Why I miss being in college: Students attempt Citizen's Arrest of Karl Rove

If you condone acts like this, then you are saying it is open-season on any politician that you despise or disagree with. What would you all be saying if it were Pelosi that had been attacked in this manner?

Assault is assault. In this case it appears they were throwing stuff at him as well, so toss in Battery as well.

You are supposedly the more "civalized" party... great way for you to display that... condone illegal and violent acts.

I personally would not throw something at someone, but as for lying down and blocking his car, that's just classic civil disobedience.

And, I really don't care about them pelting him, and I guess that Nancy Pelosi can handle herself.

You seem very dainty on the subject SF. Ever see pictures or video of babies and children with their faces burned off in Iraq? I could give on rat's ass about Rove being pelted, and let me tell you something, more people in this country should be that angry. If we had any respect for the humanity of the "other" we damned well would all be out on the streets pelting these lying bastards.
I personally would not throw something at someone, but as for lying down and blocking his car, that's just classic civil disobedience.

And, I really don't care about them pelting him, and I guess that Nancy Pelosi can handle herself.

You seem very dainty on the subject SF. Ever see pictures or video of babies and children with their faces burned off in Iraq? I could give on rat's ass about Rove being pelted, and let me tell you something, more people in this country should be that angry. If we had any respect for the humanity of the "other" we damned well would all be out on the streets pelting these lying bastards.

It seems that a protest is often the only way to illistrate your feelings on the subject, Bush wont answer questions from the general public anymore... Rove is unaccessable...

I saw a great cartoon in todays paper.

A little girl goes to a podium and says, "I amdit mistakes were made, I have time for one question" the next frame shows her father in a chair beyond the podium in a Laz-e-boy, he says, "What mistakes". The girl says, "lets not dwell in the past, thats all the time I have today". The next frame has her brother asking if she had shown her report card to dad yet.... she says, "I have admitted my mistakes and we have moved on"!
"Rove was on the campus to talk to the College Republicans, but when he got outside more than a dozen students began throwing things at him and at his car, an American University spokesperson said."

THAT is assault and battery. Period. Not a simple protest. Kicking his car or beating his car is also ILLEGAL. This in no way should be called an old fashion protest.

Unless of course you want all politicians and their advisors to be open to such assault. We have a lot of Dems coming here in 2008... would you want them treated in such a manner? Pelt them with objects everytime they go somewhere?
"I personally would not throw something at someone, but as for lying down and blocking his car, that's just classic civil disobedience."

I agree with that. It is the throwing stuff at him and beating on his car that is illegal.
"Rove was on the campus to talk to the College Republicans, but when he got outside more than a dozen students began throwing things at him and at his car, an American University spokesperson said."

THAT is assault and battery. Period. Not a simple protest. Kicking his car or beating his car is also ILLEGAL. This in no way should be called an old fashion protest.

Unless of course you want all politicians and their advisors to be open to such assault. We have a lot of Dems coming here in 2008... would you want them treated in such a manner? Pelt them with objects everytime they go somewhere?

It really depends on what they threw... If it was marshmellows, I dont think that would count as assault and it would make for a very silly battery case.
"You seem very dainty on the subject SF. Ever see pictures or video of babies and children with their faces burned off in Iraq? I could give on rat's ass about Rove being pelted, and let me tell you something, more people in this country should be that angry. If we had any respect for the humanity of the "other" we damned well would all be out on the streets pelting these lying bastards."

Give me a break. What is happening in Iraq in NO WAY justifies a person to break the law. Or are you saying that vigilante justice should be in place? That every time we ALLEGE an illegal act against someone that we should be able to administer whatever justice we feel they deserve?

Also, I have no problem with people being that angry at Rove/Bush etc... but being ANGRY does not justify an illegal act.
It seems that a protest is often the only way to illistrate your feelings on the subject, Bush wont answer questions from the general public anymore... Rove is unaccessable...

I saw a great cartoon in todays paper.

A little girl goes to a podium and says, "I amdit mistakes were made, I have time for one question" the next frame shows her father in a chair beyond the podium in a Laz-e-boy, he says, "What mistakes". The girl says, "lets not dwell in the past, thats all the time I have today". The next frame has her brother asking if she had shown her report card to dad yet.... she says, "I have admitted my mistakes and we have moved on"!

LOL. That is great.
"It really depends on what they threw... If it was marshmellows, I dont think that would count as assault and it would make for a very silly battery case."

