T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
THIS JUST IN- vote totals change as more and more votes are counted!! hard to fucking believe, i know, but it happens. there was some video of a vote total for trump losing about 2000 votes but it was a raw vote total and the explanation was human error put them in the wrong category. are you saying when people are counting hundreds and thousands of votes, even millions, there are never any human errors, and if there are, it proves some sort of rigging or fraud? trump got his ass kicked...it was not especially close, overall. get over it.
News flash! The vote total for a particular candidate should never go DOWN. It can remain the same or rise as additional votes come in, but it should not go DOWN. Given that in some of these negative cumulative vote counts it suddenly did go down and by up to tens of thousands of votes in several cases, that pretty much rules out human error. But assuming that is the case, why hasn't that been clearly and specifically shown as the cause? It wasn't at the time, and hasn't been since. An error of that magnitude--even a thousand votes--is so large that it needs exceptional explanation as it should be seen as extraordinary.
Or, are you comfortable with those counting the votes making an error where thousands of votes were improperly counted and when that count was discovered it was brushed off as nothing?