Why is there something rather than nothing?


Seeing your posts and OP's is like looking into the head of a junior high school kid who just discovered a philosophy book. BOOOOOOORING.
If your pet could talk, what’s one thing they could say that would completely ruin your image?

Seeing your posts and OP's is like looking into the head of a junior high school kid who just discovered a philosophy book. BOOOOOOORING.
You’re now a superhero with an unlikely power. Is the ability to shoot meatballs out of your nostrils, or the power to create force fields but only around ants more important?

I accept your confession that particular insight about religious questions vs. scientific questions is something I wrote years ago, well before you were even registered here,

And I accept your admission that this wasn't even a deeply original and profound insight you supposedly had on your own, because the discussion of the nature of scientific 'how' questions vs. religious 'why' questions has been going on for centuries. You didn't have an original and visionary insight into it.

CLICK HERE To See Why IBDumbass Doesn't Post in Good Faith - He hounds me with what he imagines is a 'gotcha!' question, but when it blows up in his face he runs away from the thread like a little girl

hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
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There's something rather than nothing
due only to very, very bad luck.

Do we even have the ability to imagine
the perfect peace
that could only come with nonexistence?

That's why I've always said it.

Dying can be unpleasant and even ignominious.
That's what we fear--the process of getting there.

But being dead?
Why would anyone dread that?

i explained it quite succinctly, but people are still talking about it anyway.:dunno:
You’re now a superhero with an unlikely power. Is the ability to shoot meatballs out of your nostrils, or the power to create force fields but only around ants more important?

Actually my superpower is noting that this is getting boring.
You are seriously mentally ill.

At least I don't post shit like this:

go kill yourself
go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself. banning you from now on
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
go kill yourself you piece of shit troll
i explained it quite succinctly, but people are still talking about it anyway.

Death, be not proud
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Our tools and our cognition are limited. We are primates, with limited sensory and neurological capacity.
prove that there are things in our universe we don't have the capacity, either through our unaugmented resources or technology, to sense......

it does not follow that there is a supernatural entity in the gaps of our knowledge.
obviously a supernatural entity is outside the scope of our universe.....that means it is beyond our ability to sense, but the only gap in your knowledge is a self mandated deficiency......obviously while you may deny "god" because you cannot sense her, there are a million other things that you cannot sense that you don't deny exist.......this is merely your choice......
YOU certainly don't. You think you are WAAAY smarter than you actually are. You've been shown to be a second or third rate intellect who is only able to quote other people without any comment of his own because, well as John Stuart Mill called you out you already know what you are.

(I'll let you figure out which JS Mill quote I'm referencing there. Might wanna google like the google king you are)

The God of the Gaps is trash theology. Any theologian knows that's how you wind up with no god.

You aren't agnostic about God in general. I've seen you lose your shit anytime anyone so much as QUESTIONS God in certain instances. You are some kinda thumper of some sort or you fancy yourself an agnostic but you're scare of offending God.

Cypress is a gnostic......they see no problem in believing everything, even when one of their beliefs contradicts another......
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the Universe is simply that it, and everything in it, exists. But what's the reason why?

It's a question that almost everyone has wondered at some point: given all the things that exist around us, in this world and in the great Universe beyond, what's the reason for why it all exists?

This is one of those questions, I’m sorry to say, that science not only doesn’t have a satisfactory answer for right now, but will probably never have one.

There’s an enormous difference between a “why” question, which science isn’t really well-equipped to answer, with a “how” question, which is the bread-and-butter of what science is good for. If we were to ask the question of why we’re all here, there isn’t a scientific way to approach this question: we can’t formulate a testable hypothesis and derive what sorts of things we can go out and measure to answer that. Even if we determine the underlying rules that reality follows, there’s a limit to what we can derive from them: we can derive physical consequences that stem from those rules and some set of initial conditions, but we cannot derive any sort of purpose behind those consequences using the tools of science.

God willed it.
Cypress is a gnostic......they see no problem in believing everything, even when one of their beliefs contradicts another......

Doubtful he is a gnostic. Not many of those left these days.

Actually what it appears Cypress is is someone who THINKS that if he says he's a believer he's afraid people will think less of him, but he still sorta kinda believes (he's TERRIFIED of offending God so he viciously attacks atheism like a good Thumper) so he claims to be an "agnostic". That way he can still FEEL like a deep thinker and super smart AND not be too offensive to God. He'll still get into Heaven so he's OK.

Just so long as he makes it clear to God that he doesn't hold no camp with no "militant atheists" (which appears to be ANYONE who is an atheist in his view)