Why I doubt the election results

That is why you spend some time verifying that data from other (official) sources.

Let me guess, those sources are phony (or edited like your fake "unedited" videos)

'Fact checks' are not a proof. Holy Links are not a proof. False authority fallacy. RQAA
All of the swing states elections were run by republicans except one.
No State is run by Republicans or Democrats.
Republicans are the ones who told trump sorry but you lost.
Bigotry. No, it wasn't. Denial of history.
His head of elections said it was the most secure in history.
Paradox. Irrational statement. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, dude.
His AG and DoJ said there was no evidence of any of the shit your orange asshole spouted.
You can't wish away the evidence.
It would be a much nicer forum if fucking stupid posts that are blatant lies were stamped bullshit or something. What you say is true but the assholes will make the same stupid charges over and over.

I am stamping yours bullshit then. You also make the same stupid charges over and over.
the answers to 1 -4 is: this was brought before the court system 60 times and was rejected due to insufficient evidence to warrrant a trial (deemed by Democratic AND Republican appointed judges).
The evidence was brought before no court. Denial of history. Trump never filed 60 lawsuits either. Argument from randU fallacy. Evidence does not require the presence of a court.
False authority fallacies.
Divisional error fallacy. One sample does not declare the whole.
I've got more if you're still in denial of reality.
Buzzword fallacy. Define 'reality'.
Yea well what you have to accept is about half the people who voted for Biden did so not in support of him or his agenda but to get Trump the fuck out of office.

I didn't vote for Biden per se. I think he's a mediocrity who will do little to address the issue of relative inequality that is driving the Trump led radicalization.

I voted against Trump to get that dangerous fucking demogogue out of office!

Dangerous fucking demagogue??

This flaw has been reported many places. Gateway Pundit used percent of eligible voters rather than registered voters to determine voter turnout rate. That measure results in lower turnout because many eligible voters are not registered. Therefore, the actual voter turnout rate was higher resulting in more actual voters.


Also, there were millions of newly registered voters since the March numbers used in the article.

Some of those stories showing more people voted than the number of registered voters in 15 states were just phony or outdated.

1. Colorado. Story claimed 2,645,000 registered voters and 2,923,312 votes. But CO Sec of States office shows 3,780,115 registered voters with 83% turnout.

2. WI. Story showed 3,129,000 registered voters but 3,289,143 votes. WI officials stats show 3,684,726 registered voters.

Fact check: Table shows outdated voter registration numbers for 15 states:



How do you explain the following FACTS?

3. How did we get 150 million votes when there are only 132 million registered voters in the country?

There were about 213 million registered voters listed at the time of the election with data from March, 2020. That was not an updated number since millions registered in the months preceding election day and many on election day.

The Census Bureau shows 157,596,000 registered in 2016.

These questions are easy to refute.
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'Fact checks' are not a proof. Holy Links are not a proof. False authority fallacy. RQAA

And partisan right-wing sites with phony data is not proof. We can't even label it a "false authority fallacy" because calling it an "authority" is a travesty. It is believing fake news fallacy.
There were about 213 million registered voters listed at the time of the election with data from March, 2020. That was not an updated number since millions registered in the months preceding election day and many on election day.

The Census Bureau shows 157,596,000 registered in 2016.

These questions are easy to refute.

Irrelevant. Registrations are in precincts, not by one national precinct. They are updated numbers AT THE TIME OF THE ELECTION.
And partisan right-wing sites with phony data is not proof. We can't even label it a "false authority fallacy" because calling it an "authority" is a travesty. It is believing fake news fallacy.

I didn't quote any sites. WTF are YOU talking about???
Irrelevant. Registrations are in precincts, not by one national precinct. They are updated numbers AT THE TIME OF THE ELECTION.

It is not irrelevant since the national numbers are the ones used in the post:

"How did we get 150 million votes when there are only 132 million registered voters in the country?"

To switch those to precinct numbers is the switcheroo fallacy. They are not updated at the time of the election because the Census Bureau still does not have the updated 2020 data.

The total number of registered voters of 213 million at the time of the election is still well above the total number of votes received by Trump, Biden, and others.

So, the original claim of 132 million registered voters is BS.
I didn't quote any sites. WTF are YOU talking about???

All the claims about the voter fraud had to come from phony sites. If not, show us where you got the information. If it came from Trump's 45 minute speech whining about being cheated we have already proven many of those claims were false.
How do you explain the following FACTS?

1. there are hundreds of sworn affidavits signed by americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. Are they all lying under oath?
2. Why was the vote counting stopped when Trump's numbers were leading in those states?
3. How did we get 150 million votes when there are only 132 million registered voters in the country?
4. How did Trump's vote totals go down during the night?
5. Why did the dominion machine execs leave the country and destroy all of their records?
6. Why did European news media call the election for Trump ?

answer those and then I'll give you some more.

1. That's not what they claimed. They claimed they saw things they didn't like. For example one person said she saw a large black man with a BLM tshirt. Others saw suitcases, or saw people doing stuff they claimed was suspicious. Or they heard someone say something. None of it adds up to a single shred of evidence.
2. Because it was night time and the polls were closed.
3. There were more than 132 million registered voters on election day.
4. They didn't
5. They didn't
6. Who the fuck cares?

I answered those. I won't be answering any more because you are too fucking stupid and too fucking lazy to engage with. Run along.