Why is it okay for Bush to lie!


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Last week, while planning for his departure, Bush told all of America Rumsfeld would be in his position for the remainder of Bush's term...

Why is it okay for the leader of the Republican party to lie, but President Clinton was impeached for it?
No, but if its a moral issue, why does that matter? Republicans claim it was a moral issue?
No, they claimed it was the rule of law. One was under oath, the other not. One is a broken law, the other is not. If we impeached every politician that lied there would be nobody that could run.
I always find it amazing that a Lawyer wouldn't care just because it was somebody from their political party lying under oath...

There are actually people in jail for doing what Clinton did.
President Clinton did not break any law! Lying under oath, in and of itself is not illegal. Lying under oath in an official proceding about a material issue is!

I dont know how many Republicans I have heard saying it was a matter of morality!
I always find it amazing that a Lawyer wouldn't care just because it was somebody from their political party lying under oath...

There are actually people in jail for doing what Clinton did.

WRONG.. Ive tried a purjury case. It requires three elements...

1) Lying Under oath
2) IN an official proceding
3) Regarding a material issue

What President Clinton did met only two of the three elements!
I remember quite clearly the "It's the 'rule of law'!" speech constantly.

Personally I thought it was a waste of money either way and spoke out about it.
WRONG.. Ive tried a purjury case. It requires three elements...

1) Lying Under oath
2) IN an official proceding
3) Regarding a material issue

What President Clinton did met only two of the three elements!
Hence the reason he lost his license to practice? That was because what he did didn't matter? Come on, Jarod. You have more logic than that. I know it is hard to see past the partisan tint on those goggles, but I know you can!
Hence the reason he lost his license to practice? That was because what he did didn't matter? Come on, Jarod. You have more logic than that. I know it is hard to see past the partisan tint on those goggles, but I know you can!

You can loose your liscense to practice law for doing plenty of things that are not against the law!

Out of one side of your mouth you say, rule of law...

Out of the other you are talking about if it matters or not...

Two different things DAMO, and you know it!
I think its wrong to lie. Impeachable no!

But I like to point out hypocracy... Many Republicans claimed what Presidnet Clinton did was immoral... While they are fine with what Bush did. Under oath or not does not affect the morality of lying!
You can loose your liscense to practice law for doing plenty of things that are not against the law!

Out of one side of your mouth you say, rule of law...

Out of the other you are talking about if it matters or not...

Two different things DAMO, and you know it!
Not really, on one I am explaining what other people said, in another I am poking to see if there is still a bruise and find that there is.

The judge that took his license took it far more seriously than you are right now.

Many people also do not get convicted even when they have done something that is against the law, and you know it.
I think its wrong to lie. Impeachable no!

But I like to point out hypocracy... Many Republicans claimed what Presidnet Clinton did was immoral... While they are fine with what Bush did. Under oath or not does not affect the morality of lying!
I think, in issue of morality, they may have been thinking of the adultery and fornication. Getting a hummer from somebody other than your wife is a bit on that "unmoral" side if you happen to be Christian.
You can loose your liscense to practice law for doing plenty of things that are not against the law!

Out of one side of your mouth you say, rule of law...

Out of the other you are talking about if it matters or not...

Two different things DAMO, and you know it!

Not really, on one I am explaining what other people said, in another I am poking to see if there is still a bruise and find that there is.

The judge that took his license took it far more seriously than you are right now.

Many people also do not get convicted even when they have done something that is against the law, and you know it.
have a judge take his conduct seriously and having a judge determine that he broke the LAW are two different things. If a lawyer, say, falls asleep during court room proceedings he can be admonished, sanctioned even have his license to practice law administratively removed...but he has not broken the LAW. If you want to talk about the LAW, then let's make it about the LAW.... if you want to say, he did a BAD thing by lying under oath or by cheating on his wife or by getting a blowjob in his office from an intern, then say that...but don't keep carping about the RULE of LAW when no LAW was broken.
Actually the judge couldn't determine that at that time. If he was not convicted by the Senate. Which there was no chance of because of the partisan nature of politics. Which was the main reason I kept saying it was a waste of time and resources.
no criminal charges were ever brought against President Clinton, thats because PC to charge him never existed!
Those are not criminal charges. Thats political...

President Clinton was never indicted, charged with an information or given a notice to appear... He was never criminally charged with any crime!