Why Is It So Complicated For Nine Shysters?

Yeh that's not true, it's well known that the Mafia helped JFK win in 1960.

History is replete with DEMOCRAT election cheating.

In 1864, the northern remnant of the DEMOCRAT Party tried to deny Lincoln re-election with...wait for it ----fraudulent absentee ballots.
Where did Christiecrite go?

No, it's not true! I don't know what kind of news you guys are getting but it's half-arsed.

Teenagers are going to have to wait a couple more years to vote.

The House rejected a liberal lawmaker’s proposal to lower the voting age to 16 years old for congressional and presidential elections, in a vote that exposed divisions among DEMOCRATS over how far to go in expanding the franchise to more people.

The measure from Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), one of the most progressive members of the House, drew 125 in favor to 302 against. No Republicans supported the measure, which was part of a larger, sweeping voting-rights package.

“Elections are about the future and no one has more at stake in that future than our youth,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif.). “Often the objection is simply that 16-year-olds are too young to exercise good judgment. This is really a patronizing thought.”

The judge

I'm going to church :rolleyes:

He did this and she did that. Yelling and screaming at each other.
Holy crap these people are crazy. Sell the house, take the kids. :seenoevil: :hearnoevil:

Civil court is a government institution that settles disputes between two or more entities,
typically in the same courthouse that also tries criminal cases. ... Civil court cases may
involve any combination of private citizens, businesses, government institutions, or other parties.

It took a good 9 months until I physically received the papers.
The Judge reviews everything many times over. He makes sure
that there are no mistakes. M1 TERMINATION OF MARRIAGE :palm:

The Supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of courts in many legal jurisdictions.
Other descriptions for such courts include court of last resort, apex court, and high court of appeal.
Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are not subject to further review by any other court.
If you cannot win the vote of the People, make sure more of the People do not vote.

Not going to work and the GOP will continue it's slide down hill.


Note the irony of Alt Right nutjobs whining that a far right SCOTUS isn't far right enough to violate the Constitution.
Of course not, we do it right you do it Left
wrong, there's no way votes should be allowed up to 10 days after polling day. You are always bleating that the GOP likes to cheat, so what the fuck is allowing ballot harvesting, no signature verification and votes received after the deadline then?

Fuck the Brits.


You're joking, right? It says the state must process an application to register when the applicant is under the age of 18. That doesn't mean the applicant can actually vote before he turns 18.

"A State may not refuse to accept or process an individual’s application to register to vote in elections for Federal office on the grounds that the individual is under 18 years of age at the time the individual submits the application, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. "

In some states people can already register by the age of 16. It appears like the bill is trying to set one standard of registration across the country, rather than the piecemeal system now in place. Read this link. https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration-age-requirements. Many states let people register before their 18th birthdays but they can't actually vote until they turn 18.

Of course not, we do it right you do it Left
wrong, there's no way votes should be allowed up to 10 days after polling day. You are always bleating that the GOP likes to cheat, so what the fuck is allowing ballot harvesting, no signature verification and votes received after the deadline then?

Thai gooklands is not a democracy , bow to the king

You're joking, right? It says the state must process an application to register when the applicant is under the age of 18. That doesn't mean the applicant can actually vote before he turns 18.

"A State may not refuse to accept or process an individual’s application to register to vote in elections for Federal office on the grounds that the individual is under 18 years of age at the time the individual submits the application, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. "

In some states people can already register by the age of 16. It appears like the bill is trying to set one standard of registration across the country, rather than the piecemeal system now in place. Read this link. https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration-age-requirements. Many states let people register before their 18th birthdays but they can't actually vote until they turn 18.

You should be more forgiving of Tom. He's trying to armchair quarterback as a Brit monarchist living in a Third World Shithole where he can't even call his psycho King a psycho without ending up in prison.

I'm an American and I'm here to help. :)
Thai gooklands is not a democracy , bow to the king

Agreed that Thailand isn't is democracy. It's a Third World Shithole with a psychotic King. Disagreed that Thais or any other Asian peoples are living in "gookland".

You're joking, right? It says the state must process an application to register when the applicant is under the age of 18. That doesn't mean the applicant can actually vote before he turns 18.

"A State may not refuse to accept or process an individual’s application to register to vote in elections for Federal office on the grounds that the individual is under 18 years of age at the time the individual submits the application, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. "

In some states people can already register by the age of 16. It appears like the bill is trying to set one standard of registration across the country, rather than the piecemeal system now in place. Read this link. https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration-age-requirements. Many states let people register before their 18th birthdays but they can't actually vote until they turn 18.

Yes and I see it as an enabling bill to.prepare the ground for lowering the voting age to 16.