Why Joe, not Bernie


Let's go Brandon!
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.
So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.
This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

So after about 40 years how goes those Fourth Reich Nazi economics problems of cross conditioned way beyond therapy politics in this Christian Nation with SCOTUS making a nuclear Rosenberg decision against Israel with Einstein's interpretation within the laws of nature & nature's God of time travel to achieve the same result as thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists lynching enforcement under color of law one nation under God with equal justice under law to prove Jesus the Christ existed….
So after about 40 years how goes those Fourth Reich Nazi economics problems of cross conditioned way beyond therapy politics in this Christian Nation with SCOTUS making a nuclear Rosenberg decision against Israel with Einstein's interpretation within the laws of nature & nature's God of time travel to achieve the same result as thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists lynching enforcement under color of law one nation under God with equal justice under law to prove Jesus the Christ existed….

The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

The DNC does not want Bernie to have the nomination. There is a difference between a Bernie Sanders that calls himself a Democrat with socialist ideas and a Bernie Sanders that is a self proclaimed socialist. They like his ideas but don't want the label.
That's another point. Bernie would get one or two states, furthering the destruction of the DNC. Joe will get a lot more but still lose, and lend the appearance that they are not a lost cause.

Bernie would get more than a few electoral votes, though. He would likely win California and NY but that wouldn't be representative of how the country as a whole feels about him. The only reason he'd get that many is because those two states, alone, provide 1/3 of the 270 total someone needs to win. It's one of the primary reasons the founders opposed a direct election for President. As it currently stands, someone could win the 14 largest states in the country by one popular vote and, under the winner take all system those 14 states have, be the President without getting a single vote in any of the other 36 States or D.C.
Bernie would get more than a few electoral votes, though. He would likely win California and NY but that wouldn't be representative of how the country as a whole feels about him. The only reason he'd get that many is because those two states, alone, provide 1/3 of the 270 total someone needs to win. It's one of the primary reasons the founders opposed a direct election for President. As it currently stands, someone could win the 14 largest states in the country by one popular vote and, under the winner take all system those 14 states have, be the President without getting a single vote in any of the other 36 States or D.C.

He'd get MA and VT as well. I don't think he could get NY.
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

Bernie isn't a Democrat
Many Dems have decided that Bernie's social programs will be tough to back in states that have rightys programmed by Fox Gnus and Infowars. There are lots of people repulsed by Trump's insanity but they may not change for Bernie. Step one is to win.
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

:thumbsup: I am not sure Biden wouldn't destroy it as well though. ;)
So after about 40 years how goes those Fourth Reich Nazi economics ….blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

And you wonder why you get called a moron? :laugh:
Many Dems have decided that Bernie's social programs will be tough to back in states that have rightys programmed by Fox Gnus and Infowars. There are lots of people repulsed by Trump's insanity but they may not change for Bernie. Step one is to win.

Bernie creates much more excitement in the Party of the Jackass devotees. Look at his crowds versus the handful that give a shit about Biden. ;)