suppose you can follow the bible and take it as a infallible and a literal "Word of God", but then you would have to believe that the world was flooded completely, the earth stopped rotating (and gravity didn't change), that a single man defeated an army with a scavenged bone, and that there was a physical place called Eden.

I believe God. It is the meddling of power-hungry men that I do not accept.

Then you need to read 2 Timothy 3:16, you either take all of the Bible, or none of it.