Why is camping a white thing? Here are some of my thoughts.

Then you understand that your trolling exists solely at our discretion. So since you understand that, I'll be frank. Clean up your fucking act. You aren't funny.

His statements aside, are you saying that you only apply things when it suits you? If so, they aren't rules.
Then don't fuck up.

If you apply the "rules" as inconsistently as you indicate you do, it's impossible to fuck up. You can only fuck up when there is a specific standard on which to base your actions. When you base your decisions on a whim, it's not called fucking up. It's called someone getting their panties in a wad.

All you had to do is answer "yes" to my question.
Could it be that a tent might remind minorities too much of their cardboard box home? Why go camping if it's not much different than home? Also, blacks spook easily and camping involves a lot of things like snakes, spiders, bears and catepillers.

Any thoughts?

My immediate thoughts are that McRib is a fucking racist scumbag ...
You prove it over and over ...
You're way late as usual Racism Whistleblower. He has already been out as a racist troll.

You fail, again.
He has one job to do and he's asleep at the wheel. He has already failed at the soothsaying gig and now this, time for the racism monitor to be fired.

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