Why It Is So Important To Be Nice And Cordial In Your Posting


Diversity Makes Greatness
Because meanness is contagious!

When you're mean to somebody, it makes them feel bad. When people feel bad, they tend to be mean to somebody else.

If you're mean to somebody, they are very likely to go and be mean to somebody else.

And around and around it goes, feeling bad, being mean, until most people think: 'That's just the way it is.'

But it doesn't have to be that way. And it shouldn't. Why are we letting mean people set the tone? We don't have to.

Part of the problem with internet posting is you don't get to look people in the eye. There's no expression. Nothing about the way you say something. You don't get to add a smile or a look.

It's all about what is written. The written word conveys it all. Nothing is softened with a smile, a wink or a glint in the eye. The written word is the only thing there, so the written word carries more weight than the spoken word. Everything is about what is written. Mean words become meaner.

Your words carry more weight here. Mean words hit harder. We have to be more careful. It's a big responsibility, taking care of other people's feelings. And it's important. What goes around comes around.

If we really want to help our nation, work out issues, solve problems, share information, communicate effectively, cause people to ponder our own creative ideas; we need to be nicer.

Mean words cause many to simply stay away from this site. Others may return, but use the Ignore Feature. The fact that mean words cause so many to stop or reduce their participation tells us the effect. The consequences of using mean words result in people not talking. And not listening, not communicating. Did we come here to participate in communication or shut it down?

We came here to talk about politics, talk about the business of our nation; learn, share, understand.

All of that is impacted by being mean. Impacted negatively. It hurts. Yes, mean words hurt people, hurt conversations, hurt good communication.

Nice people are driven away. This becomes a place for mean people and mean conversations. And that is exactly what we see, what others see, what turns off people who wander in here, sends them away, keeps this place limited; held back; less than it can be.

Most people don't want to talk about politics. We are unusual. We are willing to come here and talk about politics. That makes us special, rare. We all know people in real life that we can't talk politics with. We save our comments and bring them here because political comments are welcome here. We are the ones who care enough about what is going on in our country to come here and talk about it all. That makes it even more important that our conversations accomplish something beneficial. Being mean, turning people off, driving away positive contributions to the conversations is counteractive to helping our nation.

Standard anti-troll thread thief disclaimer:
If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?

If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it.

Thread thievery is the tool of trolls. You know, people talk about one another. You might as well admit it is true, and realize the people who know you, talk about you when you are not present. I can accept that. Many can't. Trolls can't. They have to try to conTROLL what people say about them. (Like Trump!) They can't stand the thought of people talking about them without trying to conTROLL the conversation. That's the insecurity talking......

The people banned from this thread were banned because they refused to be polite, so I refuse to talk to them. I came to talk about Just Plain Politics.

If we care so much about what is going on in our country to come here and discuss politics, why do we allow ourselves to be so mean that it shuts down good discussions and instead turns into stupid flame wars with strangers over the internet? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

And helping our nation improve is why we are all here. We can all think of ideas to help our nation. We come here to share them, talk about what we can do.

Being mean undoes the good we accomplish by coming here and sharing.

Some people around here need to give their attitude a tune up.

Why are you here? To share bad feelings? If so, why? What does it do for you to make other people feel bad? If there is ANY benefit to being mean, how long does that feeling last? Is it truly rewarding? Does it make you feel content? That fleeting little endorphin rush from being able to let loose with your anger. Does that really do any good? Maybe you should just stop and think about the big picture of what you are doing.

Maybe you need to examine just why you act mean. What are you trying to accomplish? Sounds like a cry for help from a messed up mind to me.

The we/they thing is real strong here. WE are the good guys; and THEY are the bad guys. We have to fight the bad guys so our goodness can reign. Right? Is that it?

Well if that's the motivation then the next logical question is if you are the good guys, how does being mean make you good?

Mean people suck. No part of being good involves being mean. Being mean is being bad. Be good. Be nice!

Don't be mean.

Respect other people as you would like to be respected yourself.

It's the golden rule.

And it makes sense.

For the good of humankind.

Being nice is the right thing to do.
The Trump message has been the opposite of what you are saying. He revels in lies, bullying, insults and bad manners whether he's doing a political rally or conducting foreign diplomacy and insulting our allies.

