Why Habitable Exoplanets Are Bad News

Extinction is common on Earth. Humans are the only survivors of the human simian branch. The difference there is as you mentioned: we have fossil evidence of the other lines. There is no evidence of non-LUCA lines. Still, an absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. If we could understand why inert materials became alive, it would help understand why LUCA is the survivor if it wasn't alone.

As for "being told", Galileo found out the hard way that "being told" one thing isn't always true.

Agreed on Occam's Razor. Life appears to be exceedingly rare in the Universe. It would be remarkable if life arose more than once on Earth.

Extinction of select species is common.

But the genetic heritage of LUCA lived on in the species that survive mass extinctions, and is passed down the evolutionary tree by speciation, and modification with descent.

I agree there is nothing wrong with speculating about long disappeared lines of biology.

The problem with Galileo is he only had a hypothesis which wasn't strong enough to overturn existing accepted hypotheses, and he couldn't explain away the absence of stellar parallax if his hypothesis was true. Also, since we didn't know about the laws of inertia until Newton, Galileo's hypothesis didn't make sense from a motion and mechanics point of view
Agreed on all points. This is where my curiosity is piqued; Why? Why would a person do such a thing?

A desire to impress.

I openly admit ignorance about topics I am not well versed in. I don't know jack sh*t about the stock market, macroeconomics, major league baseball, vintage automobiles.
(I am assuming you mean life. Your question does not have that a part of it.)

Not that I know of.

Are you suggesting that because of that...no one ever will?

Offer, if you will, the P1 and P2 of a syllogism with a C of:

Therefore no life exists anywhere else in the universe.

Love the oblique introduction of Aristotelian logic! :good4u:

You're right, there's no way to construct a deductive syllogism that rules out the possibility of alien life
Agreed. A 12-year-old knows how to use Google and can cut and paste the answers. What a 12-year-old is unlikely to do is discuss the topic with the maturity of a 40-year-old. The knowledge of a topic can be searched and posted, but a person's personality is much more difficult to fake.

In the example, a 40-year-old can act like a 12-year-old but not vice versa. Even if the 40-year-old wanted to keep acting like a 12-year-old, there'd be times when the true personality would leak through.

So far, I haven't seen the personality of a GeoChem PhD leak through Jank's personality, regardless of his Googling skills. If he does, indeed, hold a PhD, then it goes back to my first comments about him where he's suffering a mental illness, temporary or permanent, causing the discrepancy.

I know of no PhDs, 'geochem', or otherwise who made it a point to strut around an obscure message board bragging about their doctorate and brilliant research career.
A desire to impress.

I openly admit ignorance about topics I am not well versed in. I don't know jack sh*t about the stock market, macroeconomics, major league baseball, vintage automobiles.
Probably the simplest, most common cause since low self-esteem is seen in such people. FWIW, I think Jank is the more true personality and Perry is his wannabe. Sure, Jank knows how to google, but in discussions like this, it's important to know-what-to-Google.

In his case, Jank clearly has an interest in geology and chemistry. Maybe he came in the top tier of his HS science fair but couldn't cut or afford college. Playing a PhD online would be his way to "get what he deserves", to live out his fantasy while he works as the night manager of MacDonald's or 7-11. Not that there's anything wrong with honest work, just that a low self-esteem, but self-entitled person might feel such positions are far below their dreams. Look at TOP's insistence of being a teacher for another example.
I know of no PhDs, 'geochem', or otherwise who made it a point to strut around an obscure message board bragging about their doctorate and brilliant research career.

Agreed. It's both a distinct lack of maturity and indicator of low self-esteem. It's the intellectual version of the JPP members who keep challenging other members to physical fights.
Probably the simplest, most common cause since low self-esteem is seen in such people. FWIW, I think Jank is the more true personality and Perry is his wannabe. Sure, Jank knows how to google, but in discussions like this, it's important to know-what-to-Google.

In his case, Jank clearly has an interest in geology and chemistry. Maybe he came in the top tier of his HS science fair but couldn't cut or afford college. Playing a PhD online would be his way to "get what he deserves", to live out his fantasy while he works as the night manager of MacDonald's or 7-11. Not that there's anything wrong with honest work, just that a low self-esteem, but self-entitled person might feel such positions are far below their dreams. Look at TOP's insistence of being a teacher for another example.

