Why I've stopped caring

This is why it’s hopeless. A guy who thinks he knows more about the economy than an economist. Inflation is everywhere. Did Biden cause it in Europe too?

Our experts are the ones who got into this shit show, and they lie to us constantly.
This is why it’s hopeless. A guy who thinks he knows more about the economy than an economist. Inflation is everywhere. Did Biden cause it in Europe too?
You don't think handing out free money causes inflation? Extension of the CARES Act was just plain dumb.
You don't think handing out free money causes inflation? Extension of the CARES Act was just plain dumb.

Potentially a small amount. That is not at all what’s driving inflation. You’ve got some free time. Take an Econ class. And please do tell why free money has driven the price of used cars up about 40%. This should be fun.
That free CARES money was a joke the crap that $billions (trillions?) paid for that had absolutely nothing to do with covid. Nothing.

Hopelessly ignorant statement. Exactly how would you have restarted gdp growth genius? Harry Potters magic wand?
Trump was an overreaction to Obama.
Dims overreacted to MAGA.
I see republicans already overreacting to Brandon a bit with their losing stance against Roe v Wade. Not enough to hurt them in the midterms since dims have completely fucked up everything in site in less than two years. But the bloodbath will be so great I'm afraid the far right will see it as a mandate for their brand of extremism rather than seeing it for what it is and that's a complete repudiation of democrats.

You've proved OP's point already with that "Brandon" silliness.
You don't think handing out free money causes inflation? Extension of the CARES Act was just plain dumb.

Let’s try it one more time, we are experiencing a demand pull inflation, too much money in circulation chasing too few goods. How did it come about: tax cuts, Covid relief packages by previous Administrations, international events, easing production, all compounded by a Covid reality rising and falling. No matter who was elected in 2020 it was next to inevitable, and will get worse due to China’s current difficulties

And you people crack up anyone, what do you think Biden or any President can do today to end inflation tomorrow? Ain’t no pipeline nor drilling that can do that, in fact, the Fed has more influence than the White House or Congress
In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President. This appears to be inevitable, and I have simply stopped caring. I'm an older white rich male. Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all. however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people. Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders. I'm done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It won't happen. Republicans are spineless worms. Sadly, so are Democrats. Let's sum up:

We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster. McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022. As a result, voting will no longer matter. State Legislatures will decide who is President. They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.

We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.

Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.

And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence th :at Trump committed multiple crimes, everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes. I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves. Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks. Make up phony claims about election fraud. Have at it. I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.

:evilnod: :magagrin:
So you're saying the country was racist in 2016 but not in 2008 or 2012? Yeah, sure. You're making excuses. You forget that Obama was not very popular while president , his approval ratings only went up when the two most hated people in the entire country ran against each other.
Demographic realities? I thought whites becoming a minority was going to keep dims in control for centuries. But never underestimate any political party going too far with their agenda to piss off any demographic. Dims have lost Hispanics, and more and more republican blacks are in congressional seats. which can only attract more blacks to the red team. Yes, the Nov. midterms will be historic and a reality. Totally avoidable. We're still seeing the effects of paying people more to stay home than to work which not only created underemployment but rampant inflation. Germany, BTW, isn't having the same underemployment that we have. They handled the lockdowns far better. I can explain if you want. Agree with you on that. I'm already sweating the possibility that Palin will win the congressional seat vacated by Don Young.

Don’t respond to attacks on phrases, strategy most quit in high school
In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President. This appears to be inevitable, and I have simply stopped caring. I'm an older white rich male. Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all. however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people. Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders. I'm done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It won't happen. Republicans are spineless worms. Sadly, so are Democrats. Let's sum up:

We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster. McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022. As a result, voting will no longer matter. State Legislatures will decide who is President. They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.

We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.

Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.

And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump committed multiple crimes, everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes. I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves. Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks. Make up phony claims about election fraud. Have at it. I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.
I appreciate the sentiment. It's hard to not only care, but turn on the t.v..

