Why I Left the Republican Party! THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY


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Jeez! Listening to Lee Atwater, it's no small wonder he begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. And who knew that Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort went back that far and hung with Atwater.

Jeez! Listening to Lee Atwater, it's no small wonder he begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. And who knew that Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort went back that far and hung with Atwater.

Did we find another leftist revisionist? Yes we did.

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the South began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many Southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party -- which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues -- makes no sense whatsoever.

Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.

Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes "true" simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.

Jeez! Listening to Lee Atwater, it's no small wonder he begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. And who knew that Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort went back that far and hung with Atwater.

Lee spent the last year of his life making amends for his miserable life. He ruined a lot of good men.
Jeez! Listening to Lee Atwater, it's no small wonder he begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. And who knew that Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort went back that far and hung with Atwater.

Even though I disagree with some of the opinions here, this is very accurate when it comes to the facts. I wonder how the NPC Republicans are going to try to spin this.
All this crap about pretend connections between the party of Lincoln and the current Republican scum read rather like attempts to justify them by connecting themselves with those who didn't betray their King way back and collaborate with the French! :)
the democratic and republican party were the same party at a point in history too

so you assholes hating on the democratic party are hating on the republican party too if your own theory had any validity
Did we find another leftist revisionist? Yes we did. (derp derp more derp virtue-signaling derpity derp derp)

Heh, talk about revisionist nonsense. This makes about as much sense as the equally-desperate Reichwing attempts to convince everyone that Nazis were socialists (and therefore just like modern-day (D)s) because that word is part of the acronym.
voters in the South left the Demmycrat Party for Republicans because of Jimmy Carter, not Jimmy Crow......

No it was being stopped from holding blacks down. You are repeating right-wing revisionism. The Reuplicunts were the natural home of segregationists and haters. Do you remember Little Rock?
Did we find another leftist revisionist? Yes we did.

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the South began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many Southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party -- which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues -- makes no sense whatsoever.

Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.

Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes "true" simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.

dear fucking racist idiot

your bullshit take on history says that black American voters left the republican party because the Democratic party started offering them goodies

Thanks for proving you idiot racists don't make sense

fuck you very much
Did we find another leftist revisionist? Yes we did.

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the South began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many Southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party -- which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues -- makes no sense whatsoever.

Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.

Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes "true" simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.

poor uneducated goyim
No it was being stopped from holding blacks down. You are repeating right-wing revisionism. The Reuplicunts were the natural home of segregationists and haters. Do you remember Little Rock?

dude.....you are a fucking liar.....that's why no one takes your posts seriously any more.......Little Rock, city in Arkansas if I recall........isn't that where Clinton had his governor's residence?.....
dude.....you are a fucking liar.....that's why no one takes your posts seriously any more.......Little Rock, city in Arkansas if I recall........isn't that where Clinton had his governor's residence?.....

Oh to you that must be relevant to this thread. Can you really do that? Do you know who Faubus was ,what he did and where? How about Lester Maddox and the axe handle ? In was in the Atlanta underground years ago and a store was selling commemorative Maddox axe handles. These are your peeps.
Oh to you that must be relevant to this thread. Can you really do that? Do you know who Faubus was ,what he did and where? How about Lester Maddox and the axe handle ? In was in the Atlanta underground years ago and a store was selling commemorative Maddox axe handles. These are your peeps.

my peeps?......sure, you go ahead and live that lie.....no one cares what you think.......

Lester Garfield Maddox Sr. (September 30, 1915 – June 25, 2003) was an American politician who served as the 75th Governor of the U.S. state of Georgia from 1967 to 1971. A populist Democrat, Maddox came to prominence as a staunch segregationist[1] when he refused to serve black customers in his Atlanta restaurant, in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He later served as Lieutenant Governor during the period when Jimmy Carter was Governor.


never heard of Faubus before, but I see he ran against Clinton for the Demmycrat primary nomination for governor.......of course I hadn't heard of Clinton until later either........why do you want to pretend your peeps are my peeps?.....
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my peeps?......sure, you go ahead and live that lie.....no one cares what you think.......


never heard of Faubus before, but I see he ran against Clinton for the Demmycrat primary nomination for governor.......of course I hadn't heard of Clinton until later either........why do you want to pretend your peeps are my peeps?.....

They are bigoted rightys who want the wealthy to get more money and power and minorities to be enslaved or sent away. In short, your peeps. These anti-black southern leaders all moved to their real home, the Republican Party. That is where they fit in. It is called the solid south for a reason. they are reliable Republican states. They think like you do.
Jeez! Listening to Lee Atwater, it's no small wonder he begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. And who knew that Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort went back that far and hung with Atwater.

The video is just a rehash of history we are all familiar with.

Who did Atwater beg for forgiveness?

Bob Strother, who ran Gary Hart's 1988 campaign, said Atwater called him shortly before his death and said he had set up the incident in which Hart was pictured with Donna Rice on his lap on the boat "Monkey Business."

They are bigoted rightys who want the wealthy to get more money and power and minorities to be enslaved or sent away. In short, your peeps. These anti-black southern leaders all moved to their real home, the Republican Party. That is where they fit in. It is called the solid south for a reason. they are reliable Republican states. They think like you do.

we all agree that you have your meme catechism well memorized.......the problem you face is we all know you're lying......Maddox didn't move.......Faustus didn't move.......Byrd didn't move.........Lyndon Johnson didn't move......the anti-black southern leaders stayed right where they were......they didn't think like I do.....they thought like demmycunts throughout history.......in truth, like you, they don't think......
we all agree that you have your meme catechism well memorized.......the problem you face is we all know you're lying......Maddox didn't move.......Faustus didn't move.......Byrd didn't move.........Lyndon Johnson didn't move......the anti-black southern leaders stayed right where they were......they didn't think like I do.....they thought like demmycunts throughout history.......in truth, like you, they don't think......

They didn't move, but when the Republicans embraced Goldwater, they changed their strategy to get voters. They started appealing to White Separatists. This drove Blacks out of the RNC. The Democrats, in an attempt to get the black voters, started fighting against segregation. In the follow years, new politicians joined the RNC if they were pro-segregation, or the DNC if they were anti-segregation. This is why the Republicans win the states that fought for segregation, and the Democrats are the racially diverse party.

Keep in mind, I believe in segregation. I'm not trying to smear either party here, just trying to be accurate.