Why is the stars and bars flag considered a racist symbol?

I understand to some people any reminder of the south and the civil war is racist. While the reasons for the war may have been racist not all symbols had racial undertones. The confederate battle flag is one.

The Stars and bars flag had one purpose "Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars," was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army's "Stars and Stripes."


It's an enemy flag. The CSA could have been SJWs toward race, and that would still make it a hateful symbol.

Coincidentally, it is exclusively displayed by racist people.
It's an enemy flag. The CSA could have been SJWs toward race, and that would still make it a hateful symbol.

Coincidentally, it is exclusively displayed by racist people.

Coincidentally, it is exclusively displayed by racist people.

So the state and people of Mississippi must be racists as this is the state flag.


Grow up the civil war and slavery ended over 150 years ago. It only bothers you because you allow it to bother you.
Then using your standard the American flag is a racist symbol also because the American Nazi party also carries it at rallies. Both flags are just pieces of cloth that mean different things to different people.

When I see the American flag I see the symbol of the greatest nation on God's green earth. But when I see the confederate flag I see a reminder of a dark period in this nations history that should never be forgotten.

No, it is not the same... They literally use the "rebel" flag along with the swastika to represent their groups, they do not use the US Flag to do that. While they may include the US flag in a march or a meeting, they do not include it in the way they use the "rebel" flag or the Nazi Germany flag to actually represent their message.

Because of this, regardless of the meaning of the flag during its actual historical use (and regardless of whether it is in error or not because racists are incompetent idiots ignorant of history), it now is a symbol of racism and white supremacists because that is who uses it now and how they use it.
No, it is not the same... They literally use the "rebel" flag along with the swastika to represent their groups, they do not use the US Flag to do that. While they may include the US flag in a march or a meeting, they do not include it in the way they use the "rebel" flag or the Nazi Germany flag to actually represent their message.

Because of this, regardless of the meaning of the flag during its actual historical use (and regardless of whether it is in error or not because racists are incompetent idiots ignorant of history), it now is a symbol of racism and white supremacists because that is who uses it now and how they use it.

Why is it you think the Nazi's chose this particular flag?
Why is it you think the Nazi's chose this particular flag?

It really doesn't matter to the question. Why is it considered a symbol of racism? Because current racists use it to symbolize their groups. Question and answer.

Why they picked it may be what the OP was going for, but it isn't really part of the answer.
It really doesn't matter to the question. Why is it considered a symbol of racism? Because current racists use it to symbolize their groups. Question and answer.

Why they picked it may be what the OP was going for, but it isn't really part of the answer.

I agree, I was asking in order to extend the conversation. I am interested in why you think the Nazi's chose this particular flag?
No, it is not the same... They literally use the "rebel" flag along with the swastika to represent their groups, they do not use the US Flag to do that. While they may include the US flag in a march or a meeting, they do not include it in the way they use the "rebel" flag or the Nazi Germany flag to actually represent their message.

Because of this, regardless of the meaning of the flag during its actual historical use (and regardless of whether it is in error or not because racists are incompetent idiots ignorant of history), it now is a symbol of racism and white supremacists because that is who uses it now and how they use it.

While I agree that they use those flags to intimidate people. By the same token by reacting with hatred toward the inanimate object you are doing what they want. If the media and people ignored the flags the racist groups would look for something else. When the KKK used the cross to intimidate black people those people took their anger out on the racist not the cross. Quite frankly I just think this is nothing but SJWs looking for a cause and the confederacy is that cause. Oh the white supremist use the flags but as I said if people didn't react to the symbols then they become worthless and the groups will find something else.

Maybe because I spent so much time in the military and race relations in my community are very good I see things differently than you. I learned early in my career that no matter the ethnic background or skin color we all bleed red, making us all the same.
While I agree that they use those flags to intimidate people. By the same token by reacting with hatred toward the inanimate object you are doing what they want. If the media and people ignored the flags the racist groups would look for something else. When the KKK used the cross to intimidate black people those people took their anger out on the racist not the cross. Quite frankly I just think this is nothing but SJWs looking for a cause and the confederacy is that cause. Oh the white supremist use the flags but as I said if people didn't react to the symbols then they become worthless and the groups will find something else.

Maybe because I spent so much time in the military and race relations in my community are very good I see things differently than you. I learned early in my career that no matter the ethnic background or skin color we all bleed red, making us all the same.

I would turn your argument around and bring up the issue of burning the American flag. If it's just a symbol and burning it is meant to spark outrage, then shouldn't everyone who gets pissed about a protester burning the flag just STFU and stop giving them attention?
The flag was created by those that did dumbass

Yes, slavery was normal back then. America was built by people who owned slaves.

Today, Southerners don't own slaves, and that's all I care about. I don't think Southerners should be criticized for what their ancestors did a hundred years ago.
Because you can't argue against the point.

There is no rational, cogent point to argue against.

"The (((media))) made it a racist symbol because it's associated with a white culture." is historically pig-ignorant, dishonest bullshit. It doesn't need to be argued againt by anyone who actually knows history.

Please be less stupid.
There is no rational, cogent point to argue against.

"The (((media))) made it a racist symbol because it's associated with a white culture." is historically pig-ignorant, dishonest bullshit. It doesn't need to be argued againt by anyone who actually knows history.

Please be less stupid.

You're only saying this because you know you can defend denying this.

Are you Jewish?
No, not at all.

I know history. You do not.

If that was true, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject. Or maybe it's because you want the false narrative to continue.

What you asserted about the flag isn't based in either reality or history.

Oh? So the flag has always been used to represent racism? It hasn't be used as a symbol of the South for the last few decades.