I am opposed to the war on drugs; we must focus our efforts on addiction.
I agree. I public health approach to addiction as a disease is more sensible, humane and cost affective.
While I hate abortion, I am also pragmatic. Abortion should remain legal during the first trimester. Reducing the number of abortions can be achieved through various reforms and incentives, such as more flexible adoption laws.
Let's not forget better and more comprehensive sex education including birth control as well as respecting the right of physicians to protect their patients. Legislatures shouldn't be practicing medicine.
I want the government to stay out of the bedroom.
I guess that would depend on how freaky they are?
I believe prostitution should be legal, regulated, and taxed. Same goes for marijuana. And as a conservationist, I think the government has a legitimate role in preserving our natural assets for future generations.
Couldn't agree with you more.
I opposed the invasion of Iraq from the beginning. For the most part, I think America should mind its own business.
Iraq was not a clear and present danger to our national security. We failed to remember the hard lessons of Vietnam again I agree.
So why am I a member of the Republican Party?
First, make no mistake, the current GOP leadership does not represent the values of your typical, grassroots Republican. In my county chapter, I have several friends who are in agreement with me on the issues mentioned above. Some are in fact more libertarian-esque than I in their political views.
that depends on where you live. The views expressed by the present Republican party are very popular at the grass roots level in several areas I've lived, i.e. rural south and rural midwest.
In other words, I am firmly convicted that the foundation of the party is dedicated to the advancement of individual liberty, even while the national leadership is not.
You would be a candidate to provide the kind of leadership the Republican party needs to reform itself. You're my kind of republican and if there were more like you I would have remained in the party.
Secondly, I do believe there will come a revival of classical/paleoconservative thought at the national level, and I want to be a part of it when it happens. The Republican Party is the best, most realistic vehicle for this peaceful revolution.
I don't know about that but I am for a lot more pragmatism and a lot less divisive ideology. The present talking heads commuincating the the Republican message who are using the Joeseph Goebbels propaganda method have to go (Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc.), they are an embarassment to Republicans not to mention this nation.
Thirdly, where else have I to go? The only other realistic option would be the Democrat Party. But it would seem the only "freedoms" Democrats care about are abortion and homosexuality; I wish to be associated with neither. Furthermore, they've shown no commitment whatsoever to fiscal restraint; their only commitment is total enslavement of the American working and middle-class to the bureaucratic welfare/entitlement state, to which I am adamantly opposed.
That's a tough decision. I thought of staying in the party and changing it from with in. I gave up. Iraq was the last straw for me.
Ultimately, I believe freedom works. Let people live as they please, so long as they do not harm others. Liberty is the foundation of our country and precisely what made ours the greatest, most powerful nation on the face of the earth. And it is my utmost hope, prayer and expectation that the Republican Party will return to these simple principles.
That is why I am a Republican, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Again, I couldn't agree with you more. But this is a problem that the far right has. Walking the talk. Liberty and Freedom cannot just be slogans. You have to tolerate it when it is practiced with in the law. The Republican party needs to learn that conformity at the cost of individual liberty is tyrany. They need to open their doors and be a big tent party like the Democrats or what use are they to me from a practical stand point? By being excluse and less tolerant they are rendering themselves ineffective and politically impetent.
Great Post Toby!