Why I miss being in college: Students attempt Citizen's Arrest of Karl Rove

"Assault does have something to do with what is thrown, Assault requires a threat of violence and the apperant ability to carry it out... I dont think Throwing a marshmellow is a threat of violence."

No. Learn the difference between assault and battery. The act of yelling at someone, beating on their car and throwing anything, can induce the fear of bodily harm. That is assault. Battery is the actual physical contact. THAT is where it would be quite silly to say "Jarod hit me with a marshmellow and it hurt"

You dont know what assault is. Yelling at someone is NOT assault, (freedom of speach prohibits that from being a crime) Telling someone that you are going to stab them while lunging at them with a knife IS assault. Mere words cannot be assault, but words with a physical act that can be perceved as a threat might be assault. Beating on someones car, in florida, is achually battery because hitting something that someone is inside constitutes a physical touching and thus can be considered battery. Now, I dont belive that the combanation of throwing marshmellows while yelling at someone can constitute assault because I dont think there can be a perceved threat at having a marshmellow thrown at them.
"Disagree? No, I disagree with policies of every politician, no body reflects my beliefs 100%. "

I said policies that we feel are harmful to our nation.

"Throughout our history, when women were fighting for the vote, when blacks were fighting for basic civil rights, during Vietnam, another lie, certain citizens came to the conclusion that to stand by and do nothing, was to condone these actions. And they were willing to suffer the consequences. None of them ever killed anybody, so don't go getting all drama queen on me."

So you are comparing the above to a bunch of students "protesting" that Rove used an inappropriate email server? Which one of us is engaging the dramatic?

"You support this war, and for that reason, you could never hope to understand the passion of someone who sees it as the lie, and therefore, murder, that it is. And I do not do well talking to war supporters frankly. I have a hard time keeping a civil tongue in my head."

I support my beleif that this war was inevitable. I do not support the timing of it, the lack of planning and the continuous lack of vision.

"So I do not see anything good coming out of this conversation do you? I will follow my morals, and suffer the consequences, and you follow your morals...for which other people will suffer the consequences."

Probably not, you support your morals that allow vigilante justice. Mine do not allow me that luxury.

"And let's just leave it at that."

It is your choice whether or not you wish to leave this thread. Regardless, any disagreement on this topic while not be carried over to any other topic by myself.
"You dont know what assault is. Yelling at someone is NOT assault, (freedom of speach prohibits that from being a crime) Telling someone that you are going to stab them while lunging at them with a knife IS assault. Mere words cannot be assault, but words with a physical act that can be perceved as a threat might be assault. Beating on someones car, in florida, is achually battery because hitting something that someone is inside constitutes a physical touching and thus can be considered battery. Now, I dont belive that the combanation of throwing marshmellows while yelling at someone can constitute assault because I dont think there can be a perceved threat at having a marshmellow thrown at them."

Assault is the FEAR of bodily harm. A group of over a dozen people all shouting at you and throwing ANYTHING at you would consitute ASSAULT.
"You dont know what assault is. Yelling at someone is NOT assault, (freedom of speach prohibits that from being a crime) Telling someone that you are going to stab them while lunging at them with a knife IS assault. Mere words cannot be assault, but words with a physical act that can be perceved as a threat might be assault. Beating on someones car, in florida, is achually battery because hitting something that someone is inside constitutes a physical touching and thus can be considered battery. Now, I dont belive that the combanation of throwing marshmellows while yelling at someone can constitute assault because I dont think there can be a perceved threat at having a marshmellow thrown at them."

Assault is the FEAR of bodily harm. A group of over a dozen people all shouting at you and throwing ANYTHING at you would consitute ASSAULT.

I disagree.
"Disagree? No, I disagree with policies of every politician, no body reflects my beliefs 100%. "

I said policies that we feel are harmful to our nation.

"Throughout our history, when women were fighting for the vote, when blacks were fighting for basic civil rights, during Vietnam, another lie, certain citizens came to the conclusion that to stand by and do nothing, was to condone these actions. And they were willing to suffer the consequences. None of them ever killed anybody, so don't go getting all drama queen on me."

So you are comparing the above to a bunch of students "protesting" that Rove used an inappropriate email server? Which one of us is engaging the dramatic?

"You support this war, and for that reason, you could never hope to understand the passion of someone who sees it as the lie, and therefore, murder, that it is. And I do not do well talking to war supporters frankly. I have a hard time keeping a civil tongue in my head."

I support my beleif that this war was inevitable. I do not support the timing of it, the lack of planning and the continuous lack of vision.

"So I do not see anything good coming out of this conversation do you? I will follow my morals, and suffer the consequences, and you follow your morals...for which other people will suffer the consequences."

Probably not, you support your morals that allow vigilante justice. Mine do not allow me that luxury.

"And let's just leave it at that."

It is your choice whether or not you wish to leave this thread. Regardless, any disagreement on this topic while not be carried over to any other topic by myself.

