Why I will never vote for a Republican and will do everything to destroy them

your boomer generation was the most selfish in the history of this country. Gen X will lead us out of the abyss. The echo boomers will join us.

Easiest solution... euthanasia baby!.... you hit 70.... thanks for playing... now go see Dr. Jack.

Well, just remember, you can't stay young forever, your day will come, too!

that is the bad thing about putting down old people, it happens to us all eventually, unless you die young, so i guess do yourself a favor, SF, and don't get old!
Hotdog, we do not intend to form a third party. We intend to change both parties to better suit ourselves. Look at Watermark and myself. Many would consider me a Republican, many would consider him a Democrat. Together we shall use that division to unify our true goals.
shit, the slackers (post boomers) are the laziest group in our country's history.
build a country or a family, nah they'd rather go ride a bike.
Well, just remember, you can't stay young forever, your day will come, too!

that is the bad thing about putting down old people, it happens to us all eventually, unless you die young, so i guess do yourself a favor, SF, and don't get old!

lol.... yeah... I was just kidding about the forced euthanasia... although I do support people having the right to choose to do so if they wish.
shit, the slackers (post boomers) are the laziest group in our country's history.
build a country or a family, nah they'd rather go ride a bike.

When you put the ganja down and come back and read the above, you will realize just how moronic it is.
your boomer generation was the most selfish in the history of this country. Gen X will lead us out of the abyss. The echo boomers will join us.

Easiest solution... euthanasia baby!.... you hit 70.... thanks for playing... now go see Dr. Jack.
Shades of Logan's Run! Ya'll are just jealous cause you didn't get to see Woodstock. :-p
shit, the slackers (post boomers) are the laziest group in our country's history.
build a country or a family, nah they'd rather go ride a bike.
Well the good thing about that Topper is with the Gen Slackers around retirement will always be an "option" for us as there'll be plenty of work to be done! LOL

As I've said previously, youthful energy, skill and talent is no match for experience, wisdom and treachery!
The Republicans are worried that a bunch of 'beatniks' and people of 'color' will get all smoked up, feel their 'weed muscles', start den fights, race around in their cars at 5 MPH and run over their children...

And don't forget...marijuana is a 'gateway' drug...marijuana which is classified a Schedule I drug, will lead to the use of cocaine, a Schedule II drug...

"Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life. He lied to his wife, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the Congress, lifetime members of his own political party, the American people and the world."
Barry Goldwater

"Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddamn liar. . . . .He's one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides."
Harry S. Truman
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The Republicans are worried that a bunch of 'beatniks' and people of 'color' will get all smoked up, feel their 'weed muscles', start den fights, race around in their cars at 5 MPH and run over their children...

And don't forget...marijuana is a 'gateway' drug...marijuana which is is classified a Schedule I drug, will lead to the use of cocaine, a Schedule II drug...

"Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life. He lied to his wife, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the Congress, lifetime members of his own political party, the American people and the world."
Barry Goldwater

"Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddamn liar. . . . .He's one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides."
Harry S. Truman

Congrats. Your post just beat out Toppy's for most ignorant dribble.
I bet you think your the smartest person you know, I think bike riding is the best activity you have going.:fu:

not in the least. There are several on this board I consider more intelligent than myself.

You are not even close to being one of them. You are dumb enough to believe that calling me a bike rider is somehow an insult.
Marijuania is classified as schedule I because it was deemed to have no medical use. Cocaine was classified as schedule II not because it was deemed less dangerous, but because it does have medical use (as an anesthetic).
Marijuania is classified as schedule I because it was deemed to have no medical use. Cocaine was classified as schedule II not because it was deemed less dangerous, but because it does have medical use (as an anesthetic).

Cocaine is an anesthetic? I never knew that. What form do they use it in to make it an anesthetic?
It's way past time to unschedule I marijuana. Shit thousands of doctors are writing scrips for it.