Why Joe, not Bernie

He'd get MA and VT as well. I don't think he could get NY.

There are lots of AOC types in NY to which handouts and other people's money is appealing.

NY 13 27.9% use of food stamps Democrat Majority-Minority
NY 15 44.9% use of food stamps Democrat Majority-Minority
NY 7 24.8% use of food stamps Democrat Majority-Minority
NY 8 24.8% use of food stamps Democrat Majority-Minority
NY 9 20.9% use of food stamps Democrat Majority-Minority

AOC's 14th has less reliance on food stamps and they elected someone offering them loads of someone else's money
Many Dems have decided that Bernie's social programs will be tough to back in states that have rightys programmed by Fox Gnus and Infowars. There are lots of people repulsed by Trump's insanity but they may not change for Bernie. Step one is to win.

Very good assessment. The tRump "nazi's" incorrectly assume that 2020 will mirror 2016. Not likely at all. Even if the Sanders crowd feels disenchanted, they likely will not stay home this time. The stakes are simply too high.
And you wonder why you get called a moron? :laugh:

Not at all since this cognitive dissonance of those cross conditioned way beyond therapy won't accept one nation under God, Bernie, Israel, Einstein's time travel theories, nor Jews that fail to accept the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception while resorting to their typical suicidal Christiananality pedophilia homicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming responses.
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

It's true. Hopefully when the Boomers are no longer in control of the DNC, we can have a real Social Democracy revolution.
Not at all since this cognitive dissonance of those cross conditioned way beyond therapy won't accept one nation under God, Bernie, Israel, Einstein's time travel theories, nor Jews that fail to accept the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception while resorting to their typical suicidal Christiananality pedophilia homicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming responses.

What a massive pile of illiterate word bile. :rolleyes:
I'n my opinion neither of them stand a chance anyway ...

Both of them are picked to win over the dumbshit and we just had record turnout across the country by the democrats. Trump hasn't gained any followers and he lost the popular vote last time even after so many stayed home because they didn't like Hillary. That won't happen again and I'd say either Bernie or Joe will crush the dumbshit.
Whatever. Joe and the Democrats are going to run the boards this fall.

I'd say that's entirely possible. Although some of the southern states full of ignorant rednecks may go his way he certainly won't realize the rust belt states and without them he is toast. He won't win a single state that he lost last time and he will lose plenty that he won.
That's another point. Bernie would get one or two states, furthering the destruction of the DNC. Joe will get a lot more but still lose, and lend the appearance that they are not a lost cause.

It doesn't make any difference if Bernie or Joe win the nomination the dumbshit is going down. I don't know a single person who wants one but won't hesitate to vote for the other. They just want to be rid of the dumbshit.
The DNC does not want Bernie to have the nomination. There is a difference between a Bernie Sanders that calls himself a Democrat with socialist ideas and a Bernie Sanders that is a self proclaimed socialist. They like his ideas but don't want the label.

Plenty of democrats don't want Bernie to have the nomination, saying the DNC does not want him is only because they believe Biden has a better chance of beating the dumbshit. What the fuck is wrong with that? Isn't that what the fuck they are supposed to be doing?