Why I will never vote for a Republican and will do everything to destroy them


The Republican party is a force for evil in the world and should be banned.


Legislative committee votes to repeal Montana's medical marijuana law

By CHARLES S. JOHNSON Missoulian State Bureau * Posted: Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:00 am * (111) Comments

HELENA - The House Human Services Committee voted 10-5 Friday to repeal Montana's 2004 voter-passed initiative legalizing the use of medical marijuana.
All of the committee's 10 Republicans voted for House Bill 161, by House Speaker Mike Milburn, R-Cascade. All five Democrats opposed it.
The bill now heads to the House floor for debate on Tuesday, barring any last-minute scheduling changes.
"I am pleased to see the Human Services Committee supports this incredibly important bill, and I look forward to it passing the full House of Representatives next week," Milburn said afterward.
The sharply divided committee debated the bill for less than half an hour before voting.
"This is an initiative that has gone horribly wrong," said Rep. Cary Smith, R-Billings. "This is not what the people voted for."
Smith said he was appointed to serve on an ad hoc committee by the Billings Council to deal with the consequences of the explosive growth of medical marijuana in recent years. The city has faced problems with medical marijuana storefronts located in front of schools and churches, he said.
"We need to turn this thing off and start over," Smith said.
As of December, 2010, more than 27,000 people in Montana have been authorized to use medical marijuana, an increase of 20,000 cardholders from December 2009.
But Rep. Pat Noonan, D- Butte, opposed the bill.
"I have a rule that I don't vote against anything that's voted on by the voters," he said. "If we really want to repeal, I think the voters should do it."
In 2004, Montana voters passed the initiative by 62 percent to 38 percent.
Rep. Michael More, R-Gallatin Gateway, acknowledged he had voted for the measure, thinking it would be just to help people with debilitating diseases.
"There was an element of wishful naiveté on the part of those who voted this in," More said.
But the state has instead had contend to with far-reaching consequences of the initiative, including what More called "an element of licentiousness in the culture" under the law.
Rep. Ellie Hill, D-Missoula, criticized the repeal bill, saying that opponents of HB161 outnumbered its supporters by 3-to-1 at the hearing earlier this week.
"There was a lot of talk that this has increased crime rates," she said. "I didn't hear anyone with evidence."
Milburn doesn't accept the fact that marijuana works as medicine, she said, despite legislators hearing from people, including some in wheelchairs, testifying that it has helped treat their health problems.
The Missoula lawmaker said she has heard from thousands of people who support medical marijuana but want the Legislature to enact some sideboards to the bill. She urged lawmakers to instead consider the bipartisan measure approved by a legislative interim committee, House Bill 68, by Rep. Diane Sands, D-Missoula, which would add regulations.
"They don't think the current law is what people voted for," she said. "They voted for safe access to medical marijuana. They want us to put some training wheels on."
Afterward, Tom Daubert, an author and campaign manager for the 2004 initiative, criticized the committee action.
"For legislators who rejected proposals to improve the law in '07 and '09 to now rush to repeal rather than to fix a compassionate policy passed by the people in record numbers is a tragedy for patients and an insult to the Montana values of freedom and democracy," said Daubert, who heads a group called Patients & Families United. "Consensus solutions to the law's problems exist. But redefining thousands of suffering Montanans as criminals is not a solution, nor is it morally justifiable."
Besides Sands' HB68, there is another major medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill 154 by Sen. Dave Lewis, R-Helena, that would also set up state licensing and regulation of the medical marijuana businesses. Sands' bill would impose licensing fees to pay for the regulation, while Lewis' measure would levy a tax.
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And we shall Watermark. We shall. The rise of the Libertarian is coming to fruition. Soon all the land that our feet tread shall be ours. And we shall not stop until no two Democrat or Republican bricks stand together.
And we shall Watermark. We shall. The rise of the Libertarian is coming to fruition. Soon all the land that our feet tread shall be ours. And we shall not stop until no two Democrat or Republican bricks stand together.
Oh yes, we can see that. They've all ready taken over the internet. LIBERTARIANS OF THE WORLD......uh, unite?
Oh yes, we can see that. They've all ready taken over the internet. LIBERTARIANS OF THE WORLD......uh, unite?

LOL, the continuing attempts at broadbrushing Libertarians as extreme radicals only has one result, and that is to draw more people to look at the actual ideals of Libertarianism and like it. :good4u:
LOL, the continuing attempts at broadbrushing Libertarians as extreme radicals only has one result, and that is to draw more people to look at the actual ideals of Libertarianism and like it. :good4u:
I've never, ever broadbrushed liberterians as extreme radicals.

I've always broadbrushed them as impotent ineffectuals who couldn't unite a beehive or lead a duck to water. :)
Republicans and democrates beware are the Liberatarians will take over the government.
"Slowly" being the operative word here. LOL Why at this rate there may be enough libertarians in agreement to actually make a run for Chrittendon county dog catcher by the end of the decade! ;)

or, it could actually go faster, especially with mainstream media moguls telling whopper lies about Libertarians....


Those findings will be discomfiting to the scofflaws and libertarians who have long believed they have a God-given right to run red lights without the nuisance of risking a fine. They have felt put upon that the government is somehow invading their privacy by training cameras on intersections or “profiting” from the resulting fines.

nice job washingtonpost. nice job. :good4u:
Mott, your age shows. Libertarians are the fastest growing group. They are the banner under which my generation shall lead. They (we) are the future. The death kneel of the Boomers shall soon sound, and it will be the Libertarians to take their place.
Yeah, we were gonna change the world, too, good luck with that!!!! Generation X

Well you boomers did change the world... for the worse.

I think Billy is right. The echo boomer generation is going to make some sweeping changes. I see them becoming ever more disconnected from the two parties. Both parties are shifting in general towards the loud and vocal extremes. Both are drifting away from moderate positions. Independents are tired of both parties. Not saying it will happen tomorrow.... but it is coming.
Yeah, like I said, my generation felt the same way, both parties were corrupt, all adults over 30 are evil, same tune different day, like I said, good luck and I really meant it, we are going to need a miracle.
Yeah, like I said, my generation felt the same way, both parties were corrupt, all adults over 30 are evil, same tune different day, like I said, good luck and I really meant it, we are going to need a miracle.

Miracles happen all the time and not everyone over 30 is evil.
Yeah, like I said, my generation felt the same way, both parties were corrupt, all adults over 30 are evil, same tune different day, like I said, good luck and I really meant it, we are going to need a miracle.

your boomer generation was the most selfish in the history of this country. Gen X will lead us out of the abyss. The echo boomers will join us.

Easiest solution... euthanasia baby!.... you hit 70.... thanks for playing... now go see Dr. Jack.
your boomer generation was the most selfish in the history of this country. Gen X will lead us out of the abyss. The echo boomers will join us.

Easiest solution... euthanasia baby!.... you hit 70.... thanks for playing... now go see Dr. Jack.

But not as selfish as the german, Japanese, Italian and russsian generation of the 30's'40's. WW2 era.