Why I will never vote for a Republican and will do everything to destroy them

might be an easier task on which ones aren't

Well, my reply is that only someone who is antisocial and has no understanding of a civil society would call me a socialist. If your idea of society is Darwinism, then that is not a society, it is the jungle.

I really don't know your views, it's difficult to glean from your short, one sentence posts.
"Slowly" being the operative word here. LOL Why at this rate there may be enough libertarians in agreement to actually make a run for Chrittendon county dog catcher by the end of the decade! ;)

Goddamned right. The problem with us libertarians is that we're unpragmatic and downright non-cohesive.

Shit, I have a friend who is trying to become a professional artist, but on his website he refuses to accept credit cards, federal reserve notes or checks because he believes the scarcity of metals is the only true value. So he prices his paintings in "troy ounces" of silver. Of course, he never sells shit.

But thats the kind of libertardian shit that slows down a lot of us. Because its not about a revolution, or changing the monetary system. Its just about live and let live. The activists make us look stupid.
Well you boomers did change the world... for the worse.

I think Billy is right. The echo boomer generation is going to make some sweeping changes. I see them becoming ever more disconnected from the two parties. Both parties are shifting in general towards the loud and vocal extremes. Both are drifting away from moderate positions. Independents are tired of both parties. Not saying it will happen tomorrow.... but it is coming.
Dude, it's been that way since Reagan ran for office and even before then when they didn't even have an internet to post on Libertarians were running around saying "Anarchist of the world UNITE!" There's nothing new here and people have been saying the exact same thing as you since before you were born.

In fact libertarian/independent sentiment was far stronger in 80 when Anderson took 5% of the vote and in 92 when Perot took 12% of the vote. If anything, Libertarianism has declines significantly since then.
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Yeah, like I said, my generation felt the same way, both parties were corrupt, all adults over 30 are evil, same tune different day, like I said, good luck and I really meant it, we are going to need a miracle.
Not really. America is an example of what happens when Joe Schmuck is given the freedom to do his own thing. He's not owned by an aristocrat or a hereditary nobel or some plutocrat. Even though he may not be the sharpest pencil in the box (and I'd use Super Freak as a good example here) he is far more productive working in his own slipshod and half witted fashion for his own self interest (again...SF as roll model) then he is when his life and fate is determined by someone else who is using him for his self interest.

Now if a nation full of imbeciles (people like Dixie certainly come to mind) can use that principle to become the most powerful nation in the world, it certainly makes you wonder what would happen if a nation with brains were to follow our example?

And that's what makes America great. Sure we may be burdoned with half wits and morons like Dixie and SuperFreak but they are their own half wits and morons and not mine!

Our nation is the best example of what people can accomplish when left free to do their own thing. Why I'd put our half wits like SF and Dixie up against the smartest and strongest slaves in the world! I'm sure they'd make us.......proud?
Hotdog, we do not intend to form a third party. We intend to change both parties to better suit ourselves. Look at Watermark and myself. Many would consider me a Republican, many would consider him a Democrat. Together we shall use that division to unify our true goals.
You two couldn't unify a school of sardines! LOL
thanks.... it just seems so counter-intuitive.

Look at that.... I learned me sumthin today.
I learned about that in organic chemistry lab in college. We did a multi-week lab project where we first synthesized ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) a common buffer. We then used the EDTA product to synthesize paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA) a commonly used sunscreen. We then used the PABA reaction product to synthesize the local anesthetic benzocaine. The same reaction sequence could, theoretically, be used to synthesize cocaine but would hardly be cost affective and could get you into a lot of trouble.
That's not exactly true. We've had third party's rise and displace other parties which declined and then vanished such as the Whigs.

In 1830, the Whigs were not a third party. They were a reorganized National Republican Party, which itself had not been a third party in 1828. The Whig Party became a third party the instant the Republican Party was formed for the 1854 midterm elections. Not by accident, the GOP was formed the same way the Whigs were, after a catestrophic presidential election (Jackson, Pierce) had occurred and the midterms were approaching. Essentially, the GOP has never been a third party, because it did not finish third place anywhere during 1854, and it finished a close second in 1856. One can argue that the GOP temporarily held third party status in 1912, but that would be like saying that the stalwarts, half-breeds, and liberals were separate parties.