Why I doubt the election results

there was no investigation, no court hearings, no media analysis. there is tons of evidence or fraud but none of it has been allowed to be heard in a court of law. wh are you libs happy that the dems, the media, and the deep state have taken a big dump on our constitution?

why are you happy that in his first 24 hours Biden killed 50,000 american jobs? why are you happy that he is letting thousands for illegals enter our country carrying all kinds of diseases, drugs, and weapons? Why are you looking forward to $5 gasoline? you fools voted for this crap, now you are going to have to live with it.

You got it backwards. Biden won 7 million more actual legal votes. Trump lied about election fraud and caused an attack on the Capitol and completely destroyed faith in free and fair elections by Trump supporters who believed every lie he told.

More votes were cast than registered voters dimwit. Be less stupid and moronic. :palm:
NO ONE did any investigating. NO ONE was even permitted to do any investigating. Stop being such a dishonest, low IQ, brain dead partisan hack. :palm:

“No one did any investigating,” a common lie echoed by the right, Rand Paul in particular, in fact, Billy Barr, Trump’s own personal fixer, in an inordinate move, ordered his offices to investigate reported election fraud reports, and we all know the conclusions that Billy Barr reached
I'm poor lower grade Monkey of my porch

So true; not to mention you are also a lying, race hustling, dunce who is a worthless piece of human filth. You should kill yourself. NO one would care or notice.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
“No one did any investigating,” a common lie echoed by the right, Rand Paul in particular, in fact, Billy Barr, Trump’s own personal fixer, in an inordinate move, ordered his offices to investigate reported election fraud reports, and we all know the conclusions that Billy Barr reached

Its always the definition of irony when a lying, low IQ dumbass like you calls others liars. Link us up with these deep dive investigations that occurred you lying piece of human filth?

Its always the definition of irony when a lying, low IQ dumbass like you calls others liars. Link us up with these deep dive investigations that occurred you lying piece of human filth?

First the fact that Barr did investigate election fraud:


Followed by the fact Barr’s Department of Justice didn’t find any:


Got anymore Fox prime time demagogues’ lies you want debunked?

Where are the results of these investigations dumbass?

The same Justice Department that used a faked dossier and claimed the Russians were colluding with Trump?

Where are the reports? Where's the documentation? Dunce.

I am using common sense. How could there have been MORE votes than registered voters ass clown?

More votes were cast than registered voters dimwit. Be less stupid and moronic. :palm:

Easy to check. Tell me one state or county in which more votes were cast than registered voters? Getting 60% turnout is good. No place had over 100%. There was one precinct with 4 registered voters and 5 people voted (the extra was a provisional ballot).

Try to stick with verifiable facts with less insults.

I will be waiting to hear which jurisdiction had more votes than registered voters.

People made that same claim in 2012 saying in Austin one precinct had 100% turnout with 100% voting for Obama. I researched that claim and they were right--it was a rural precinct with one registered voter.
So who here is going to join Trumps new party and who is going to stay with the republicans?

This is a great idea! Half of the right wing joins Trumps new party and the other half remains republican. We won't ever see another rightwinger elected to anything of consequence!:clap:

Not with fake elections run by Democrats.
The questions that nobody seems to be able to answer about this election is how the cumulative vote count for a candidate for office can go negative. Corollary to that is has this ever happened in recent previous elections before?

Neither question seems to get any sort of definitive or even rational answer. Instead it's crickets...

They also ignore the precincts where vote counts were GREATER than registered voters.
Easy to check.
Where are you going to check?
Tell me one state or county in which more votes were cast than registered voters?
Getting 60% turnout is good.
Irrelevant. Straw man fallacy.
No place had over 100%.
There was one precinct with 4 registered voters and 5 people voted (the extra was a provisional ballot).
Straw man fallacy.
Try to stick with verifiable facts with less insults.
Facts are not a proof. Facts are not a Universal Truth. Facts do not have to be verified.
I will be waiting to hear which jurisdiction had more votes than registered voters.
People made that same claim in 2012 saying in Austin one precinct had 100% turnout with 100% voting for Obama. I researched that claim and they were right--it was a rural precinct with one registered voter.
Straw man fallacy.

You have already had your question answered multiple times by multiple people. Stop asking the same questions over and over.
True, but the dead can vote according to ballot harvesting Democrats...

No dead people voted. No precincts had vote counts greater than registered voters. All of this is made up BS that falls apart with even the least bit of scrutiny. For example, the claim of more voters than registrations arose out of Wisconsin, but of course the knuckledragging moron who made the claim was comparing general election votes to primary election registrations. Georgia found exactly TWO votes cast by deceased voters. TWO.

Your fraud is made up. it is a lie.