I break from your description though. To be clear...everything you denounce about Democrats falls into the lap of Manchin/Sinema. Not 'Democrats'.

Democrats never had a majority in the Senate, despite the hoopla and celebration on Jan 5.. Manchin was never a Democrat. Sinema is a whore for Big Pharma.

You live in a shit hole state. I live in NY, so when Republicans take over, it won't affect me one iota.

Disagree about trump. He isn't running.
Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.

This also does nothing to change my life. But...I am happy that those who will be affected most by this Supreme Court, are the very morons that refused to bother to vote in '16, despite being warned that that SC was at stake.

Let them now wallow in the shit that they created.
Potentially a small amount. That is not at all what’s driving inflation. You’ve got some free time. Take an Econ class. And please do tell why free money has driven the price of used cars up about 40%. This should be fun.
These fools will not admit that the supply chain/inflation issues began the moment trump put tariffs on all of our former trade partners.

Of course, they all have selective memories. How soon they forget that appliances were not available for six months at a time even before Covid. Prices soared due to low inventory. I still can't get some plastic plumbing supplies for the same reason.

If not for Covid shutting down the world's economy, this inflation would have come to fruition in '20.
Since Russians have a deep and intense history of dealing with adversity and totalitarianism, I frequently find it inspiring to read the insights of Russian liberals. I get a lot of perspective from people who are used to dealing with way more adversity than I ever have. Russian liberals are very philosophical, and even religious about how to cope with adversity and facsism

Putin's Russia -- Posted in Moscow, 18 April 2022

We are in the worst form of injury - it is lasting and it's duration is completely uncertain. One cannot calculate it's strength in advance. There is no consensus in the community that what happened to us is monstrous and abnormal. This type of trauma is most crippling because you can't talk about your pain, you can't complain and have public support. It's impossible to stand up and run after this injury.

Let us hold onto memories of a past, normal life. Because trauma casts a shadow on the past trying to destroy it. But it was real , and the 'real life' - it is as it was then, but not at all what it is now. And there will be a time when new events, new achievements - give birth, planted, built - will overlap past traumatic events and begin to rewrite the plot. We will no longer be "the people at war" we will be someone else.

What we are seeing is not the manifestation of world evil. No satanic abyss in the human soul. We can always recognize the devil by his tail and claws. All this is done at the hands of functionaries, officials. Yes, people have disconnected themselves from reality. Lack of a system of restraints and balances, concentration of power in one hand, lack of electoral rotation, destruction of independent expertise - all of this led to the bureaucracy which went the wrong way.

This is not what you may want to hear: but human evil is corrected by tiny, tedious baby steps. The legal ones. In personnel. Educational. Don't romanticize evil. We'll have to fix it, and it's going to be a long, hard time.

The level of violence and crime has really decreased in our society, and the younger generations have different values. The future is coming along. Imperial nostalgia is a thing of the past. Now imagine the older generation. You can feel the sands of time slipping through your fingers. You are the last defenders of the fortress. Those following behind you are not acceptable to you. It is impossible to come to terms that it is time for you to leave and for them to bloom. But time is unstoppable and life will win.

you're a sicko.

Pretending You Don’t Care Won’t Keep You From Getting Hurt.

This is a defense mechanism because the mid terms are coming fast, and you don't want to be hurt, but will be hurt.

Actually *I* won't be hurt at all. But the country will be. But that's okay with the Reichwingers as long as they get their chosen despots in office.
And you people crack up anyone, what do you think Biden or any President can do today to end inflation tomorrow?
Not much the dye's been cast. And yes by all those things you mentioned and more. Why did Brandon extend the student loan repayment pause when unemployment is so low, in fact there's underemployment? Makes no sense. Because of COVID? Well apparently there's no covid at the border anymore. He cancels Title 42 May 23 and opens up the floodgates.
Ain’t no pipeline nor drilling that can do that,
Nope, too late for that.