I saw the video and I don't know where that comes from, that they were protesting emails. I haven't seen any indication of that. I assumed the war. If I'm wrong about that, then fine, no I wouldn't risk prison for emails. Though, Rove technically is, since that too, is against the law. He is quite a one-man civil disobedience show himself.

What you consider vigilantism I consider something very different. By your standards, there can be no doubt, that you would have considered the civil rights protests to be vigilantism. So if that is vigilantism, then mark me down for some. But I do not have to allow you to define the act. You have your opinion, I have mine.
so in college they taught you to commit illegal acts to illegally try to restrain someone who did something that's not illegal???? I sure won't be sending my kids to that college.

Wow, you hollyroller NeoCons didn't have any fun in college did you? You're such a downer man. ;)

this is why cons are such boring people. I bet the highlight of your college social life, was playing "Twister", with butch women from the girls softball team.
Darla... they were trying to make a citizens arrest because they alleged that he had used the RNC server rather than the White House server (records of which can be ordered by Congress....I don't think the RNC emails can be)

As for the cival rights movements, I do think that was necessary and there was little doubt that minorities were being treated like second class citizens. Similar opinion of the womens rights movements. Those were pretty clear cut.

Got to run. Have a great night, take care (and sorry for making you talk to someone as evil as myself ;) )
"this is why cons are such boring people. I bet the highlight of your college social life, was playing "Twister", with butch women from the girls softball team."

hmmm... something wrong with that... you think Holyroller NEO-CONs made it a point to hang out with what you call "butch women"? Let's stop and think about that for a moment shall we?

oh yeah... Denver rules dude!!! Have a good night.
Darla... they were trying to make a citizens arrest because they alleged that he had used the RNC server rather than the White House server (records of which can be ordered by Congress....I don't think the RNC emails can be)

As for the cival rights movements, I do think that was necessary and there was little doubt that minorities were being treated like second class citizens. Similar opinion of the womens rights movements. Those were pretty clear cut.

Got to run. Have a great night, take care (and sorry for making you talk to someone as evil as myself ;) )

Ok, I didn't know that. But what was their real motivation? The emails, or the war? I'm guessing, it's the war.

I find this war to be as clearly wrong, as both of the above.
Ok, I didn't know that. But what was their real motivation? The emails, or the war? I'm guessing, it's the war.

I find this war to be as clearly wrong, as both of the above.

Hey! I 'm just reporting what I heard on air america. LOL. Who knows if "RNC servers" was the real reason these kids executed a citizen's arrest.

Even if true, it may have been intended as a legal ruse, to simply get a war criminal off the streets. In the same way Al Capone was ultimately taken down by "mail fraud" charges. ;)
Hey! I 'm just reporting what I heard on air america. LOL. Who knows if "RNC servers" was the real reason these kids executed a citizen's arrest.

Even if true, it may have been intended as a legal ruse, to simply get a war criminal off the streets. In the same way Al Capone was ultimately taken down by "mail fraud" charges. ;)

Great analogy. It was actually a very clever idea. I highly doubt that this is what has them all agitated. But it was clever to use that.
Great analogy. It was actually a very clever idea. I highly doubt that this is what has them all agitated. But it was clever to use that.

I don't know what sfreak is freaking out about.

OF COURSE this wasn't about "RNC email servers". Even if Air Ameirca reported that accurately, you know the real reason was the war. Hell, if you can stop Al Capone from murdering people, by nailing him on "mail fraud" charges, why not try the same tactic on Rove? LOL.

Cons are just freaking out. This is great stuff. Stuff that I loved about college.
Are RNC servers at least paid the minimum wage or do they use the "waitress examption" ?
they are probably Eunich's servers considering the repubs :D
Wow, you hollyroller NeoCons didn't have any fun in college did you? You're such a downer man. ;)

this is why cons are such boring people. I bet the highlight of your college social life, was playing "Twister", with butch women from the girls softball team.

I couldn't get out of college fast enough. Hated it. Never played twister either. Now when I was in junior high, spin the bottle was pretty fun. The girls weren't butch though some did play softball. They looked more like this:


I couldn't get out of college fast enough. Hated it. Never played twister either. Now when I was in junior high, spin the bottle was pretty fun. The girls weren't butch though some did play softball. They looked more like this:



I loved College, had more fun than I had ever had till that point in my life. I was ready to go after 4 years however. Sophmore year was the best, mostly due to Freshmen girls.
Yeah, he should be pelted for that too.

at least he was trying to be funly. hitlary should be lashhed for her degrading 'impersonaiton' of MLKjr...if rove had done that, you libs would be screeming for his resignation..i just love hypocracy!
at least he was trying to be funly. hitlary should be lashhed for her degrading 'impersonaiton' of MLKjr...if rove had done that, you libs would be screeming for his resignation..i just love hypocracy!

She did an impersination of MLK Jr? Id like to see that.