Why is Kavanaugh suited to sit on second highest Court, but not the Supreme Court

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Why was it okay for Bret to be nominated to the second highest court of the land, but now, he's not good enough for the Supreme Court?

Why is his temperament okay on the second highest court of the land but not the Supreme Court?

Because Trump picked him .....
It's obvious you didn't watch the hearings. STFU; you don't need to prove you're a idiot every damn day.

I saw somebody applying for a top government job that thought he deserved it. He didn't look very 'qualified'. "I like Beer, do you like Beer, ... mmmmm Beer". NOT too impressive.
Kavanaugh is a far-right conspiracy nut. He was a big pusher of the Vince foster made up shit. he was on the Starr comm. and he wanted to ask Clinton 10 really low class and insulting questions that even Starr did not get behind. These questions were the type that he would have been offended and angry about yesterday if they were aimed at him.
He has an uncontrollable temper. He showed that yesterday. That is not a judicial temperament. He says he would be a dispassionate ball and strike caller on the court. He showed us what a lie that was.
Kavanaugh should not be on any bench.
His career could be in jeopardy. "I like Beer, do you like Beer, mmmmmm Beer". This guy sounds like Homer Simpson.


Kavanaugh is a far-right conspiracy nut. He was a big pusher of the Vince foster made up shit. he was on the Starr comm. and he wanted to ask Clinton 10 really low class and insulting questions that even Starr did not get behind. These questions were the type that he would have been offended and angry about yesterday if they were aimed at him.
He has an uncontrollable temper. He showed that yesterday. That is not a judicial temperament. He says he would be a dispassionate ball and strike caller on the court. He showed us what a lie that was.
Kavanaugh should not be on any bench.

Whatsa matter? You've never seen a judge get ticked off at lawyers before?
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Why was it okay for Bret to be nominated to the second highest court of the land, but now, he's not good enough for the Supreme Court?

Why is his temperament okay on the second highest court of the land but not the Supreme Court?

That slimy punkassed entitled spoiled little manchild should not be on that court either.
Seriously, you don't understand? Just because you can Captain a vessel, doesn't mean you could handle a fleet. The supreme court is much bigger, and a more scrutinized position. These stains on his record didn't come out till the Supreme Court, but it's not like it wouldn't have effected his fitness for lower courts either. Being from the failed W Bush administration, and having the composure of a wildebeest, I'd be pressed to think he could handle more then Judge Judy's job.

A rapist shouldn't be a judge, anywhere. Is Kavanaugh a rapist?
What lies were those? What about Fords lies? You're okay with them right?

Kavanaugh mischaracterized his demeanor and drinking practices, and extent, in prep school and college.
He lied that he was of legal age to drink when state law history proves him to be underaged at the time.
He lied about what was meant by the "devils triangle", the meaning of boofing and what was meant by the alumnus of the girl he and his buddies all had sex with.
All easily revealed as lies. We can only assume that if he lied about the small things he is lying about the more important things as well.

Dr. Ford was credible and 100% believable throughout her entire testimony.
So, you support an investigation that lasts LONGER than a week?

Where did I imply that??

But then; it does appear that you've finally realizing that you've been played by the DNC and it's causing you to just continue to lie, like Dr. Ford.

Where did I imply that??

But then; it does appear that you've finally realizing that you've been played by the DNC and it's causing you to just continue to lie, like Dr. Ford.


Free911: "Is this Dr. Ford, before she became a Dr.??"
Jack: Sounds like you want a longer investigation?