Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.

No, he's the symptom of the failed Conservative Movement. There is no equivalent for Trump, so you cannot indict the system as a whole. You must indict the bad faith actors that caused the system to fail; and that's Conservatism, which acts exclusively in bad faith.

:lolup:Pathological race hustling leftist liar and loser thinks Conservatives have failed. :rofl2: What have Democrats won you willful idiot?
Whataboutism is a Russian Active Measure.

Nothing whataboutist about it you pathological race hustling liar and hypocrite. Did you hurl vitriol when BillyBob did far worse than Trump, AND, while he was in the white house? I know you hate to answer questions that paint you as a liar and a hypocrite; honesty is not your forte'.

You are employing KGB tactics in a debate on an anonymous message board.

You're a pathological race hustling liar and hypocrite lacking facts and honesty who doesn't answer very simple questions.
Comey started investigating Russian attacks in July 2016

Trump was shown proof in January 2017 that Putin personally ordered the attacks

Obama did NOTHING about the hacks. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers. Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it.

Comey has been exposed as a corrupt , dishonest liar as well.

Trump fired Comey "because of Russia."

Another LIE. You seem to be quite full of them.

So if Trump wasn't protecting Russia, why did he fire Comey "because of Russia"?

How is Trump protecting Russia by firing a corrupt bureaucratic hack who was trying to undermine the investigation and this Presidency?
<repeating like a parrot now>

Trump has harmed our standing in the world, and has harmed our trade.


Premiums are Skyrocketing because of your Russia Tax Cut: REPUBLICAN TAX PLAN WILL MAKE HEALTH INSURANCE MORE EXPENSIVE

Market is flat:

1/2/18: 24,922
7/24/18: 25,241

Trade Wars Costing Profits: Companies Already Affected by Drumpf's Global Trade War

Nazis Marching in the Streets: White supremacist rallies in Va. lead to violence

Companies outsourcing jobs: BMW Says U.S. Tariffs Puts SC Jobs at Risk

Deficit back to $1T: $1 Trillion Deficits To Return, National Debt To Rise, Projects CBO

The deficit was over ten trillion when Drumpf came into office.

No it wasn't. The deficit was about $600B when Trump took office. Also, the deficit was never $10T. The debt wasn't $10T. You're just spitting out random numbers because it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

Our allies can't count on us: Merkel: Europe can no longer rely on US protection

You're a traitor.
The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers

No they didn't. The servers were destroyed because they were hacked.

Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt.

So then let's subpoena Assange and put him on the stand.

Even Donna Brazil said it.

No she didn't.

How is Trump protecting Russia by firing a corrupt bureaucratic hack who was trying to undermine the investigation and this Presidency?

Because Comey was investigating Russia. So Trump fired Comey "because of Russia." He didn't fire him because he was corrupt or incompetent. Trump went on TV and told Lester Holt that he fired Comey "because of Russia."
Trump doesn't want to help the US; he wants to help Russia.

He wants to help Trump.

If he could help himself by trashing the US...he would do it.

If he could help himself by trashing Russia...he would do it.

If he could help himself by trashing Melania...he would do it.

He is a scab on humanity's ass.
You whatabouted to Clinton to try and defend Trump for being a groping pervert.

I don't need to defend Trump, and claiming he is a pervert paints you as an ignoramus on steroids.

But I get it; you can't be honest about your answer because you know it makes you look like a pathologically lying hypocrite on steroids.

Russian Active Measure.
You're a traitor.


It's no secret. Vlad Vlad almost lost his reelection due to Clinton's riling up Russian youth against Putin's corrupting of the system in his favor.
Vlad doesn't get mad, Vlad gets even, then Vlad gets glad.

That's a massive pile of crap opinion piece you dullard. Good lord, liberals are the dumbest most gullible asshats on the planet.

You're going to have to do much better than that. Want opinion pieces? Do STFU, seriously.

The Clinton Foundation Sure Benefited From Relationships With The Russians

Hillary's Russia Connection

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal