Why is the stars and bars flag considered a racist symbol?

I would turn your argument around and bring up the issue of burning the American flag. If it's just a symbol and burning it is meant to spark outrage, then shouldn't everyone who gets pissed about a protester burning the flag just STFU and stop giving them attention?

That is where you are mistaken. When people stomp, tear, burn the American flag they are not trying to intimidate or anger you. They are expressing their grievance with the government which is their right under the constitution. Yes it pisses some off but that in not the primary intent. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.
If that was true, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject. Or maybe it's because you want the false narrative to continue.

Oh? So the flag has always been used to represent racism? It hasn't be used as a symbol of the South for the last few decades.

I'm not changed the subject. I made the observation that you lied about the media and the history of the flag.

Since making that observation, you've simply brayed irrelevancies.

I wish you wouldn't hate yourself for being black.
Yes, slavery was normal back then. America was built by people who owned slaves.

Today, Southerners don't own slaves, and that's all I care about. I don't think Southerners should be criticized for what their ancestors did a hundred years ago.

Move to Germany and fly a Nazi flag using that argument!
There is no rational, cogent point to argue against.

"The (((media))) made it a racist symbol because it's associated with a white culture." is historically pig-ignorant, dishonest bullshit. It doesn't need to be argued againt by anyone who actually knows history.

Please be less stupid.

White culture was dominant in North and South in 1860's moron
Talk about your wishy washy answer. :laugh:
You are correct there are racists and non-racists in every city and town in this great nation.

Wishy-washy would have been a "no and no" answer. I don't try to let the state of Mississhitty off the hook by claiming that the flag is racist, but not the state and people who run it.
Context is everything .

I would totally wear confederate flag boxer briefs or blow my nose on confederate flag hankerchiefs, and not feel like I was being remotely racist .

A gathering of buck toothed rednecks waving one at a trump rally while chanting "send her back!" obviously has racist overtones.

A state government flying one on public property is transmiting an insulting message to many of its black citizens by paying homage to a rebel army fighting to defend a Slave economy. Most seem to forget that flag is the confederate battle standard .


confederate flag toilet paper would SELL
That's irrelevant to anything that I've posted, simp.

The point is that the 'media' didn't make it a racist symbol. It's always been one.

it was created by the traitors who wanted to TEAR THIS UNION ASUNDER

racist traitors who wanted to keep humans like farm animals
Just like many here say the southerners committed treason. So what.

Your cause needs to be just in order to win the approval of future generations standing in judgment. Since the south seceded—according to its secession documents—over the institution of slavery, the cause was not at all just. Everything that followed, such as attacking America and triggering an unnecessary war, likewise fails to be justifiable.
That is where you are mistaken. When people stomp, tear, burn the American flag they are not trying to intimidate or anger you. They are expressing their grievance with the government which is their right under the constitution. Yes it pisses some off but that in not the primary intent. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

I'm happily surprised that you see desecration of our flag as a rightful form of protest; most conservatives cannot see that -- even though the USSCt has ruled that it is protected speech.

Of course a protest would be pointless if it did not cause comment, unrest, thought, and even outrage -- which is why flag-desecration is sometimes used by protesters to get attention and make a point. Do you think if the media didn't cover them, and the rest of us ignored them, they'd find some other way to spark comment, unrest, thought, and outrage?
Move to Germany and fly a Nazi flag using that argument!

Apples and oranges. The Nazi flag has always been associated with the NSDAP. The Confederate flag has been a symbol of the South and its culture for decades. Symbols are defined by the communities that use them. If Germany kept the Nazi flag after transitioning to the Federal Republic of Germany, then it would be acceptable as the meaning would have changed.
I'm happily surprised that you see desecration of our flag as a rightful form of protest; most conservatives cannot see that -- even though the USSCt has ruled that it is protected speech.

Of course a protest would be pointless if it did not cause comment, unrest, thought, and even outrage -- which is why flag-desecration is sometimes used by protesters to get attention and make a point. Do you think if the media didn't cover them, and the rest of us ignored them, they'd find some other way to spark comment, unrest, thought, and outrage?

On word answer yes.

Do you think if the media had ignored Kaepernick's national anthem kneeling and the administration hadn't made an issue of it, it would have become as common as it has?
Yes I'm guilty of fanning the flames until I realized I was playing into his hands and spreading the word.
On word answer yes.

Do you think if the media had ignored Kaepernick's national anthem kneeling and the administration hadn't made an issue of it, it would have become as common as it has?
Yes I'm guilty of fanning the flames until I realized I was playing into his hands and spreading the word.

I image that if the media hadn't focused so much on Kaep -- and if his team hadn't fired him -- the whole kerfluffle would have died a swift death.

That being said, it is not the media that turned the Confederate flag into a symbol of racism. As several ppl have pointed out in this thread, that would be the white supremacists, the KKK, and the American Nazis. As for the rest of us citizens, ignoring those displaying racism and symbols of racism enables them. Ignoring them won't make them go away. Holding them up to public scorn works though. Notice how upset some here get, for instance, when told that they are racist. Even those who are proud bigots don't want the label because of the scorn and shame involved.

I'm okay with our Southern friends flying their stars-and-bars.... they'll soon find out that that "free speech" comes with consequences.
Apples and oranges. The Nazi flag has always been associated with the NSDAP. The Confederate flag has been a symbol of the South and its culture for decades. Symbols are defined by the communities that use them. If Germany kept the Nazi flag after transitioning to the Federal Republic of Germany, then it would be acceptable as the meaning would have changed.

You defeated your own argument. Yes, the meaning of symbols can change over time. That is what has happened with the Confederate flag. Now it is seen as a symbol of racism.

"But what is less well-known is the actual history of these symbols after the Civil War — and this history sheds important light on the debate. Confederate symbols have not always been a part of American or Southern life. They largely disappeared after the Civil War. And when they reappeared, it was not because of a newfound appreciation of Southern history.

"Instead, as we argue in a newly published article, white Southerners reintroduced these symbols as a means of resisting the Civil Rights movement. The desire to maintain whites’ dominant position in the racial hierarchy of the United States was at the root of the rediscovery of Confederate symbols."
