Why is the stars and bars flag considered a racist symbol?

Sadly Damo there will always be racists and I would rather they be in the open than hiding their racism. An unknown racist in a position of authority can and often does create troubles. Take the racist cop that hid from view shot a black kid and got away with it till his racism was known.

I would much rather them not hide it. During the Bush administration I was often told there was no racism left in America, I think the trumpet ministration gave them mission to open up about it. Now we know the truth.

I prefer they know, and have no doubt or way to avoid it, that their stupidity is something to be ashamed of... that everywhere they go they are mocked until they fear speaking out loud about it, even among people who supposedly think the same way... in this way it gets shoved so far away from the open that nobody new ever learns to think that way because they are too ashamed to teach their kids about it.
I prefer they know, and have no doubt or way to avoid it, that their stupidity is something to be ashamed of... that everywhere they go they are mocked until they fear speaking out loud about it, even among people who supposedly think the same way... in this way it gets shoved so far away from the open that nobody new ever learns to think that way because they are too ashamed to teach their kids about it.

My problem with your way is that new people will learn, they will teach their children, they will quietly indoctrinate their neighbor, it happened for years. Then, they covertly undermine any progress the minority they hate makes, they are subject to political dog whistles and conduct an effort to oppress minorities. All the while telling the "libtards" they are imagining the racism, that it does not exist.
I prefer they know, and have no doubt or way to avoid it, that their stupidity is something to be ashamed of... that everywhere they go they are mocked until they fear speaking out loud about it, even among people who supposedly think the same way... in this way it gets shoved so far away from the open that nobody new ever learns to think that way because they are too ashamed to teach their kids about it.

For a long while there, we were on that path. Then along came the Glorious Orange Enabler, and suddenly it's cool to be openly racist again. A typical statement from a Trump follower is something along the lines of "I like him because he's not PC, there's too much PC." "PC," of course, is code for not being able to use the n-word and otherwise be openly racist in public.
My problem with your way is that new people will learn, they will teach their children, they will quietly indoctrinate their neighbor, it happened for years. Then, they covertly undermine any progress the minority they hate makes, they are subject to political dog whistles and conduct an effort to oppress minorities. All the while telling the "libtards" they are imagining the racism, that it does not exist.

That's an apt observation. We sure see that here nearly every single day. My favorite RW myth is that Obama was racist and divisive and promoted racism in some magical way. As far as I can tell, he did that by merely being black and giving black ppl inspiration and someone to admire. Their shared genetic heritage became a source of pride. Shame on him. </sarcasm>
My problem with your way is that new people will learn, they will teach their children, they will quietly indoctrinate their neighbor, it happened for years. Then, they covertly undermine any progress the minority they hate makes, they are subject to political dog whistles and conduct an effort to oppress minorities. All the while telling the "libtards" they are imagining the racism, that it does not exist.
I cannot tell you how many times during the BushCo. years righty would howl at me in protest if I mentioned their party is chock full of racists.

Its not even open for debate anymore in these Trumpian times .

There are at least two times in my message board career I have stumbled across rightys candidly but openly admitting to each other they don't particularly like racists but the GOP needs them , otherwise the party couldn't compete nationally against the Dems.
Open racism is not sustainable long term, it might be "okay" while Trump is president.. but that is temporary, in a few years, they will all go back to hiding it and claiming they never supported Trump.

Then the sustainable secret racism will go back to working under cover to harm minorities. The Republicans will blow dog whistles to get their support and we will go back to where we were. And they will go back to saying we imagine all the racism.
My problem with your way is that new people will learn, they will teach their children, they will quietly indoctrinate their neighbor, it happened for years. Then, they covertly undermine any progress the minority they hate makes, they are subject to political dog whistles and conduct an effort to oppress minorities. All the while telling the "libtards" they are imagining the racism, that it does not exist.

The point was, they will hide it so far away that they will be afraid to mention it to their neighbors or teach their kids. It's a bit like you didn't read what I wrote and then just pretended to be opposite man.

Standing around telling people to be more open about their stupid so that Jarod knows who they are needs to end. It clearly isn't working, and Jarod still can't figure it out.