Being interested in science is certainly better than being interested in crack cocaine.

I consider my threads a success because they draw the interest of Jank and cause him to frantically google for
tidbits of information on quantum mechanics, the Shroedinger-Heisenberg debate, time dilation, and special relativity. I'm actually causing Jank to do internet research projects.

I doubt you ever see Jank showing that much interest in threads by TDAK or Hawkeye10
The only "technical details" you've ever posted is from tidbits of scientific information you googled three minutes before posting it here without attribution.

You are, of course, wrong.

I'm not going to "debate" someone who frantically googles for tidbits of scientific information, and then rushes back here to post it without attribution

You don't debate anything. All you ever do is cite your references without comment or interpretations. That's because you aren't actually a scientist. You are an internet forum dweller who wants everyone to be impressed with your great knowledge. But you have none.

I am even beginning to doubt you are a geophysicist. A geophysicist would be able to discuss technical details.

I haven't seen you say ONE THING on here that belied anything more than a high school level geology knowledge. And your general science and philosophy knowledge seems pretty limited to just lists of names.
Agreed. It's both a distinct lack of maturity and indicator of low self-esteem. It's the intellectual version of the JPP members who keep challenging other members to physical fights.


It always happens when Cypress feels threatened that someone might see through his facade.

Watch. It happens ALL THE TIME.
I consider my threads a success because they draw the interest of Jank and cause him to frantically google for

ANd is that because that is what you do every time? Just go out and google? Because you NEVER talk about anything in detail. That is a big indicator.

I am relatively certain I know as much maybe even more geology than you.

LOL. That has got to sting. I'm not a geology major but you claim to have a degree in it. LOL.
I know of no PhDs, 'geochem', or otherwise who made it a point to strut around an obscure message board bragging about their doctorate and brilliant research career.

But you did so with your geophysics degree, didn't you? You made sure to tell people you were a geophysicist.

But you never post anything that indicates you even have a BS in geology. You don't seem to actually know anything in detail.
Agreed. It's both a distinct lack of maturity and indicator of low self-esteem. It's the intellectual version of the JPP members who keep challenging other members to physical fights.

Like you do? OK. Projection is strong with you, isn't it?

All you ever post are either:

1. Attacks on people
2. Support for Cypress
Being interested in science is certainly better than being interested in crack cocaine.

I consider my threads a success because they draw the interest of Jank and cause him to frantically google for
tidbits of information on quantum mechanics, the Shroedinger-Heisenberg debate, time dilation, and special relativity. I'm actually causing Jank to do internet research projects.

I doubt you ever see Jank showing that much interest in threads by TDAK or Hawkeye10

I have no doubt Jank learns from his frantic Googling, so good job there. OTOH, I think his "issues" are holding him back.

Agreed on his focus upon you. This reinforces the idea that he has low self-esteem. He knows TDAK and #10 are beneath him so he only attacks those who he thinks are better than himself.

In his own way, it's a sign of respect that he attacks you for your knowledge. It goes with the idea that there are two ways to get ahead in the world; be better than others or tear others down to below one's own level. Jank is using the latter method because he failed at the former one.

You are, of course, wrong.

You don't debate anything. All you ever do is cite your references without comment or interpretations. That's because you aren't actually a scientist. You are an internet forum dweller who wants everyone to be impressed with your great knowledge. But you have none.

I am even beginning to doubt you are a geophysicist. A geophysicist would be able to discuss technical details.

I haven't seen you say ONE THING on here that belied anything more than a high school level geology knowledge. And your general science and philosophy knowledge seems pretty limited to just lists of names.

It always happens when Cypress feels threatened that someone might see through his facade.

Watch. It happens ALL THE TIME.

ANd is that because that is what you do every time? Just go out and google? Because you NEVER talk about anything in detail. That is a big indicator.

I am relatively certain I know as much maybe even more geology than you.

LOL. That has got to sting. I'm not a geology major but you claim to have a degree in it. LOL.

But you did so with your geophysics degree, didn't you? You made sure to tell people you were a geophysicist.

But you never post anything that indicates you even have a BS in geology. You don't seem to actually know anything in detail.
Like you do? OK. Projection is strong with you, isn't it?

