Why I doubt the election results

How the hell do you get that from what I said? How is making sure that the person voting is the person allowed to vote "voter suppression?"

How about we put broken glass in front of the polling places. If it's that important, people will wear shoes, so why not? Maybe we can shoot at them, and they can wear camo if they REALLY, REALLY want to vote.

You want to suppress the vote and use non-existent voter fraud as an excuse to do exactly that. You don't want to make voting easy. You want to make it hard. Especially in democratic areas. That's called voter suppression. That's what you want.
I doubt I'll ever do it again in person. Safe, secure and you KNOW your vote was counted. I have no idea why it makes the Trump cult quiver with fear and hide in the corner.
I don’t either, just another sign they swallow all the bunk Trump feeds them.
How about we put broken glass in front of the polling places. If it's that important, people will wear shoes, so why not? Maybe we can shoot at them, and they can wear camo if they REALLY, REALLY want to vote.

Logical fallacy in a combination of reducto ad absurdum and a tu quoque.

You want to suppress the vote and use non-existent voter fraud as an excuse to do exactly that. You don't want to make voting easy. You want to make it hard. Especially in democratic areas. That's called voter suppression. That's what you want.

Voting shouldn't be "easy." It's an important civil obligation and we should take it seriously. What you are arguing for is the potential for unbridled voter fraud. That actually is a form of voter suppression.
Logical fallacy in a combination of reducto ad absurdum and a tu quoque.

Voting shouldn't be "easy." It's an important civil obligation and we should take it seriously. What you are arguing for is the potential for unbridled voter fraud. That actually is a form of voter suppression.

There is no unbridled voter fraud. It is a non-existent crime. You want to suppress the votes of hundreds of thousands to prevent a dozen people from cheating.
There is no unbridled voter fraud. It is a non-existent crime. You want to suppress the votes of hundreds of thousands to prevent a dozen people from cheating.

I never said there was, and there shouldn't be. It is an existent crime. And you end by using another logical fallacy, appeal to popularity. I want to ensure those voting have the right to. Asking for ID is hardly a serious inconvenience in a world where you need it to cash a check, board an airplane, get a loan--even at a payday loan store, or buy a bottle of malt liquor.
I never said there was, and there shouldn't be. It is an existent crime. And you end by using another logical fallacy, appeal to popularity. I want to ensure those voting have the right to. Asking for ID is hardly a serious inconvenience in a world where you need it to cash a check, board an airplane, get a loan--even at a payday loan store, or buy a bottle of malt liquor.

Your racism is shining through. Payday loans and malt liquor. How sad. You probably aren't even aware of it any longer.

All of you need to stop using the word fallacy until you learn what means. You don't have a basic right to cash a check, board an airplane, get a loan or buy liquor. You do have a basic right to vote. Voter fraud is a felony. The idea of huge groups of people committing a felony in order to cast a single vote is laughable. Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem. We know better. You want to stop black people from voting. You are as transparent as glass.
LOL, CNN and MSNBC are not news, they are left wing propaganda outlets. The evidence of vote fraud is massive and real. But the cheaters won this round, the fight has just begun. Truth will win out in the end, it always does.

Indeed it does. Many in the Court of Public Opinion (some say it's the highest court of all!) has already decided. Democrats can't erase that.
Okay, the opinion of a couple of people at the Annenberg Foundation say it didn't happen. So? That's their opinion. Their putting "Fact Check" at the top of the column doesn't increase its credibility.

From your article:

Again, it's pretty clear a small number of such votes did occur. That they didn't change the outcome isn't the point. That they occurred at all is. We should strive to improve the system, not excuse it for its failures as you are trying so hard to do.

Not only voter fraud occurred, but massive election fraud as well.
"Discussed in the news" means false allegations that were debunked.

One poster said Pennsylvania had more votes than registered voters and I proved to him that was false from official Pennsylvania sources. It was simply an allegation from right-wing false news sites.

No poster has offered any other examples since it is so easy to prove wrong. Anybody who thinks they have evidence of jurisdictions with more votes than registered voters should be anxious to present the evidence if they really had any.

