Loyal to the end
No just you three. Dee.
And that might be a legitimate reason for excluding them from the church, but not the military. And when you use the word "abomination" you show that you are quoting Leviticus, which is not a book of the bible you want to start following.
I didn't quote Leviticus, I'm quoting the Word in general and what God says has precedent over anything that man says. The only reason DADT was lifted is because homosexuality, like all kinds of other sinful behavior, has become vogue and accepted by the more liberal people of society, not because its "natural", right, and or proven to be just as "normal" as heterosexuality, so see you get approval for your sexually immoral lifestyle from man, not from God.
I didn't quote Leviticus, I'm quoting the Word in general and what God says has precedent over anything that man says. The only reason DADT was lifted is because homosexuality, like all kinds of other sinful behavior, has become vogue and accepted by the more liberal people of society, not because its "natural", right, and or proven to be just as "normal" as heterosexuality, so see you get approval for your sexually immoral lifestyle from man, not from God.
Can't he be both?Homophobes are the pussies who use to fear getting beat up in highschool, the ones who didn't get many dates etc. I've never run into a tough guy that was afraid of gay's or even spent much time thinking about them.
Your either a closet homo or your a pussy.
Can't he be both?
That's what I was thinking.He likely is!!
Again, it is a legitimate reason to ban homosexuality from the church, but not a legitimate reason for banning homosexuals from military service.
Homophobes are the pussies who use to fear getting beat up in highschool, the ones who didn't get many dates etc. I've never run into a tough guy that was afraid of gay's or even spent much time thinking about them.
Your either a closet homo or your a pussy.
I stated my reasons why they shouldn't be allowed in the military, troops are not going to give effeminate leaders the same respect as one who isn't and at my rank and time in service I'd mostly be in the position of having to defend the leadership of such people. They're using their homosexuality for political gain.
Effeminate? Are you under the impression that all gay men are effeminate?
Are you also saying that troops do not give female officers the same respect?
These are not reasons for barring gays from the military. The troops will follow orders or face the consequences.
I said facking effeminate male soldiers will not get the same respect as non-effeminate male soldiers and effeminate behavior is unprofessional anyways. I don't want to be in the position of having to defend such people that my soldiers are not going to respect.
I doubt the gay military officers who have achieved rank will be swishing around. .
Effeminate? Are you under the impression that all gay men are effeminate?
Are you also saying that troops do not give female officers the same respect?
These are not reasons for barring gays from the military. The troops will follow orders or face the consequences.
I doubt the gay military officers who have achieved rank will be swishing around. They will have done the same things to gain rank that other officers have done.
If they have acted in an unprofessional manner they will not have gotten a command.
The soldiers should respect the rank and the uniform, whether they respect the man or not. I had officers I disliked. But they were still in my chain-of-command.
You swore an oath. Serve that oath and don't worry about who sleeps with who.