Why I am a Republican

Unfortunately, the far left views Obama's victory as a mandate to do exactly that: push their far left agenda on America. They ignore survey after survey which reveals only 19% of Americans as liberal, and 35% as conservative; the plurality are centrists such as yourself which aren't interested in liberal extremism.

Please, Mottley is to the left of me, he's just embarrassed to admit it. He's too the left of quite a few people who call themselves "liberal", he just likes to cling to the time when he was a Republican and pretend like nothing has changed.
I'm actually not so angry at Obama anymore, seeing his new budget. It looks like this isn't going to be Clinton II after all.

I don't think he's had much choice. Unlike W, Obama is obviously a student of history. Herbert Hoover was a great, great man. Eminently deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded. But his Presidency has forever been besmirched because he did so little and played such a limited role in reacting to the Great Depression. Just think of the pain and agony he would have saved if he had acted and shut down Wall Street and the Banks after the crash?

The point is, Obama has to do something and do it quickly and the only viable economic model we have for dealing with the present economic crisis is the Keynsian model. God knows the supply side model has been an utter failure.
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you should check the percentage of democrats vs repukes

Irrelevant. Most Democrats are moderate, and in the south, many are right-of-centre. Survey after survey consistently reveals only 19% of Americans are liberal. Americans want change, yes, but they don't want the left-wing agenda rammed down their throats.
Most of the evidence I see from Obama is he's running from the center.

I'd have to agree with you, with one exception: spending. Obama has quickly proven himself to be the most liberal spender in American, no - world history. He, along with Pelosi, Reid and other far-left ideologues, are continuing the Bush tradition of taxing future generations as a "quick fix" to our economic problems. He is clearly not moderate on this issue as he has demonstrated no will for fiscal restraint in any form. One could argue this will change once the recession is over. I do not believe it will.

That said, I'll be happy if I am proven wrong.
Irrelevant. Most Democrats are moderate, and in the south, many are right-of-centre. Survey after survey consistently reveals only 19% of Americans are liberal. Americans want change, yes, but they don't want the left-wing agenda rammed down their throats.

But, as I've heard from a lot of right-wingers, a lot of moderates are just liberals too scarded to admit they're liberals!

And I have to agree.

Moderates are liberals, and you conservatives are all alone. :(
I'd have to agree with you, with one exception: spending. Obama has quickly proven himself to be the most liberal spender in American, no - world history. He, along with Pelosi, Reid and other far-left ideologues, are continuing the Bush tradition of taxing future generations as a "quick fix" to our economic problems. He is clearly not moderate on this issue as he has demonstrated no will for fiscal restraint in any form. One could argue this will change once the recession is over. I do not believe it will.

That said, I'll be happy if I am proven wrong.

that sentiment alone puts you in a class above Rush and DeLay and many other bright lights at CPAC.

Thank you for that.
But, as I've heard from a lot of right-wingers, a lot of moderates are just liberals too scarded to admit they're liberals!

And I have to agree.

Moderates are liberals, and you conservatives are all alone. :(

Moderates elected Ronald Reagan and Bush I & II. Are you proposing that these Presidents won because of liberals? Nonsense. In fact, I'd say half of liberals are actually moderates. I've persuaded many liberals that they are not liberal, but in the center with the plurality of Americans.

Your refusal to accept reality for what it is speaks in volumes.
Moderates elected Ronald Reagan and Bush I & II. Are you proposing that these Presidents won because of liberals? Nonsense. In fact, I'd say half of liberals are actually moderates. I've persuaded many liberals that they are not liberal, but in the center with the plurality of Americans.

Your refusal to accept reality for what it is speaks in volumes.

What's the thing that usually convinces them?
Moderates elected Ronald Reagan and Bush I & II. Are you proposing that these Presidents won because of liberals? Nonsense. In fact, I'd say half of liberals are actually moderates. I've persuaded many liberals that they are not liberal, but in the center with the plurality of Americans.

Your refusal to accept reality for what it is speaks in volumes.

I hate to tell you this Captain Obvious but moderates have elected all our Presidents. :cof1: