Why is it okay for Bush to lie!

The Arkansas Bar Association took his liscense to practice law.. no judge did that!

President Clinton was never criminally charged with any crime.

What President Clinton did was WRONG, I agree, not illegal.

What Bush did was WRONG, I agree, not illegal.

Jarod is correct, you should listen to him more often. Clinton was never formally charged with perjury in Arkansas and he paid a hefty fine!

Clinton Pays $25,000 Fine in Arkansas Case
Published: April 8, 2001

Former President Bill Clinton has paid a $25,000 fine that was part of a sanction in which his Arkansas law license was suspended for five years.

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

''The case is completed,'' Ms. Miller said.

On Jan. 19, the last full day of his presidency, Mr. Clinton reached an agreement on the fine and suspension with Robert W. Ray, the independent counsel. Mr. Ray had been investigating whether to charge Mr. Clinton with crimes like perjury and obstruction of justice because of his sworn testimony about his relationship with a White House intern.

The agreement ended any criminal liability for Mr. Clinton in the collective matters known as Whitewater, and ended the wide-ranging, $60 million investigation that plagued Mr. Clinton and his wife, now Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, for much of their time in the White House.

The agreement also satisfied a legal effort by the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct to disbar Mr. Clinton for giving misleading testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

No deadline had been set for Mr. Clinton to pay the fine.

The fine was intended to cover the committee's cost to pay Ms. Miller and another lawyer involved in bringing the case against Mr. Clinton.

''I think the outcome was a very good resolution of this case,'' Ms. Miller said. ''The penalty that the president received -- a five-year suspension to take effect while he was a sitting president, and a $25,000 fine -- was, I think, an acceptable penalty.''

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Why is it ok for Bush to lie ? Simple he is bush and his remaining fans have hero worship for him. If Bush lied it had to be for a darned good reason and probably to help in the fight against those satanic liberals, they will do anything....
He's right. One can want something that they cannot have. Bush said he wanted Rumsfeld to stay, not that Rumsfeld was for sure going to stay.

It's defintely time to compile a whole new "what's hot and what's not" since the repugs took over.

Out: Partisanship

In: Word Parsing

Everything has changed overnight. My my. I think I will make a list.
Nah, everybody on this site practices word parsing. It is however true that you don't always get what you want.
Nah, everybody on this site practices word parsing. It is however true that you don't always get what you want.

But you're not talking about someone on this site, you are talking about the President.

And I clearly remember when it was very bad form for the President to parse words.

But when a Repubican does it, then that's ok. I know that. But it does require a new list, just so we don't get all confused like.
But you're not talking about someone on this site, you are talking about the President.

And I clearly remember when it was very bad form for the President to parse words.

But when a Repubican does it, then that's ok. I know that. But it does require a new list, just so we don't get all confused like.
Once again, everybody on this site practices it while talking about this stuff. If you don't believe me ask maineman and Dixie to start a conversation about Kerry and the word "terrorize".
He's right. One can want something that they cannot have. Bush said he wanted Rumsfeld to stay, not that Rumsfeld was for sure going to stay.

If you want to play word games, Bill Clinton did not have sex with Monica Lewinski, as the traditional defination of sex is penis to vagina.
If you want to play word games, Bill Clinton did not have sex with Monica Lewinski, as the traditional defination of sex is penis to vagina.
Like I said, we all like to word-parse... I wonder if Darla will see this one.

I couldn't care less. I have stated that the Trial was for a crime and that he was acquitted. Nothing more needs to be stated. You even later stated that he was being tried for a crime. I'm happy...

I do know, as well as any other adult, that many times in my life I couldn't do or get what I wanted. Maybe your life is different, but I don't really think so...

I believe that Clinton should have been far more investigated for taking money from China than for a hummer... I think the whole thing was petty and appeared so as well.
Okay Damo, you are not a hypocrate... but those Republicans who were attacking President Clinton for lying should be upset at Bush!
Okay Damo, you are not a hypocrate... but those Republicans who were attacking President Clinton for lying should be upset at Bush!
Except he wasn't lying. He never stuck his finger in our faces to inform us that he "never" had "sexual relations" with "that woman" then later informed us that a hummer isn't "relations" or somehow not "sexual"...

He said he wanted for something to happen that couldn't. There is a large difference.
Okay Damo, you are not a hypocrate... but those Republicans who were attacking President Clinton for lying should be upset at Bush!

Well, guess what, a significant number of those Republicans are not only mad at Bush, but their pissed. It may very well, be the reason that we have both houses of Congress scheduled to be ruled by Democrats come January.

The Democrats ran a good race but they had a lot of help in winning from President Bush and his Administration.

Well, guess what, a significant number of those Republicans are not only mad at Bush, but their pissed. It may very well, be the reason that we have both houses of Congress scheduled to be ruled by Democrats come January.

The Democrats ran a good race but they had a lot of help in winning from President Bush and his Administration.

