Why is it OK for rappers actors and comedians to use this word?

so do you insist on being able to use the word Kike?

Actually, when i logged on this morning i was genuinely surprised one of these concerned white gentlemen hadn't started a thread complaining that they could no longer black-up due to political correctness having gone mad.
I don't want either of these groups of people to EVER forget the history.

and all humans should join them.
Yes I do but equality isn't going to come about because either non-blacks can say the n-word or no one can. I truly don't get the obsession among non-blacks with this word.

No...equality will come about when EVERYONE enjoys the SAME treatment as everyone else....including what words everyone can use with impunity....
everything the left condones seems to be something that drives a wedge between the races....small things and big things....
They not only ignore the double standards in vogue, but perpetuate them and create new ones.....

why no indignation for the public shaming you would get for using this word?

why do blacks need to "just get over it" but the jewish people should never forget?

Different races and ethnic groups suffered bondage ALL over world at one time or another....some, including Africans, making slaves of their own for centuries.....
Where else is it an impediment to living together like civilized people like it is in the US.....others "just got over it" worldwide, but not here....because here it
is a political tool used by the left.....

Jewish people aren't obsessed with the Egyptians for holding them in slavery, they are obsessed with one madman trying to annihilate them as a race and as
a religion.....so your bullshit is just a strawman....
No...equality will come about when EVERYONE enjoys the SAME treatment as everyone else....including what words everyone can use with impunity....
everything the left condones seems to be something that drives a wedge between the races....small things and big things....
They not only ignore the double standards in vogue, but perpetuate them and create new ones.....

No it's not about equality. Non blacks aren't going to gain more equality by blacks not referring to each other as the n-word. It's also not a liberal or conservative thing. I'm not some politically correct guilty white liberal but there is no other word that carries the same stigma as the n-word and it does not change my life one bit that I shouldn't say the word.
Different races and ethnic groups suffered bondage ALL over world at one time or another....some, including Africans, making slaves of their own for centuries.....
Where else is it an impediment to living together like civilized people like it is in the US.....others "just got over it" worldwide, but not here....because here it
is a political tool used by the left.....

Jewish people aren't obsessed with the Egyptians for holding them in slavery, they are obsessed with one madman trying to annihilate them as a race and as
a religion.....so your bullshit is just a strawman....

That's probably .. and hopefully, the dumbest post you will ever make.

What is your obsession with the N word? Why is it necessary for you to denigrate other people?

Does that make you feel better about yourself?

Blacks DO NOT use the word to denigrate other people .. people like you do. Why else would you use it?

Tell me again why that is necessary?
Maybe it has something to do with the way white people have used it for over 300 years. Get over the fact it is one of the few words you don't have privileges to use. Especially in the way you would use it.
The insensitivity of some white folk to racial epithets is mind boggling. I tried telling my wife when we first got married and were living in North Carolina to be prepared that she was going to meet people who didn't like her because of her skin color and for no other reason but when if finally did happen, from a public figure no less, she was crushed. I would have done anything to have protected her from that kind of hurt and I mean anything. I wanted to skin that asshole alive!!
The insensitivity of some white folk to racial epithets is mind boggling. I tried telling my wife when we first got married and were living in North Carolina to be prepared that she was going to meet people who didn't like her because of her skin color and for no other reason but when if finally did happen, from a public figure no less, she was crushed. I would have done anything to have protected her from that kind of hurt and I mean anything. I wanted to skin that asshole alive!!

Welcome to my world brother.
That's probably .. and hopefully, the dumbest post you will ever make.

What is your obsession with the N word? Why is it necessary for you to denigrate other people?

Does that make you feel better about yourself?

Blacks DO NOT use the word to denigrate other people .. people like you do. Why else would you use it?

Tell me again why that is necessary?
Cause poor white trash needs to validate that they are better than someone else. Since they can't do that based on merit, they are left with dehumanizing those who are different.
The racist idiots are just bothered that the culture is less tolerant of their cultural intolerance. The racist's style is more revolting but one might as well whine that nobody likes your bell bottoms or gets upset that they can't pull off a handlebar mustache.

There are no black people throwing around the n word without it also imparting a stigma. For someone like a comedian or rapper it might be welcome. They want to seem edgy or as if they are from the street. In a professional, academic or any formal setting it's not going to come off very well. You CAN say the n word, whether you are white, black or otherwise. And regardless of your race people are going to judge you based on it.

Get over it! Quit whining you little racist babies. Or don't! Once they get to know you nobody likes you anyway. So go for it! Be a racist asshole! Using the word will only help others dislike you sooner.
Welcome to my world brother.
I appreciate that....but as long as I'm living in this country I can't walk in your world. Wish I could. Best I can do is observe and learn about your world. I'll never have to walk that road myself though. I've seen glimpses of it....but that's it...just glimpses.....but the fact that it can and does happen to my wife and she does have to walk in that world....oh man....I can't find the words to describe the anguish I feel when that happens.
I appreciate that....but as long as I'm living in this country I can't walk in your world. Wish I could. Best I can do is observe and learn about your world. I'll never have to walk that road myself though. I've seen glimpses of it....but that's it...just glimpses.....but the fact that it can and does happen to my wife and she does have to walk in that world....oh man....I can't find the words to describe the anguish I feel when that happens.

That's my world good brother.

Our skin may be different .. but what we share is consciousness .. much more important than the color of skin.

Proud to call you my brother.
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That's my world good brother.

Our skin may be different .. but what we hare is consciousness .. much more important than the color of skin.

Proud to call you my brother.
Thanks.....I appreciate that....a white guy can appreciate and be senstive to injustice when they see it but what they can't ever know is what it's like to be black in America. That has to be a life experience. You can't learn that shit from a book.
Thanks.....I appreciate that....a white guy can appreciate and be senstive to injustice when they see it but what they can't ever know is what it's like to be black in America. That has to be a life experience. You can't learn that shit from a book.

Throughout my life I have always known white people like you brother. Even in the midst of all the overt racism of the past, good people like you always stood as a glaring example that all white people were not racist, and that I shared the same consciousness with many. Because of them .. white people .. I understood that if I denigrated all white people, I would be denigrating them .. I would be denigrating myself.

I never use racial slurs .. I never have.

You taught me that.

Thank you