Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.

for me it is really very simple. When trump went birther he was out to appeal to uneducated racist neanderthals. trump is scum.

If you are referring to Trump the man, then I agree. But it's Trump the president whose actions are the ones I care about. I didn't care about Clinton's fooling around with interns it was his presidential actions I watched.
If you are referring to Trump the man, then I agree. But it's Trump the president whose actions are the ones I care about. I didn't care about Clinton's fooling around with interns it was his presidential actions I watched.

Trump pandering to birthers tells me a lot about the kind of man he is and I really dislike it a lot
Trump pandering to birthers tells me a lot about the kind of man he is and I really dislike it a lot

Do you have comprehension problems? I've already said I don't like Trump the man. I guess one must have more than a GED to be able separate ones personal dislike of Trump from the job Trump is doing as president.
Do you have comprehension problems? I've already said I don't like Trump the man. I guess one must have more than a GED to be able separate ones personal dislike of Trump from the job Trump is doing as president.

I don't see how you can separate the two EE.
Trump the man is an embarrassment to the world as Representative of the USA.
The endless lies like no other!
Fuck,I swear Hitler had more credibility than Trump!
Trump sees everything thru the POV of what's in it for me!
Won't take responsibility for his actions.
Trump will be the down fall of America!
Do you have comprehension problems? I've already said I don't like Trump the man. I guess one must have more than a GED to be able separate ones personal dislike of Trump from the job Trump is doing as president.

this shouldnt be that difficult but then you are a trumpster. A scum bag will do scum bag stuff.....it is that simple.
Do you have comprehension problems? I've already said I don't like Trump the man. I guess one must have more than a GED to be able separate ones personal dislike of Trump from the job Trump is doing as president.

He's not doing a good job as President.

He now wants to give farmers $12B in welfare, borrowed from China, because of the Trade War he started with China.

So Trump will be forcing us to pay interest to China to bail out farmers who were harmed by Trump's trade war with China.

Conservatives are fucking idiots.
Do you have comprehension problems? I've already said I don't like Trump the man. I guess one must have more than a GED to be able separate ones personal dislike of Trump from the job Trump is doing as president.

So you like tariffs and are against free trade? And jacking up the debt is now good. And treating our allies like shit while hugging dictators is fine? I don't like the job he is doing at all. I do not want environmental protections destroyed. I don't want 300 plus billion a year wasted on the military. I don't like a president who lies endlessly. Nor one that wants to lock up hillary for not securing her server well enough, but he tweets everything to the world. How secure is twitter? I don't think much of your analysis.
There are socialist republics and Islamic republics.. The US is a democracy and a Republic..

The literal definition of a republic is: a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

They can pretend to be a "socialist republic" but the reality is there is no free election. It isn't a republic. "Islamic republics", the same issue. Much like East Germany used to call themselves the "German Democratic Republic" but were neither democratic, nor a republic... without actual representation, it just isn't a republic.
Yeah...the word game about "democracy" and "republic" is much overdone.

We definitely are a republic...and many nations that have "republic" in their names are NOT...but we also are a democracy...in the generally accepted meaning of that word at this moment in time.

Republicans seem to hate the word "democracy" because it can be conflated so easily with capital D Democratic party. They are so possesed that they can not bring themselves to use proper english and use the ignorant term "Democrat party " instead of the proper adjective form "Democratic party".( thanks Ronnie).
Republicans, it seems, do not mind appearing to be ignoramuses if they feel they are scoring a fraction of a point for the GOP.
It is a sad commentary to have to note that they will deny that our system of choosing our representative government is a democracy, for the same stupid ignorant partisan reason.
It's like dealing with children.