Why is the stars and bars flag considered a racist symbol?

I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


The real answer? Its an attempt to remove the historical evidence that it was the democrats who propagated, slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK....etc., These symbols and monuments are just a reminder. Its nothing less than an act like Fascist Book Burning in order to rewrite history. ;)
It is considered a racist symbol because the American Nazi Party uses the flag to symbolize their racism. There is no reason to go into it any further than that.

Then using your standard the American flag is a racist symbol also because the American Nazi party also carries it at rallies. Both flags are just pieces of cloth that mean different things to different people.

When I see the American flag I see the symbol of the greatest nation on God's green earth. But when I see the confederate flag I see a reminder of a dark period in this nations history that should never be forgotten.
I agree and like I said before why did they pick that symbol? It's clear that using the battle flag the most recognized flag of the confederacy that would cause fear and anger in black people. I maintain that if people had ignored that symbol the supremacist would have dropped it and tried something else.

Pretty hard to ignore a symbol when it's next to a burning cross in your front yard.
The (((media))) made it a racist symbol because it's associated with a white culture. Simple as that.

Say what? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm white and don't pin that piece of shit flag on my culture!!!! White folk aint a monolith in case you haven't noticed.
Say what? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm white and don't pin that piece of shit flag on my culture!!!! White folk aint a monolith in case you haven't noticed.

Which is why I didn't say "white culture," I said "a white culture." There are many white ethnic cultures.
I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


It has become, culturally a symbol of the Confederacy and their attempt to overthrow the United States for racist reasons. In my opinion, most people who fly it are showing support and enthusiasm for that to destroy our nation. They are suggesting that racism should have won, and should remain... and that it would be worth fighting for again.
It has become, culturally a symbol of the Confederacy and their attempt to overthrow the United States for racist reasons. In my opinion, most people who fly it are showing support and enthusiasm for that to destroy our nation. They are suggesting that racism should have won, and should remain... and that it would be worth fighting for again.

It has become, culturally a symbol of the Confederacy and their attempt to overthrow the United States

I hate to burst your bubble but the confederacy did not try to overthrow anyone. They fought to leave the union (United States).
Your opinion is just that your opinion. You have no idea why many southerners fly the confederate flag and racism has nothing to do with most southerners. You lefties always seem to think you know what people think when they do things you disagree with. I am willing to bet there is less racism in the south than there is in the north.
I hate to burst your bubble but the confederacy did not try to overthrow anyone. They fought to leave the union (United States).
Your opinion is just that your opinion. You have no idea why many southerners fly the confederate flag and racism has nothing to do with most southerners. You lefties always seem to think you know what people think when they do things you disagree with. I am willing to bet there is less racism in the south than there is in the north.

Right leave the union, by overthrowing the power of the United States of America.
Right leave the union, by overthrowing the power of the United States of America.

No dumb ass the south didn't try to overthrow anything they wanted to form their own country separate from the union. Just like we did from England. Did we try to overthrow the king? If you are going to debate history you need a knowledge of civics and history not the pablum you learned in your liberal run school.
The real answer? Its an attempt to remove the historical evidence that it was the democrats who propagated, slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK....etc., These symbols and monuments are just a reminder. Its nothing less than an act like Fascist Book Burning in order to rewrite history. ;)

Thousands of Democrats in the Union Army
I hate to burst your bubble but the confederacy did not try to overthrow anyone. They fought to leave the union (United States).
Your opinion is just that your opinion. You have no idea why many southerners fly the confederate flag and racism has nothing to do with most southerners. You lefties always seem to think you know what people think when they do things you disagree with. I am willing to bet there is less racism in the south than there is in the north.

How in the fuck did a Confederate sympathizer get in our army
No dumb ass the south didn't try to overthrow anything they wanted to form their own country separate from the union. Just like we did from England. Did we try to overthrow the king? If you are going to debate history you need a knowledge of civics and history not the pablum you learned in your liberal run school.

In the eyes of the British we committed treason.