She was adopted...he has older kids to take care of her if he and his wife cannot! Y'all claim conservatives don't care about the underprivileged then ya complain and attack when they do...***sigh***
Just using the word "underpriviledged" should be a wake up word. Why should anybody be priviledged? It is unconstitutional. All men are created equal. That is what I was taught in HS anyway--I guess that has changed toward socialism/communisum--where people are priviledged--and slaves are slaves.
I see a lot of that attitude on this commie board. If this board is an accurate sample of the American public--a commie like any of the dems or Juan McCain will be elected--and I might purposely becaome a dependant of this stupid crappy commie society.
Didn't they teach them in Commie college that people really don't want to work--and will give up if they don't reep benifits of their labor? Today in the USA, the only way you can not be a slave to the elite--is to become dependant. Juan McCain and the dems don't think so--I guess. But--they never faced our challenges--so they are guessing.
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