Why is Georgia changing the election rules?

Nullifying the votes of people, who have done nothing wrong or illegal, absolutely is not how challenging elections works. If Trump had one and it was Biden's people trying to nullify Republican votes, you would be losing your fucking shit.. And rightfully so.
They have no authority to.
Let’s remember the SCOTUS gave Biden some extra powers too
No one gave Biden extra power.
They said Biden can even breaks laws to protect American democracy from its threat from within
The United States was never a democracy. Biden isn't President. He was never elected.
I don’t think he will need to though

Our system seems to be working as the founders designed
Ignoring and discarding the Constitution as you do is NOT what the founders designed, Vincy.
ALABAMA (WHNT) — The Department of Justice has announced it is suing the State of Alabama and Secretary of State Wes Allen over a program to remove some voters from voter rolls.
They have no authority to.
Allen announced in August that he had instructed county boards of registrars across the state to remove 3,251 registered voters from the state’s voter rolls. The secretary said this move only affects residents who had been issued a non-citizen identification number.

The DOJ now says that the order violates the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) because it comes too close to the Nov. 5 election.
The DOJ has no such authority.
The department said the order violates a section of the NVRA called the ‘Quiet Period Provision,’ which requires states to complete programs aimed at removing names of ineligible voters no later than 90 days before a federal election. The DOJ said Allen’s order came 84 days before the Nov. 5 General Election.
The DOJ has no such authority.
The department said it is seeking injunctive relief to restore the ability of eligible voters
Illegal immigrants and non-citizens are NOT eligible to vote, Vincy.
It doesn't matter what the rule change is for the voter. Again, the voters can only follow the rules provided to them by the state. If the state completely messes up the rules, but every single vote that is placed is legitimate, there is absolutely no basis for nullifying those votes. I don't give a fuck if the state said, due to COVID, you could fold your ballot into a paper airplane and throw it on to the capital lawn. The state makes the rules. All the people can do is follow those rules and they absolutely should not be punished for following those rules. Fraudulent ballots should be thrown out. It's absolute communist/dictator-type shit for the state to throw out ballots because the state fucked up.
The State did not change the rules, Void. Election officials have NO AUTHORITY to change election law for any federal office.
The President is not elected by popular vote.

The President is not elected by popular vote.
You are a moron who brings nothing to the table and you are a waste of time. There is zero chance I respond to your other seven pointless posts. When you want to pull your head out of your ass, stop being a troll and stop playing dumb, I will attempt to have a conversation with you.
You are a moron who brings nothing to the table and you are a waste of time.
Bulverism fallacy. Mantra 1a. Lame.
There is zero chance I respond to your other seven pointless posts.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
When you want to pull your head out of your ass, stop being a troll and stop playing dumb, I will attempt to have a conversation with you.
You aren't having a conversation, Void.