polite isn't the correct word. People can be passionate about their ideas and beliefs while still expressing them without constant cussing and name calling.
I was nice as hell when you first met me
I avoided cuss words and was very sweet
Then I realized after a few years that it was USED against me
people would actually target me with HORRIBLE names and threats
I went
well Hell I can outdo their lame insults
I can show them I fear none of it
I can treat them like I did the drug dealers I stood face to face to with in real life and backed down.
invective has always been funny to me
I have ALWAYS used it around friends and cracked them up.
guess what?
male posters don't try to scare me anymore
they know I can outdo them
I have even backed them off other female posters
you want me to stop calling you names ?]
stop telling and embracing lies