Assault has NOTHING to do with what they threw... the battery portion would... and I agree it depends on what they threw.
"You seem very dainty on the subject SF. Ever see pictures or video of babies and children with their faces burned off in Iraq? I could give on rat's ass about Rove being pelted, and let me tell you something, more people in this country should be that angry. If we had any respect for the humanity of the "other" we damned well would all be out on the streets pelting these lying bastards."

Give me a break. What is happening in Iraq in NO WAY justifies a person to break the law. Or are you saying that vigilante justice should be in place? That every time we ALLEGE an illegal act against someone that we should be able to administer whatever justice we feel they deserve?

Also, I have no problem with people being that angry at Rove/Bush etc... but being ANGRY does not justify an illegal act.

Do you have any idea of the history of the 1960's civil rights movement?

You give me a break. When one comes to the conclusion that their tax dollars are being used to perpetuate a war based on lies, and therefore to murder people, to murder people, do you grasp that concept? Murder. Then some of them feel they are morally bound to stop it anyway that they can.

They have my utmost respect.
He has the right to press charges if he wishes

And people committing acts of civil disobedience are aware of that ahead of time, and are willing to go to prison.

For their beliefs.

To me, that's an American. With some damned character too.
"You give me a break. When one comes to the conclusion that their tax dollars are being used to perpetuate a war based on lies, and therefore to murder people, to murder people, do you grasp that concept? Murder. Then some of them feel they are morally bound to stop it anyway that they can. "

So you are saying that if we disagree with a politician's policy, because we feel it harms us as a country, that we can use any force necessary to stop them?
"And people committing acts of civil disobedience are aware of that ahead of time, and are willing to go to prison.

For their beliefs.

To me, that's an American. With some damned character too."

That I agree with you on. But you CANNOT cross the line into violence.
"It really depends on what they threw... If it was marshmellows, I dont think that would count as assault and it would make for a very silly battery case."

Assault has NOTHING to do with what they threw... the battery portion would... and I agree it depends on what they threw.

Assault does have something to do with what is thrown, Assault requires a threat of violence and the apperant ability to carry it out... I dont think Throwing a marshmellow is a threat of violence.
I do think we have the right to use violence if your rights are curtailed. Thats why we have our country.

violence must be a last resort though.
"You give me a break. When one comes to the conclusion that their tax dollars are being used to perpetuate a war based on lies, and therefore to murder people, to murder people, do you grasp that concept? Murder. Then some of them feel they are morally bound to stop it anyway that they can. "

So you are saying that if we disagree with a politician's policy, because we feel it harms us as a country, that we can use any force necessary to stop them?

Disagree? No, I disagree with policies of every politician, no body reflects my beliefs 100%.

Throughout our history, when women were fighting for the vote, when blacks were fighting for basic civil rights, during Vietnam, another lie, certain citizens came to the conclusion that to stand by and do nothing, was to condone these actions. And they were willing to suffer the consequences. None of them ever killed anybody, so don't go getting all drama queen on me.

You support this war, and for that reason, you could never hope to understand the passion of someone who sees it as the lie, and therefore, murder, that it is. And I do not do well talking to war supporters frankly. I have a hard time keeping a civil tongue in my head.

Frankly, with our troops going back for 4th tours, tired and worn out, in desperate need of replacements, I have a hard time wondering why we still have any healthy, able-bodied, war supporters in this country.

So I do not see anything good coming out of this conversation do you? I will follow my morals, and suffer the consequences, and you follow your morals...for which other people will suffer the consequences. And let's just leave it at that.
"Assault does have something to do with what is thrown, Assault requires a threat of violence and the apperant ability to carry it out... I dont think Throwing a marshmellow is a threat of violence."

No. Learn the difference between assault and battery. The act of yelling at someone, beating on their car and throwing anything, can induce the fear of bodily harm. That is assault. Battery is the actual physical contact. THAT is where it would be quite silly to say "Jarod hit me with a marshmellow and it hurt"
It seems that a protest is often the only way to illistrate your feelings on the subject, Bush wont answer questions from the general public anymore... Rove is unaccessable...

I saw a great cartoon in todays paper.

A little girl goes to a podium and says, "I amdit mistakes were made, I have time for one question" the next frame shows her father in a chair beyond the podium in a Laz-e-boy, he says, "What mistakes". The girl says, "lets not dwell in the past, thats all the time I have today". The next frame has her brother asking if she had shown her report card to dad yet.... she says, "I have admitted my mistakes and we have moved on"!

I am afraid this is the type of "morality" and personal accountability Bush is teaching our children.
"I do think we have the right to use violence if your rights are curtailed. Thats why we have our country.

violence must be a last resort though."

I agree with you, as a last resort AND if their rights had been curtailed. Yet their rights were not. Rove's were.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of Rove... but this was flat out wrong.