He sure has supercharged the knuckle-draggers ...
My Grandmother always said, treat people as you would want to be treated ...

My Mother always say, it doesn't cost you anything to be nice to people.

My Father says ... the first one is Free.

I'm with Dad
Hello kudzu,

The Trump message has been the opposite of what you are saying. He revels in lies, bullying, insults and bad manners whether he's doing a political rally or conducting foreign diplomacy and insulting our allies.

So true.

He sure has supercharged the knuckle-draggers ...

No problem. Apes don't vote. There are some humans whose arms are longer than their legs, but that is usually a result of war. And I am not convinced they all vote the same way. There is an organization called 'Veterans For Peace.'

Maybe it would be nicer to simply refer to the other side as the other side. We don't have to use emotionally-charged labels. Especially if it's just a habit. That would be a mean habit. Actually, if we refrain from using derogatory we/they labels, people are more likely to pay attention to the context of what we are saying, rather than become fixated on the labels, and thus motivated to use a few of their own. And then, what kind of conversation is being had? Anything meaningful? Or is it becoming MEANingful.

If we leave out the mean labels, then the focus becomes on what is being said, not how it is being said.
I try, but sometimes I fall short. It’s why I have people on ignore because I know engaging them will result in my lowering myself to their level. I don’t want to do that, so best to just ignore them.
Because meanness is contagious!

When you're mean to somebody, it makes them feel bad. When people feel bad, they tend to be mean to somebody else.

If you're mean to somebody, they are very likely to go and be mean to somebody else.

And around and around it goes, feeling bad, being mean, until most people think: 'That's just the way it is.'

But it doesn't have to be that way. And it shouldn't. Why are we letting mean people set the tone? We don't have to.

Part of the problem with internet posting is you don't get to look people in the eye. There's no expression. Nothing about the way you say something. You don't get to add a smile or a look.

It's all about what is written. The written word conveys it all. Nothing is softened with a smile, a wink or a glint in the eye. The written word is the only thing there, so the written word carries more weight than the spoken word. Everything is about what is written. Mean words become meaner.

Your words carry more weight here. Mean words hit harder. We have to be more careful. It's a big responsibility, taking care of other people's feelings. And it's important. What goes around comes around.

If we really want to help our nation, work out issues, solve problems, share information, communicate effectively, cause people to ponder our own creative ideas; we need to be nicer.

Mean words cause many to simply stay away from this site. Others may return, but use the Ignore Feature. The fact that mean words cause so many to stop or reduce their participation tells us the effect. The consequences of using mean words result in people not talking. And not listening, not communicating. Did we come here to participate in communication or shut it down?

We came here to talk about politics, talk about the business of our nation; learn, share, understand.

All of that is impacted by being mean. Impacted negatively. It hurts. Yes, mean words hurt people, hurt conversations, hurt good communication.

Nice people are driven away. This becomes a place for mean people and mean conversations. And that is exactly what we see, what others see, what turns off people who wander in here, sends them away, keeps this place limited; held back; less than it can be.

Most people don't want to talk about politics. We are unusual. We are willing to come here and talk about politics. That makes us special, rare. We all know people in real life that we can't talk politics with. We save our comments and bring them here because political comments are welcome here. We are the ones who care enough about what is going on in our country to come here and talk about it all. That makes it even more important that our conversations accomplish something beneficial. Being mean, turning people off, driving away positive contributions to the conversations is counteractive to helping our nation.

Standard anti-troll thread thief disclaimer:

If we care so much about what is going on in our country to come here and discuss politics, why do we allow ourselves to be so mean that it shuts down good discussions and instead turns into stupid flame wars with strangers over the internet? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

And helping our nation improve is why we are all here. We can all think of ideas to help our nation. We come here to share them, talk about what we can do.

Being mean undoes the good we accomplish by coming here and sharing.

Some people around here need to give their attitude a tune up.

Why are you here? To share bad feelings? If so, why? What does it do for you to make other people feel bad? If there is ANY benefit to being mean, how long does that feeling last? Is it truly rewarding? Does it make you feel content? That fleeting little endorphin rush from being able to let loose with your anger. Does that really do any good? Maybe you should just stop and think about the big picture of what you are doing.

