fully immersed in faith..
My hate is aimed at the entire racist republican party and their lying, cheating, murderous ways.
that's why we call you deranged.....
My hate is aimed at the entire racist republican party and their lying, cheating, murderous ways.
If you can't see it, you're part of the problem.
No they didn't. The servers were destroyed because they were hacked.
So then let's subpoena Assange and put him on the stand.
No she didn't.
Because Comey was investigating Russia. So Trump fired Comey "because of Russia." He didn't fire him because he was corrupt or incompetent. Trump went on TV and told Lester Holt that he fired Comey "because of Russia."
He wants to help Trump.
If he could help himself by trashing the US...he would do it.
If he could help himself by trashing Russia...he would do it.
If he could help himself by trashing Melania...he would do it.
He is a scab on humanity's ass.
Yet that is what you're doing by "whatabouting" to Clinton.
He watched underage girls undress.
He's a pervert, and you're a traitor.
Wrong again dumbfuck; they were destroyed to hide evidence
Not only stupid, but a pathological liar.Donna Brazile: I found 'proof' the DNC rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton
Obama did NOTHING about the hacks. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers. Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it.
No she didn't
Prove it. And what evidence?
Hold on a second! You're changing topics here! You can't seem to follow a thread, can you? That's because you rush and do sloppy work.
What you tried to say before was that Donna Brazile said Russia didn't do the hack, but then you posted a non-sequitur about Brazile saying something about the debate, which isn't proving your original point that Brazille said Russia wasn't behind the attack.
The whole thread is here; what is your fucking excuse for lying?
So that post of yours there is implying that even Donna Brazil said it was not the Russians.
You don't debate in good faith because there's nothing good about you.
No I am not; you're just a moron who can't remember your last emotional outburst.
Trump has harmed our standing in the world, and has harmed our trade.
Premiums are Skyrocketing because of your Russia Tax Cut: REPUBLICAN TAX PLAN WILL MAKE HEALTH INSURANCE MORE EXPENSIVE
Market is flat:
1/2/18: 24,922
7/24/18: 25,241
Trade Wars Costing Profits: Companies Already Affected by Drumpf's Global Trade War
Nazis Marching in the Streets: White supremacist rallies in Va. lead to violence
Companies outsourcing jobs: BMW Says U.S. Tariffs Puts SC Jobs at Risk
Deficit back to $1T: $1 Trillion Deficits To Return, National Debt To Rise, Projects CBO
No it wasn't. The deficit was about $600B when Trump took office. Also, the deficit was never $10T. The debt wasn't $10T. You're just spitting out random numbers because it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.
Our allies can't count on us: Merkel: Europe can no longer rely on US protection
You're a traitor.
Lying again; here is exactly what I said: "exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it". This is why I don't like to argue with dishonest morons like you.
Obama did NOTHING about the hacks. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers. Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it.
Lying again; here is exactly what I said: "exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it".
Obama did NOTHING about the hacks. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers. Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it.
You should never post without taking your meds. I am done with you. From now on I will just point at your dishonest stupidity and laugh.
NO it didn't you moro
Obama did NOTHING about the hacks. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to their "hacked" servers. Assange, the benefactor of the "hacks" says it was not the Russians who delivered the DNC emails that exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it.
Trump fired Comey "because of Russia."
Another LIE. You seem to be quite full of them.
How is Trump protecting Russia by firing a corrupt bureaucratic hack who was trying to undermine the investigation and this Presidency?
No it isn't you pathological lying moron on steroids; I am pointing out your glaring hypocrisy and double standards. Do yourself a favor and STFU while you are still behind.
Hearsay and bullshit; that's all you have isn't snowflake? That and being a pathological liar and a moron.