Why I doubt the election results

Easy to check. Tell me one state or county in which more votes were cast than registered voters? Getting 60% turnout is good. No place had over 100%. There was one precinct with 4 registered voters and 5 people voted (the extra was a provisional ballot).

Try to stick with verifiable facts with less insults.

I will be waiting to hear which jurisdiction had more votes than registered voters.

People made that same claim in 2012 saying in Austin one precinct had 100% turnout with 100% voting for Obama. I researched that claim and they were right--it was a rural precinct with one registered voter.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Lastly, Trump was ahead.....as the voting continued for more than a week, his lead disappeared. Can you name ONE modern election where the vote counting lasted for a week or more? It is OBVIOUS that the determination by the PHONY media and Party of the Jackass to NOT want to investigate is another sure sign that this election smelled to high heaven. But for all the Trump hating leftist loons and RINOS, it was okay to defraud the People because....it was TRUMP!!!! Try to be less stupid.

No dead people voted. No precincts had vote counts greater than registered voters. All of this is made up BS that falls apart with even the least bit of scrutiny. For example, the claim of more voters than registrations arose out of Wisconsin, but of course the knuckledragging moron who made the claim was comparing general election votes to primary election registrations. Georgia found exactly TWO votes cast by deceased voters. TWO.

Your fraud is made up. it is a lie.


Not true. Not one poster has given me a jurisdiction which had more votes than registered voters.

Rather than claiming some fallacy or typing RQAA, just list the state or county. Tying that one word would take much less time than your long posts. You know anything you write can be disproven so you fail to provide any support to your claim.

Come on, give me the name of one state or county. It only takes one word. Back up your unsupported lies.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Two dead people voting is too many, but you are more than happy to disenfranchise millions of voters. Spare me the hypocrisy. You are dismissed.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be.

Truth Detector, each (i.e. ALL) such legal challenge has failed to make your nonsensical case.
Respectfully, Supposn

There have been ZERO in depth investigations into the week long vote tallies that ALL fell inordinately to Biden nor the machines and software used to count the votes.

All we keep hearing is NO FRAUD! NO FRAUD!!.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be. [/i]

Try to be less gullible and dumb.

There have been ZERO in depth investigations into the week long vote tallies that ALL fell inordinately to Biden nor the machines and software used to count the votes.

All we keep hearing is NO FRAUD! NO FRAUD!!.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

Based on data from NBC, Biden got 81,283,098 votes and Trump got 74,222,958 votes. Other votes totaled 2,926,539. That sums to 158,432,595 votes. How is that even remotely possible?

Only dishonest ,lying dumb fucks can say that there is ZERO evidence of fraud with the actual numbers proving that there HAD to be. [/i]

Try to be less gullible and dumb.


We cannot give up on this, the fraud must be exposed. Biden did not win. He is an illegitimate president. Do not give up
We cannot give up on this, the fraud must be exposed. Biden did not win. He is an illegitimate president. Do not give up

When you do not have the support of the PHONY media and they have become the propaganda arm of the DNC, it is an uphill battle. The ONLY way the truth will eventually come out will be when the American sheeple say ENOUGH and kick the Dems out of their majorities.
When you do not have the support of the PHONY media and they have become the propaganda arm of the DNC, it is an uphill battle. The ONLY way the truth will eventually come out will be when the American sheeple say ENOUGH and kick the Dems out of their majorities.

yes, and that may happen sooner that the lying liberal pukes think.
We cannot give up on this, the fraud must be exposed. Biden did not win. He is an illegitimate president. Do not give up

The above is the poster child for why we laugh at you and point. The claim is completely unsubstantiated. Let's consider the math for a moment. If 213.8 million people registered to vote in 2020, and if 66.2% of all registered voters voted, then there could not possibly be 158 million votes. That is a fact. The conclusion however is galactically stupid, because the way you determine voter turnout (the percent that voted) is to do the math. So do the math, and either there were more than 213.8 million registered voters, or turnout was greater than 66.2% or both. One of those two things has to be false. The question is.... SO THE FUCK WHAT? Some stupid person posted numbers that cannot be true, and uses their false numbers to suggest voter fraud. Nope. The person who posted the numbers is lying. The actual number of registered voters was not 213 million. It was 239 million. And the actual turnout was not 66.2% it was 66.8%. Checkmate. Try to be less gullible and dumb. Thanks.
This message is hidden because Truth Detector is on your ignore list.

The only way I see your galactically stupid shit is if someone quotes you. I do appreciate your stupidity though, it makes my job easier.
The above is the poster child for why we laugh at you and point. The claim is completely unsubstantiated. Let's consider the math for a moment. If 213.8 million people registered to vote in 2020, and if 66.2% of all registered voters voted, then there could not possibly be 158 million votes. That is a fact. The conclusion however is galactically stupid, because the way you determine voter turnout (the percent that voted) is to do the math. So do the math, and either there were more than 213.8 million registered voters, or turnout was greater than 66.2% or both. One of those two things has to be false. The question is.... SO THE FUCK WHAT? Some stupid person posted numbers that cannot be true, and uses their false numbers to suggest voter fraud. Nope. The person who posted the numbers is lying. The actual number of registered voters was not 213 million. It was 239 million. And the actual turnout was not 66.2% it was 66.8%. Checkmate. Try to be less gullible and dumb. Thanks.