Maybe you need to examine just why you act mean. What are you trying to accomplish? Sounds like a cry for help from a messed up mind to me.

The we/they thing is real strong here. WE are the good guys; and THEY are the bad guys. We have to fight the bad guys so our goodness can reign. Right? Is that it?

Well if that's the motivation then the next logical question is if you are the good guys, how does being mean make you good?

Mean people suck. No part of being good involves being mean. Being mean is being bad. Be good. Be nice!

Don't be mean.

Respect other people as you would like to be respected yourself.

It's the golden rule.

And it makes sense.

For the good of humankind.

Being nice is the right thing to do.

One of the reasons the liberals of America allowed the word "liberal" to become a slur...

...is because they bought into that "being nice is the right thing to do."

People like Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell count on liberals thinking that "being nice is the right thing to do." They use it like a sledge hammer to beat liberals...or other people foolish enough to buy into it. "Buying into it" is the equivalent of bringing a baseball bat to a gun fight.

Anyway...because of "being nice is the right thing to do"...we have American conservatives bragging to their voters that "I am more conservative than my opponent."

How often do you hear a politician bragging about how liberal he/she is?
One of the reasons the liberals of America allowed the word "liberal" to become a slur...

...is because they bought into that "being nice is the right thing to do."

People like Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell count on liberals thinking that "being nice is the right thing to do." They use it like a sledge hammer to beat liberals...or other people foolish enough to buy into it. "Buying into it" is the equivalent of bringing a baseball bat to a gun fight.

Anyway...because of "being nice is the right thing to do"...we have American conservatives bragging to their voters that "I am more conservative than my opponent."

How often do you hear a politician bragging about how liberal he/she is?

Look at this board, do you think anything is accomplished by the amount of name calling and screaming that goes on between posters other than maybe making the poster feel good about themselves?
Look at this board, do you think anything is accomplished by the amount of name calling and screaming that goes on between posters other than maybe making the poster feel good about themselves?

No I do not.

I think it is destructive.


Anyone here in this site for intelligent, reasoned, nuanced, polite discussion of politics or international affairs...is kidding him/herself.

There are sites for that. Lots of them.

THIS is not one of them.
No I do not.

I think it is destructive.


Anyone here in this site for intelligent, reasoned, nuanced, polite discussion of politics or international affairs...is kidding him/herself.

There are sites for that. Lots of them.

THIS is not one of them.

What sites are those?

All we can control is ourselves. We can't complain about others acting a certain way if we do the same.
Hi Frank,

One of the reasons the liberals of America allowed the word "liberal" to become a slur...

...is because they bought into that "being nice is the right thing to do."

People like Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell count on liberals thinking that "being nice is the right thing to do." They use it like a sledge hammer to beat liberals...or other people foolish enough to buy into it. "Buying into it" is the equivalent of bringing a baseball bat to a gun fight.

Anyway...because of "being nice is the right thing to do"...we have American conservatives bragging to their voters that "I am more conservative than my opponent."

How often do you hear a politician bragging about how liberal he/she is?

Do you believe that by breaking the Michelle Rule it is going to change that?

You think if we go low because they went low this is somehow going to stop them from going low?


When they go low, we go high.
What sites are those?

Look around, CA. They are there. Google "Political Discussion forums."

All we can control is ourselves.



We can't complain about others acting a certain way if we do the same.

Which is why I do not do it.

There is an ethos here that tends to insults and slurs.

In the current political environment...I think it is the ethos of those with whom I am in disagreement.

If they are fighting with cannons...makes no sense to battle back with peashooters.
Look around, CA. They are there. Google "Political Discussion forums."



Which is why I do not do it.

There is an ethos here that tends to insults and slurs.

In the current political environment...I think it is the ethos of those with whom I am in disagreement.

If they are fighting with cannons...makes no sense to battle back with peashooters.

Any political chat board I've been on has been just like this one.

While this board has gone to hell compared to what it was a decade ago today's rhetoric is no different than yesterday's rhetoric, last year's rhetoric or last decade's rhetoric. You're making an excuse for your own behavior. Just because someone else acts a certain way doesn't mean you have to. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
Hi Frank,

Do you believe that by breaking the Michelle Rule it is going to change that?

