Why is the stars and bars flag considered a racist symbol?


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I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."

I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


Why the Confederate Flag Made a 20th Century Comeback
The popularity of the Confederate battle flag today has more to do with the Civil Rights Movement than the Civil War.

South Carolina's confederate flag hasn't been flying since the Civil War. The flag wasn’t prominently displayed in the South until southern politicians began using it in their campaigns; and South Carolina didn’t start flying the flag at its state capitol until 1962, a century after the war began.

The Confederate battle flag made its reappearance following the end of World War II. A group of southern states seceded from the Democratic party and ran their own ticket, the Dixiecrats, and the Confederate battle flag was very prominent with the Dixiecrat campaign in the 1948 presidential election. Before ‘48, it had appeared occasionally at football games at southern universities, and usually at soldiers’ reunions or commemorations of Civil War battles; but other than that, it really was not a prominent feature of the South.

Once the Dixiecrats got a hold of it as a matter of defiance against their Democratic colleagues in the north and the African Americans in their midst, then the Confederate battle flag took on a new life, or a second life. In the 1950s, as the Civil Rights Movement built up steam, you began to see more and more public displays of the Confederate battle flag, to the point where the state of Georgia in 1956 redesigned their state flag to include the Confederate battle flag.

I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


Maybe because it's always been something racists used as a symbol. Hate groups often use that flag in place of stuff like swastikas, etc because it's more tolertaed. If you want to preserve it's heritage it needs to be in different form than what confederates waved around. The tiny one in the corner of another flag is tolerable but I'm sure something better could be done.
Maybe because it's always been something racists used as a symbol. Hate groups often use that flag in place of stuff like swastikas, etc because it's more tolertaed. If you want to preserve it's heritage it needs to be in different form than what confederates waved around. The tiny one in the corner of another flag is tolerable but I'm sure something better could be done.

Why do you think they do that? The reason is they know it will piss people off. So by getting their panties in a wad railing about the confederacy they are playing right into the hands of the hate groups that use those symbols against them. Don't you think that if Japanese people railed about atomic symbols people who hate the Japanese would use those symbols? If people would just live their lives instead of worrying about past injustices that would go a long way to defeat the hate groups.
I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


Not only racist but treason too!
Your true colors are showing Grumpy!
Why do you think they do that? The reason is they know it will piss people off. So by getting their panties in a wad railing about the confederacy they are playing right into the hands of the hate groups that use those symbols against them. Don't you think that if Japanese people railed about atomic symbols people who hate the Japanese would use those symbols? If people would just live their lives instead of worrying about past injustices that would go a long way to defeat the hate groups.
Amen to that....
The stars and bars is RACIST

it has Always been a racist symbol

it will ALWAYS be a racist symbol

GET A NEW FLAG asshole

like the American one
I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


Un huh and it was originally called the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and had been pretty much forgotten by history even in the South until the 1950’s when Southern White supremicist began using as a symbol of white supremacy and as opposition to the Civil Rights movement.
I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


Because racists fly it and revere it for racist reasons.

Please be less of a stupid, blithering cunt.
Un huh and it was originally called the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and had been pretty much forgotten by history even in the South until the 1950’s when Southern White supremicist began using as a symbol of white supremacy and as opposition to the Civil Rights movement.

I agree and like I said before why did they pick that symbol? It's clear that using the battle flag the most recognized flag of the confederacy that would cause fear and anger in black people. I maintain that if people had ignored that symbol the supremacist would have dropped it and tried something else.
Why do you think they do that? The reason is they know it will piss people off. So by getting their panties in a wad railing about the confederacy they are playing right into the hands of the hate groups that use those symbols against them. Don't you think that if Japanese people railed about atomic symbols people who hate the Japanese would use those symbols? If people would just live their lives instead of worrying about past injustices that would go a long way to defeat the hate groups.

It was adopted by the KKK as well as other white supremacist groups. There were a few KKK groups active in and around the St. Louis area when we lived there. Occasionally they would hand out recruitment flyers (mostly in rural that were predominantly white, of course -- wouldn't dare try that in a more diverse area! lol). Ppl who received them would sometimes contact the news stations about it, and they would show them on the air. They almost always had the stars and bars along with a cross and other symbols.
I agree and like I said before why did they pick that symbol? It's clear that using the battle flag the most recognized flag of the confederacy that would cause fear and anger in black people. I maintain that if people had ignored that symbol the supremacist would have dropped it and tried something else.

Probably, and then we'd have ppl defending *that* symbol, eh?