Hello and welcome Daddyo,
Stay away? I come here to debate people with different view points. A challenge to see if my arguments my positions are sound and based on reality and fact.
I am glad you've found us. I came here for exactly the same reason.
One thing I've noticed is that when you debate a demoncrat even worst a libtard demoncrat, when you hit them with facts they call names and run away.
I am not a Democrat but I am liberal and have been here for quite a while and have no intention of running away. I am into chatting politics in a respectful way, which means no name-calling. I would be glad to discuss politics with you but that would have to be on a level basis of mutual respect. Your own name-calling ("demoncrat, "libtard,") is not hitting anybody with facts. It is name-calling. That makes your claim of sticking to facts completely disingenuous. I would ask you to stop the name-calling if you wish to debate me with my different viewpoints. Otherwise, your bluff is called.
Personally I want to know if my belief is wrong. I once thought conservatives were racist rich folks.
That would be a highly inaccurate and false stereotype. While there most certainly are some rich racists who are conservative, I have found there is a wide variety of views within conservative ranks, just as there are among liberals.
Then through debate and interaction and study of history ive come to realize that the opposite is true. Today's demoncrats are the racists.
I disagree. Democrats are composed of a wider variety of views and acceptance of various cultures than Republicans. Democrats welcome Muslims, Native Americans, Hispanics, Blacks, Whites, Christians and Atheists. Democrats look out for people on the basis of equality no matter what the oppression of their subgroup. Women's rights, Gay rights, Worker Union rights, it doesn't matter. All are welcome under the Democratic umbrella. The only reason I refuse to lend my membership to the Democratic Party is because the upper echelon has sold out to the power of big money.
Just look at the newest Congress. Democrats include young and old with many women and people of color. Republicans are mostly rich old white guys. Out of touch. Old news, old views.
Some openly most overtly. We can debate why I believe this if you like. You will lose however lol.
It is completely backwards to believe that the party of 9 out of 10 blacks is racist. Unless you are black you cannot know what it is like to live as a black person. Black people know who respects equality and who doesn't. President Trump enjoys the support of openly racist groups. The Republican party takes steps to prevent blacks from voting and always takes the side of Police when there has been brutality against blacks.
I welcome you to the forum and ask for your understanding in debating on a mutually respectful basis which means no name-calling, among other things. I hope this is agreeable and we can enjoy many years of examining the most interesting politics of the USA. Please note my PIP, thank you. I mean every word of it.
Another note. I am not here to try to convince you to change your mind. I am not looking for winners or losers in debating politics here. I've been doing this a long time. Nobody changes their view because somebody else on the internet told them their view was incorrect. That doesn't happen. What does happen is political debate where we explore subjects and learn why others feel differently than we do as we become better informed. That's the draw here for me. So it is only logical that it should be conducted in a mutually respectful way.