I do not do "believing."

If you are asking me if I prefer the Michelle Obama Rule about "If they go low, we go high"...I MOST ASSUREDLY AND TOTALLY DO NOT.

It is recipe for loss. Better to simply throw up one's arms and say, "I surrender."

You think if we go low because they went low this is somehow going to stop them from going low?

Not at all. I have never suggested that.

I think if they go low...and "we" go high..."we" are setting ourselves up for self-destruction.

Just like in this forum.

You now have a list of people on IGNORE that you cannot combat.

So you see that as a significant way stop them from going low???

As I see it...they are going to go low...ALWAYS.

We have got to fight them where they are...or they win by default.


When they go low, we go high.

Okay...I see you are going to do that.

Good luck with it.

I'll not join you on what I consider "that train to helping the enemy defeat you."
Any political chat board I've been on has been just like this one.

While this board has gone to hell compared to what it was a decade ago today's rhetoric is no different than yesterday's rhetoric, last year's rhetoric or last decade's rhetoric. You're making an excuse for your own behavior. Just because someone else acts a certain way doesn't mean you have to. You are part of the problem, not the solution.

Read through your own posts.
Any political chat board I've been on has been just like this one.

Okay...go over to Able2Know...and discuss politics. Be sure to use, "You are a lying, cock-sucking mother-fucker" while you are there.

See if it works out "just like this one."

Try it at PoliticForum.com.

Try it at Debate Politics.com.

While this board has gone to hell compared to what it was a decade ago today's rhetoric is no different than yesterday's rhetoric, last year's rhetoric or last decade's rhetoric.

I do not think the rhetoric has "gone to hell."

I think it accurately reflects what is happening in our nation right now.

You're making an excuse for your own behavior.

Just because someone else acts a certain way doesn't mean you have to. You are part of the problem, not the solution.

Fuck you and all your sanctimonious bullshit.
Hello Loving91390,

Are you kidding ? There is no " cordial " in this angry black man forum !

Baloney. You're not looking hard enough. It's there.

Whether you choose to overlook polite posting and pretend it doesn't exist or not doesn't mean it isn't there.

It is.
In my opinion, the same rules of social etiquette apply whether words are coming out of your mouth, or being typed by one's fingers on a keyboard.

Plenty of message board dupes will call someone names and pejoratives, will attempt to dehumanize others, and will relentlessly gossip like schoolgirls behind someone's back.

But they do not actually do that in real life to someone's face.

That is the definition of cowardice - it is basically the domain of man-babies and sociopaths.
Okay...go over to Able2Know...and discuss politics. Be sure to use, "You are a lying, cock-sucking mother-fucker" while you are there.

See if it works out "just like this one."

Try it at PoliticForum.com.

Try it at Debate Politics.com.

I do not think the rhetoric has "gone to hell."

I think it accurately reflects what is happening in our nation right now.

Fuck you and all your sanctimonious bullshit.

Not sanctimonious at all, I contribute to the poor environment here. I'm not above anything or better than anyone else. I need to work on myself. Ultimately it's about being a man and taking responsibility for your own actions.
In my opinion, the same rules of social etiquette apply whether words are coming out of your mouth, or being typed by one's fingers on a keyboard.

Plenty of message board dupes will call someone names and pejoratives, will attempt to dehumanize others, and will relentlessly gossip like schoolgirls behind someone's back.

But they do not actually do that in real life to someone's face.

That is the definition of cowardice - it is basically the domain of man-babies and sociopaths.

If I am in conversations like the ones that regularly take place here...

...I speak the same way I am being spoken to.

The entire of the politeness nonsense is way over-done. I defy anyone to establish reasonably that a polite conversation here in this forum changes minds with any greater efficacy than the standard "kick 'em in the balls" methods.

If one is looking for a clean, fresh air environment...one does not look for it at one of the Chicago slaughter houses...or at a pig farm in Arkansas. If one is looking for a pastoral picnic site...one does not look in the slums of a major city.

Anyone looking for polite, reasonable, logical political discourse...and has chosen THIS PLACE to look for it...
...is playing with him/herself.

Think about it.

You will see that I am correct on this point.