Trump claimed Georgia had 5,000 dead people voting and they found 2. Of course it can happen and great effort has been made to improve the system, but it can't be perfect. The cases of dead people voting is from an absentee ballot being requested by a person who later died and their spouse, child, or relative attempted to vote on their behalf. It is not from people wandering the cemeteries looking for names.

The fact that some of these cases could not have changed the election outcome was a major point by some of the courts that heard the election challenges.

Not a fact. Buzzword fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy. Denial of history. Use of selective history. Divisional error fallacy.
How about we put broken glass in front of the polling places. If it's that important, people will wear shoes, so why not? Maybe we can shoot at them, and they can wear camo if they REALLY, REALLY want to vote.

You want to suppress the vote and use non-existent voter fraud as an excuse to do exactly that. You don't want to make voting easy. You want to make it hard. Especially in democratic areas. That's called voter suppression. That's what you want.

So...you admit that in Democrat controlled areas:

You don't need to verify you are a citizen. An illegal from Mexico can vote, even though he doesn't live there.
You don't need to verify your identity. You can vote as many times as you wish! Make up names and vote in those names!
You want voting to be so easy anyone that happens to be in the town at the time, though he is a citizen of Israel, can vote.

That's what you want.

Fuck you.
Your racism is shining through. Payday loans and malt liquor. How sad. You probably aren't even aware of it any longer.
Buzzword fallacy. Bigotry.
All of you need to stop using the word fallacy until you learn what means.
Denial of logic. The fallacies he claims you are making are correct.
You don't have a basic right to cash a check,
Yes you do. It's your money. It's your property.
board an airplane,
Yes you do. You have the right to travel. You have the right to travel by a common carrier.
get a loan
Yes you do. You have the right to sign a contract.
or buy liquor.
Yes you do. You have the right to purchase any substance.
You do have a basic right to vote.
Correct. The procedure for how an election is carried out is specified in the constitution. That right to vote is specified there also.
Voter fraud is a felony.
You just denied your own argument. Earlier you said it wasn't. Which is it, dude?
The idea of huge groups of people committing a felony in order to cast a single vote is laughable.
Absurd reduction fallacy.
Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem.
No. Voter ID is simply showing you have been registered to vote.
We know better.
YOU don't get to speak for anyone but you. You do not know better. You are denying election law.
You want to stop black people from voting.
Racism. He never made any such statement.
You are as transparent as glass.
Cliche fallacy.
Any voter fraud is bad, and doing anything that might increase it is equally bad. The American public is losing faith in the election process and that is a major problem.

Many people HAVE lost faith in the election system. A large percentage of the population, gauging from talking to anyone that is not in lockstep with the Democrats. It is election fraud that is the bulk of the problem, not voter fraud, though voter fraud is also a big problem. Election fraud was carried out on a massive scale never before seen. The Democrats were clumsy at it. They got caught. Like always, they continue to lie about it and point fingers at someone else, typically some conservative (Trump being the most obvious target).

Democrats STILL deny:
The election laws that were changed by people not authorized to change them.
The almost one thousand witnesses and their signed and notarized affidavits.
The videos of election offices being boarded up, keeping observers out, and counting who the hell knows what ballots they manufactured inside.
The videos of election workers filling out ballots at their desk.
The videos of election workers running the same ballot through the machine multiple times.
The videos of election workers removing suitcases of ballots from under their desks after hours with NO OBSERVERS present, and continuing the count.
Probability math.
The number of votes being greater than the number of registered voters.
The excessive delays.
The destruction of evidence in violation of court order.
The problems of using programmable machines to tabulate votes. A simple tabulator, not programmable is all that should be needed.
Observers should be allowed to observe the entire process, not from a distance, from right where any part of the counting process is occurring. This is actually law that was broken.
The discarded ballots.
The number of people on election registries that no longer live there, or who have died. It is more than just a few, and much of the public knows it.

ALL of this is evidence of election fraud. The videos, uncut, are still available for viewing on Bitchute and Rumble (Youtube censored them).

THEN you can start adding the voter fraud, such as voting for someone else, voting for someone that's dead, voting in a precinct you are not legally eligible to vote in, voting in multiple precincts, etc.

Democrats are insisting that this election was as clean as the wind driven snow, when four years ago they claimed the election was tainted by the Russians. They are locked in paradox. They are attempting to argue both sides of a paradox. It is irrational.