Why Is It So Complicated For Nine Shysters?


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Shysters on the High Court have no trouble creating unconstitutional Rights and new taxes, but going to a polling place ---- IN PERSON ----on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is too much for them grasp:

Supremes wary of creating challenge to 'every voting rule'
By Bob Unruh
Published March 2, 2021 at 7:04pm

If you cannot win the vote of the People, make sure more of the People do not vote.

Not going to work and the GOP will continue it's slide down hill.
Not going to work and the GOP will continue it's slide down hill.

To CASPER: SCOTUS is the only thing going downhill:


Don't give a crap what they do in the UK.

Of course not, we do it right you do it Left
wrong, there's no way votes should be allowed up to 10 days after polling day. You are always bleating that the GOP likes to cheat, so what the fuck is allowing ballot harvesting, no signature verification and votes received after the deadline then?
Of course not, we do it right you do it Left
wrong, there's no way votes should be allowed up to 10 days after polling day. You are always bleating that the GOP likes to cheat, so what the fuck is allowing ballot harvesting, no signature verification and votes received after the deadline then?

It's an open door for election fraud. Hey, it already worked once, so why not make it permanent while you control Congress and the White Louse?
The assholes had 2 months (when I first received my mail-in request that I didn't return, I vote in person) to mail in their ballots. If they arrive one minute late, they should go in the trash. The military's being the ONLY exception. Except for the elderly and physically (not mentally, as some here are) handicapped, EVERYONE ELSE should vote in person.
The assholes had 2 months (when I first received my mail-in request that I didn't return, I vote in person) to mail in their ballots. If they arrive one minute late, they should go in the trash. The military's being the ONLY exception. Except for the elderly and physically (not mentally, as some here are) handicapped, EVERYONE ELSE should vote in person.

Racist! :laugh:
Of course not, we do it right you do it Left
wrong, there's no way votes should be allowed up to 10 days after polling day. You are always bleating that the GOP likes to cheat, so what the fuck is allowing ballot harvesting, no signature verification and votes received after the deadline then?

If your ballot is postmarked on or before election day, it *might* be allowed to be counted, depending on which state you live in. Voters shouldn't be penalized for something beyond their control.
