Why I doubt the election results

1. That's not what they claimed. They claimed they saw things they didn't like. For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt. Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious. Or they heard someone say something. None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence.
2. Because it was night time and the polls were closed.
3. There were more than 132 million registered voters on election day.
4. They didn't
5. They didn't
6. Who the fuck cares?

I answered those. I won't be answering any more because you are too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to engage with. Run along.

you're ignorant. stop making it worse.
1. That's not what they claimed. They claimed they saw things they didn't like. For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt. Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious. Or they heard someone say something. None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence.
2. Because it was night time and the polls were closed.
3. There were more than 132 million registered voters on election day.
4. They didn't
5. They didn't
6. Who the fuck cares?

I answered those. I won't be answering any more because you are too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to engage with. Run along.

You're trying to reason with a person whose alternative Universe says Donald Trump is secretly the President and the Jews attacked California with LASERs.

In short, you are explaining facts to someone like these assholes:

You're trying to reason with a person whose alternative Universe says Donald Trump is secretly the President and the Jews attacked California with LASERs.

In short, you are explaining facts to someone like these assholes:


I had a moment of weakness.

I put this joker on permanent IA...I truly believe he's one brick shy of a load. I just hope he's not armed in real life.
1. That's not what they claimed. They claimed they saw things they didn't like. For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt. Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious. Or they heard someone say something. None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence.
2. Because it was night time and the polls were closed.
3. There were more than 132 million registered voters on election day.
4. They didn't
5. They didn't
6. Who the fuck cares?

I answered those. I won't be answering any more because you are too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to engage with. Run along.

you are wrong on all counts, but thats ok, you are obviously a brain dead indoctrinated libtardian. and like all libtardians, you resort to juvenile insults when faced with facts.
You're trying to reason with a person whose alternative Universe says Donald Trump is secretly the President and the Jews attacked California with LASERs.

In short, you are explaining facts to someone like these assholes:


except that those in the picture are all antifa, organized and scheduled and planned by the democrats and their media minions.
1. That's not what they claimed. They claimed they saw things they didn't like. For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt. Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious. Or they heard someone say something. None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence. /QUOTE]

I also read some of those petitions. Many of the things they saw were not illegal. Some of the complaints were about people talking mean about Republicans.

And being "sworn" affidavits means nothing. Nobody is going to investigate and prosecute what somebody wrote in those things.
you are wrong on all counts, but thats ok, you are obviously a brain dead indoctrinated libtardian. and like all libtardians, you resort to juvenile insults when faced with facts.

saying it and proving it are two wholly different things. You have yet to engage valid source material to back what you claim...your opinion is just that and nothing more. It is not a substitute for facts from valid sources that can be debated.
It is not irrelevant since the national numbers are the ones used in the post:
Irrelevant. There are no national numbers. Voters register for precincts.
"How did we get 150 million votes when there are only 132 million registered voters in the country?"
Irrelevant question. Voters register at precincts. Some precincts had votes totaling MORE than registered voters, sometimes two or three times more.
To switch those to precinct numbers is the switcheroo fallacy.
No such fallacy. Denial of logic. There is no switch. You are quoting random numbers as 'data'. Argument from randU fallacy.
They are not updated at the time of the election
Yes they are. If you are not registered to vote, you cannot vote.
because the Census Bureau still does not have the updated 2020 data.
The Census Bureau does not register voters.
The total number of registered voters of 213 million at the time of the election is still well above the total number of votes received by Trump, Biden, and others.
Argument from randU fallacy. There are no national precincts.
So, the original claim of 132 million registered voters is BS.
Never made such a claim. You are hallucinating again.
All the claims about the voter fraud had to come from phony sites. If not, show us where you got the information. If it came from Trump's 45 minute speech whining about being cheated we have already proven many of those claims were false.

Denial of history. You have proven nothing. The affidavits still exist. The videos still exist. The election laws that were changed by people not authorized to change them took place, even against court order.
You cannot just wish it away.
1. That's not what they claimed.
That IS what they claimed. Denial of history. Denial of public record.
They claimed they saw things they didn't like.
For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt.
No such claim was filed. Fake News.
Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious.
A video, actually. It's still available for viewing even though Youtube censored it. It shows the suitcases being pulled out from under desks AFTER CLOSING and there are NO OBSERVERS, being opened, and that they contained ballots, which they RAN THROUGH THE MACHINES SEVERAL TIMES.
Or they heard someone say something.
WRONG. Another lie. They were direct witnesses. They were there. They saw it with their own eyes.
None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence.
WRONG. It is direct evidence. So are the numerous videos. So is the probability math. So is the behavior of the Dominion and SmartMatic software.
2. Because it was night time and the polls were closed.
It was night time and the polls SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLOSED. No poll workers, NO ONE should have been there. Instead, poll workers kicked out observers (illegally) and continued to count (illegally). What was being counted? Why hide it?
3. There were more than 132 million registered voters on election day.
Argument from randU fallacy. There is no national precinct. Voters register to vote at precincts. There we more votes than registered voters at some precincts, even two or three times as many votes as voters at some precincts.
4. They didn't
They did. Trump's vote count actually went DOWN in some precincts after they were 'closed' and observers were kicked out (while poll workers were still counting 'votes').
5. They didn't
They DID. They went to Germany for that very purpose.
6. Who the fuck cares?
Fine. People of this nation are the judges. They have already decided that there was election fraud on a massive scale. You can't ignore that, or wish that the evidence will go away.
I answered those.
No. You DENIED those.
I won't be answering any more because you are too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to engage with. Run along.
Cliche fallacy. Assumption of victory fallacy.
Irrelevant. There are no national numbers. Voters register for precincts.

When the national vote totals are announced it is from adding up all those individual precincts. Not too difficult a concept.

Irrelevant question. Voters register at precincts. Some precincts had votes totaling MORE than registered voters, sometimes two or three times more.

A few precincts had maybe 1-2 more votes than registered voters due to provisional ballots. Many times less than what was needed to change the state outcome.

Why don't you show us one of those precincts? We are still waiting for an actual examples instead of a RQAA.

The rest of your post is too uniformed and illogical to merit a response.

Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."
ever hear of a false flag operation?

Yes, but never seen one because they have all been claims by conspiracy theory people to deny some event actually happened--school shootings, 9-11, Trump supporters attacking the Capitol. They are unwilling to accept something bad done by their side so they yell "false flag" to try to shift the blame.

I bet all those Antifa and BLM riots were really Trump supporters ;)
False flag operation, dumbass...with the coordination and blessing of the Democrat party.

You will believe any wild story fed to you by (whatever crazy source you use)

Into the Night 12/31/2020: "Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing."