Loyal to the end
Yes, let's study this very long and carefully before proceeding, er, half-cocked.
Yes, let's study this very long and carefully before proceeding, er, half-cocked.
No, they are not requiring you to treat them in any way. They are only requiring the gov't to give them the same benefits as all married couples.
I agree with that. I am arguing that gay marriage SHOULD be allowed. Until it is, gay couples shouldn't get the benefits.
Just exactly how is it that you "treat married people"?
Do you give them more respect than single people?
Do you offer them friendship more readily than you do single people?
Suppose Adam & Steve live in your neighborhood. They are gay, and they live together. Is anyone forcing you to accept that?
Suppose they get married. What changes in the way you treat them?
The answer is that nothing changes.
There are over 1400 legal rights given to a married couple that an unrecognized partnership does not offer.
by what right do you dictate to the rest of us that the choice of two men to engage in a relationship requires the rest of society to acknowledge it as normal?......if they choose to do something in the privacy of their own home, it's their private choice.....carrying that into the courthouse and demanding the rest of the world change because of it is not......
perhaps if you look at it in a strange and shallow manner....not if you actually stop and think about it, however.....
nope....because you would also be insisting that it's "breakfast" at 3:00 pm even if you ate a hamburger.....
you miss the point.....you can eat whatever you want whenever you want it....you can even call it whatever you want.....just don't expect the rest of the world to change because you choose to do so.....you want "most people" to do what you've decided you want them to do.....they weren't forcing you to eat eggs in the morning, you were free to do it whenever you wanted.....we should be free to laugh at you if you say "I ate eggs this morning" when you ate them at 3pm......you want us to nod our heads and say "yes, you ate them this morning" even though you didn't.......
that wasn't our society......if you want to change that, invent time travel....
they are demanding that society accept their relationship as the equivalent of a marriage between a man and a woman.....why should we have to accept their choices....it should only be necessary that they accept their choices.....leave the rest of us out of it.....
I've never heard that argument. Can you provide a link to where this argument was used?
d'uh....I'm a conservative....I work to prevent changes which cause a deterioration of society.....you're a liberal, you work to promote changes which cause a deterioration of society....it's what we are.....
This is hissy: "I didn't realize you were so unaware of the things you've typed."
It doesn't add to your argument and is merely there in an attempt to condescend.
so what?.....there are legal rights given to airline pilots that I don't get.......as a lawyer I have legal rights that non-lawyers don't get....adults have legal rights that children don't get.......I have rights that convicted felons don't get......it happens all the time.....
Yes, let's study this very long and carefully before proceeding, er, half-cocked.
lol.....and requiring us to give them something is not requiring us to treat them in a particular way?......gosh that's really stupid.....why don't you just admit you are wrong and get it over with.....
so what?.....there are legal rights given to airline pilots that I don't get.......as a lawyer I have legal rights that non-lawyers don't get....adults have legal rights that children don't get.......I have rights that convicted felons don't get......it happens all the time.....
/boggle....we've talked about what changes a half dozen times already, you just admitted it in your last post....what's wrong with you?.....
How about the right that all men are created equal, with equal rights.