All you ever post are either:

1. Attacks on people
2. Support for Cypress
If you really believed that then you'd take me up on a wager the first time you claimed it.

The bet is still open; a 12B bet or a donation to JPP in the winner's name. Will you stand by your words and bet or will you tacitly confess to lying by running away from the bet....again?
But you did so with your geophysics degree, didn't you? You made sure to tell people you were a geophysicist.

But you never post anything that indicates you even have a BS in geology. You don't seem to actually know anything in detail.

I volunteered information about one of my careers because you asked me, dummy.

I have been registered here since 2006, and you can search my posts until the cows come home, but you will find very few posts I write about any educational or professional achievements I have attained.

You can ask any long-time poster here if I have a habitat of strutting around and bragging about any achievements I have in education or profession

Why would my personal life be interesting to complete strangers on an obscure message board, unless they are my friends?
If you really believed that then you'd take me up on a wager the first time you claimed it.

The bet is still open; a 12B bet or a donation to JPP in the winner's name. Will you stand by your words and bet or will you tacitly confess to lying by running away from the bet....again?

I don't gamble. And I don't play stupid games with anonymous people online. Sorry. I also don't know what a "12b bet" is, and care even less. That's why I ignored it initially.

If you want a bet why don't you bet your sock, Cypress, over which of the two of you is the smartest person on earth. It seems to be you exist on here solely to provide succor and aid to Cypress or to attack random people as well.

Both of you are clearly self-absorbed and way over-estimate your intellectual abilities.
I volunteered information about one of my careers because you asked, dummy.

Uh huh.

I have been registered here since 2006, and you can search my posts until the cows come home, but you will find very few posts I write about any educational or professional achievements I have attained.

Given your general lack of any real in-depth scientific knowledge I'd say it is probably best that way. You don't seem to really know much technical stuff in detail.

I mean, it's becoming quite obvious you have no real technical background. You just pick up a lot of books and memorize the authors' names and think you are somehow an intellectual.
I have no doubt Jank learns from his frantic Googling, so good job there. OTOH, I think his "issues" are holding him back.

Agreed on his focus upon you. This reinforces the idea that he has low self-esteem. He knows TDAK and #10 are beneath him so he only attacks those who he thinks are better than himself.

In his own way, it's a sign of respect that he attacks you for your knowledge. It goes with the idea that there are two ways to get ahead in the world; be better than others or tear others down to below one's own level. Jank is using the latter method because he failed at the former one.


More Doc Massaging Cypress Ego posting.

This is becoming kind of stomach churning at this point.

We get it, Cypress, you need someone ANYONE to validate you. So you had to make up Doc. And Doc NEVER FAILS.
I don't gamble.

And I don't play stupid games with anonymous people online. Sorry. I also don't know what a "12b bet" is, and care even less. That's why I ignored it initially.

If you want a bet why don't you bet your sock, Cypress, over which of the two of you is the smartest person on earth. It seems to be you exist on here solely to provide succor and aid to Cypress or to attack random people as well.

Both of you are clearly self-absorbed and way over-estimate your intellectual abilities.
It's not a gamble for me, Jank. It's a sure winning bet, son.

FYI, Perry, 12B is one of the few rules that is strictly enforced. A 12B bet would require the loser (you) to commit a 12B violation, essentially ensuring yourself a vacation...the duration of which is based upon the number of times you'd been previously busted for it. If you have never been busted for it before, it's usually just a warning, but the bet would require specific wording that would ensure you'd have a few days respite from JPP. LOL

If you were really what you claim to be, Perry, you'd know that there are different types of "smartest person". Cypress has his interests and knowledge, many of which are superior to mine, and I have a few of my own. Ergo, we'd have to pick a specific topic but we're too smart to make such a silly bet or, unlike you, to even suggest such an idea.

Why are you so jealous of others, Perry PhD? Haven't you claimed to be the smartest person on the forum?
More Doc Massaging Cypress Ego posting.

This is becoming kind of stomach churning at this point.

We get it, Cypress, you need someone ANYONE to validate you. So you had to make up Doc. And Doc NEVER FAILS.

I have had Doc Dutch on ignore for years. But the idea it is Cypress makes sense. Makes both (?) of them look pathetic.