Why Is It So Complicated For Nine Shysters?

If your ballot is postmarked on or before election day, it *might* be allowed to be counted, depending on which state you live in. Voters shouldn't be penalized for something beyond their control.


That's the position now, HR1 would allow any state to do the same. So what about allowing ballot harvesting and no signature verification, surely you can't justify that, can you?
That's the position now, HR1 would allow any state to do the same. So what about allowing ballot harvesting and no signature verification, surely you can't justify that, can you?

Oh and is it true that they want to reduce voting age to 16, if so then that's just imbecilic? Even Sturgeon couldn't get away with that in Scotland.
That's the position now, HR1 would allow any state to do the same. So what about allowing ballot harvesting and no signature verification, surely you can't justify that, can you?

Don't believe RW lies about ballot harvesting. Just because something can be abused doesn't mean it will be abused. I'll repeat what I've been saying for what feels like forever, none of this would be an issue if trump had won the election. This is all about trump, period.

Not exactly Ms. Current Events, are you?

Your point, Mr. Election Law spokesman? You seem to have forgotten that a lot of changes came about because of Covid, not a sneaky attempt to deprive trump of his rightful win.

Allow me to refresh your memory about the 2017 Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PEIC or PACEI), also called the Voter Fraud Commission. After two years it was disbanded without finding any evidence of fraud. After the 2020 election, many of trump's own toadies like Bill Barr admitted there was no fraud. trump has been trying to create a fraud with no evidence, and his followers are slurping it up enthusiastically. #BeBetter
Just because something can be abused doesn't mean it will be abused.

This one's a keeper.

Why should somebody stay on the voters list if they've moved to another state? Why should checking signatures be abolished and why should ballot harvesting be made legal?

AFAIK the trump family is still on the NY voter list and they've moved to Florida. And if your move to another state is temporary, you can ask for absentee ballots from your own state. Students and employees on assignment do this.