You're dealing with insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant right wingnuts. They'll talk the SOS and condone any crap the corrupt GOP dishes out so long as they think their sticking it to "those people". The little dummies don't or won't realize that the very people they "support" are setting up an economic caste system they allegedly oppose....this is why they don't DARE deal with all the facts with the "reaganomics" that underline the GOP agenda...they don't dare face up to being played for fools.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
First off, you little ditty actually talked of one "request", not a counted vote. And if you look closely, how many of those "frauds" actually got counted as a vote, not just a fake registration that was caught?

And for the record, why aren't folk like you screaming bloody murder about the following?: https://atlantadailyworld.com/2020/1...-voter-purges/

Please don't say something stupid like, "fake news". Just give an honest answer.

You're asking for proof of a negative. We don't know how many fraudulent votes got counted. If they were known to be fraudulent they'd have been rejected, or so I think we'd hope. But because many states, particularly blue ones, don't have voter ID laws, allow ballot harvesting (eg., anyone to handle ballots between the voter and being officially counted), use extremely lax signature verification--in Nevada the automatic verification system was set to just 40% match and few ballots rejected by that system and then hand inspected were subsequently rejected meaning that almost any signature on the ballot whatsoever was accepted--means we have no idea how many ballots were fraudulent.

Man, are you truly this fucking stupid? I accurately pointed out that YOUR LINK does NOT prove voter fraud...it only proves attempts and system screw ups. I asked for PROOF that any of those bad ballots were actually counted. Instead I get MORE OF YOUR SUPPOSITION AND CONJECTURE. THAT IS NOT DOCUMENTED, VALID SOURCED PROOF. Just more of your BS. In short, you can't prove your case, so you think various forms of repetiton will suffice. Try that tactic in a court of law and you'll get tossed out immediately....as it happened to the 60 or so cases your oafish leader and his sycophants tried.

Like I posted, you and your moronic right wingnut parrots just IGNORE THE FACT of the massive FRAUD done by the GOP via voter disenfranchisement....which speaks volumes regarding your hand wringing about a correct number of votes being counted. You clowns always ignore what you can't disprove. That's why the Orange Oaf got tossed....that's why all the yahoos that stormed the Capitol are crapping their pants hoping Homeland Security doesn't knock on their door...and that's why you and your idiot compadres will spend the next year parroting the SOS. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Reality check:


Okay, the opinion of a couple of people at the Annenberg Foundation say it didn't happen. So? That's their opinion. Their putting "Fact Check" at the top of the column doesn't increase its credibility.

From your article:

Richard Hasen, a law and political science professor at the University of California, Irvine and a nationally recognized election law expert, agreed.

“I have not yet seen any evidence showing dead people voting in Pennsylvania, a very common allegation that seldom pans out,” Hasen told us via email. “But even if a few cases were found, it would not invalidate the election. One would have to show, at minimum, more illegal votes than the margin between the candidates. That would be quite an extreme scale of fraud. Let’s see what the evidence is.”

Again, it's pretty clear a small number of such votes did occur. That they didn't change the outcome isn't the point. That they occurred at all is. We should strive to improve the system, not excuse it for its failures as you are trying so hard to do.

Take a refresher course in reading comprehension, as the quote you use ends with, "“I have not yet seen any evidence showing dead people voting in Pennsylvania, a very common allegation that seldom pans out,” Hasen told us via email. “But even if a few cases were found, it would not invalidate the election. One would have to show, at minimum, more illegal votes than the margin between the candidates. That would be quite an extreme scale of fraud. Let’s see what the evidence is.”

Well toodles, "IF" does not mean that it happened. Dump's sycophants took the "evidence" to court about 60 times, AND EVEN THE TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGES REJECTED THEM AS SUFFICIENT TO PROVE FRAUD.

So essentially you're just being insipidly stubborn in trying to claim a fact that doesn't exist.

Get back to us when you have the GUTS and INTELLECTUAL HONESTY to acknowledge the rampant voter suppression by the GOP that has been DOCUMENTED!
Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.

I find it difficult to believe that Republicans INCREASED their House presence by 13 seats, yet Trump lost by such a large margin to a incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist.

BUT, leftists, being the low IQ, uneducated, gullible dumbasses that they are, show ZERO curiosity and merely parrot the dimwitted narratives they are fed by the PHONY media. They're incapable of thinking for themselves.

2018 Dems 212 Republicans 199
2020 Dems 222 Republicans 212

Obama 2012 - 65,915,796
Trump 2016 - 62,985,106
Biden 2020 - 81,283,098
Trump 2020 - 74,222,958

Yea well what you have to accept is about half the people who voted for Biden did so not in support of him or his agenda but to get Trump the fuck out of office.

I didn't vote for Biden per se. I think he's a mediocrity who will do little to address the issue of relative inequality that is driving the Trump led radicalization.

I voted against Trump to get that dangerous fucking demogogue out of office!