Why is it okay for Bush to lie!

Good point.

The rush to the right these past few years has been every bit as illusory as the current lurch to the left. That's why they call the middle "middle". Ever seen a bell curve, Dix? This is a classic case.

It now appears that the far right -- meaning the social neadnderthals of the "Christian" (sic) block -- stayed home this election. In part, they were put off by the fact that the Republicans haven't pushed their agenda -- which the Republicans haven't because to do so would be political suicide.

The other reason they stayed home, however, is that they were simply disgusted with the corruption and mendacity of the Republicans. They discovered that politicians really are pretty much all alike in some ways.

Idealism is all well and good but basing your politcal tactics on shear fantasy is shear stupidity. The "other side" isn't made up of Bad People -- and that holds true no matter which side you're on. The problem with government isn't Bad People, but simply that the voters are too lazy to pay attention and curb the entirely natural tendencies of the ambitious and capable.

I can't agree Ornot. Read some of Grover Norquist's statements. He's bad people. And I specifically choose him because he is the driving idealogical force behind the starve the beast part of the party, not the Christian right, and he is considered respectable. His latest was that the republicans lost because of bad candidates not Iraq or anything else. They lost because "some mistress whined about being throttled, and the lesson is if you are going to cheat on your wife, don't throttle your mistress."

That shits not funny. These people are abusive and they like other abusers.
I can't agree Ornot. Read some of Grover Norquist's statements. He's bad people. And I specifically choose him because he is the driving idealogical force behind the starve the beast part of the party, not the Christian right, and he is considered respectable. His latest was that the republicans lost because of bad candidates not Iraq or anything else. They lost because "some mistress whined about being throttled, and the lesson is if you are going to cheat on your wife, don't throttle your mistress."

That shits not funny. These people are abusive and they like other abusers.
There are some extremely bad individuals currently in the upper echelons of the Republican Party, this is true. Norquist prominent among them. Horny little devil, that one. To me, though, that's just another statistical distribution: wait around long enough and the morally diseased shitbirds will rise to the top of any group, at least for a while.

I do believe that liberal, progressive values are slightly less likely to produce a really nasty shitbird. But only slightly less likely: we have our share too. Theirs are shitier than ours but it's a difference of quantity, not quality.

What makes the current group so very bad is that a large number of genuinely evil shitbirds have risen to the top in a flock. The neo-cons, naturally. They're beginning to sink down, however; they've passed their zenith.
There are some extremely bad individuals currently in the upper echelons of the Republican Party, this is true. Norquist prominent among them. Horny little devil, that one. To me, though, that's just another statistical distribution: wait around long enough and the morally diseased shitbirds will rise to the top of any group, at least for a while.

I do believe that liberal, progressive values are slightly less likely to produce a really nasty shitbird. But only slightly less likely: we have our share too. Theirs are shitier than ours but it's a difference of quantity, not quality.

What makes the current group so very bad is that a large number of genuinely evil shitbirds have risen to the top in a flock. The neo-cons, naturally. They're beginning to sink down, however; they've passed their zenith.

Yes, I think they probably have ,but not Norquist specifically. I will be happy if he is sent to prison (not a remote possibility considering his activities with Abramoff). America will be much better off if they throw away the key.
Yes, I think they probably have ,but not Norquist specifically. I will be happy if he is sent to prison (not a remote possibility considering his activities with Abramoff). America will be much better off if they throw away the key.
Well, in the spirit of the day, if I happened across a Grover Norquist bonfire with a Grover Norquist tring to crawl out of it I'd be sorely tempted to boot said Norquist back in again. I'd like to think I wouldn't really do it but one never knows until the test comes.

Maybe we should perform an experiment . . . .

Well, in the spirit of the day, if I happened across a Grover Norquist bonfire with a Grover Norquist tring to crawl out of it I'd be sorely tempted to boot said Norquist back in again. I'd like to think I wouldn't really do it but one never knows until the test comes.

Maybe we should perform an experiment . . . .

What I think that every one of you would do is simply save them, if you could, then later wonder why you didn't even think once about "booting" them, or "pissing" on them, or "shoving them back" or whatever threat you state you'd be tempted to do.