That I'll agree with. I just don't think they're pissed because he wanted to keep Rumsfeld but couldn't or thought it would be better if he left.
That I'll agree with. I just don't think they're pissed because he wanted to keep Rumsfeld but couldn't or thought it would be better if he left.

I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not he wanted to keep Rummy either. I think it has a lot more to do with the feeling of ineptness in the Admin's strategy. I know for a fact that it bothers me to realize that we are again in a war like Viet Nam, fighting the same kind of war against an enemy that can't be seen and that our soldiers have pretty much been put into an impossible situation.

It also has to do with the disregarding of our civil rights. Most people see through the "I'm doing this for your own good" bull shit.

I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not he wanted to keep Rummy either. I think it has a lot more to do with the feeling of ineptness in the Admin's strategy. I know for a fact that it bothers me to realize that we are again in a war like Viet Nam, fighting the same kind of war against an enemy that can't be seen and that our soldiers have pretty much been put into an impossible situation.

It also has to do with the disregarding of our civil rights. Most people see through the "I'm doing this for your own good" bull shit.

I think it has far more to do with the fact that they have ignored their Conservative base. They pretend the border doesn't exist. Won't talk about it. They pretend that they are being Conservative with our money because they gave us tax cuts, but they spend it like they have no limit. They pretend they want a limit on abortion, but then put forward laws without the "life of the mother" clause that would make them constitutional...

So forth.
What "word parsing" have I done? I pointed out EXACTLY what Bush said, and contrasted it with the LIE that Prikish claimed. Bush never said that Rumy and Cheney WOULD stay, he said he WANTED them to. There is nothing "parsed" about this, except for Prikster trying to make Bush say something he didn't say.

I am frustrated that Bush didn't replace Rumy sooner, I wish he had done it a year ago, but I can also understand why he didn't do it right before the elections (can you imagine what Dems would have said?) or back when every pinhead was screaming for Rumy to go. (I wrote a congrats thread to pinheads for solidifying his job security at the time.)

I don't think Rumy was incompetent or unable to do the job, I think the job he was asked to do, was far too big for his style of management. Had we not been at war, Rumy may have been an outstanding choice to revamp the military, make it more efficient, and utilize his stellar organizational skills to produce a superior armed forces. When it became clear this war in Iraq wasn't going to be easy, somewhere around Fallujah, Rumy should have been replaced by a military guy who knew how to win wars, like a Swartzcroft.
I think it has far more to do with the fact that they have ignored their Conservative base. They pretend the border doesn't exist. Won't talk about it. They pretend that they are being Conservative with our money because they gave us tax cuts, but they spend it like they have no limit. They pretend they want a limit on abortion, but then put forward laws without the "life of the mother" clause that would make them constitutional...

I agree completely. I think Liberals are making a grave mistake in thinking this election was based on ideology, or that America has turned liberal. Conservatives didn't vote, because they had no one to vote for. Republicans have become the old Democrats, and Democrats have become Socialists.
I think it has far more to do with the fact that they have ignored their Conservative base. They pretend the border doesn't exist. Won't talk about it. They pretend that they are being Conservative with our money because they gave us tax cuts, but they spend it like they have no limit. They pretend they want a limit on abortion, but then put forward laws without the "life of the mother" clause that would make them constitutional...

I agree completely. I think Liberals are making a grave mistake in thinking this election was based on ideology, or that America has turned liberal. Conservatives didn't vote, because they had no one to vote for. Republicans have become the old Democrats, and Democrats have become Socialists.

bullshit...democrats ran to the middle.... the reagan democrats came home... the moderate independents could not stand the skunk stench emanating from the far right.... Haggard...Foley...Ney...Cunningham... DeLay... a debacle of a war.... spending like drunken sailors.... why would anyone but koolaid drinkers with Bush crushes vote for your party the way it has performed?
bullshit...democrats ran to the middle.... the reagan democrats came home... the moderate independents could not stand the skunk stench emanating from the far right.... Haggard...Foley...Ney...Cunningham... DeLay... a debacle of a war.... spending like drunken sailors.... why would anyone but koolaid drinkers with Bush crushes vote for your party the way it has performed?
Good point.

The rush to the right these past few years has been every bit as illusory as the current lurch to the left. That's why they call the middle "middle". Ever seen a bell curve, Dix? This is a classic case.

It now appears that the far right -- meaning the social neadnderthals of the "Christian" (sic) block -- stayed home this election. In part, they were put off by the fact that the Republicans haven't pushed their agenda -- which the Republicans haven't because to do so would be political suicide.

The other reason they stayed home, however, is that they were simply disgusted with the corruption and mendacity of the Republicans. They discovered that politicians really are pretty much all alike in some ways.

Idealism is all well and good but basing your politcal tactics on shear fantasy is shear stupidity. The "other side" isn't made up of Bad People -- and that holds true no matter which side you're on. The problem with government isn't Bad People, but simply that the voters are too lazy to pay attention and curb the entirely natural tendencies of the ambitious and capable.